NRCS Applauds Earth Team Volunteers During National Volunteer Week

Fred Jacobs (202) 720-4772

WASHINGTON, April 22, 2005—President George W. Bush designated April 17–23 as 2005 National Volunteer Week. On the heels of the President’s proclamation, the U.S. Department of Agriculture Natural Resources Conservation Service congratulates and commends volunteers across the country who give their time and skill to improve, protect and conserve our natural resources. Last year more than 40,000 NRCS Earth Team volunteers contributed nearly one million hours to conservation.

The President’s National Volunteer Week proclamation states: “Our Nation’s volunteers inspire us with their dedication, commitment, and efforts to build a more hopeful country for our citizens… I call upon all Americans to recognize and celebrate the important work that volunteers do everyday across our country.”

“The Earth Team is a shining contribution to President Bush’s initiative to engage all Americans in volunteer service. Last year Earth Team volunteers provided nearly $17 million in conservation services nationwide,” NRCS Chief Bruce Knight said.

Earth Team volunteers contribute to conservation of the nation’s natural resources by restoring wetlands, clearing trails, leading nature walks, staffing information booths, removing litter, planting trees along ponds and streambanks to control erosion, as well as engaging in countless other conservation activities on private lands.

In addition to celebrating volunteerism during National Volunteer Week, this year marks the 70th anniversary of NRCS and the 20th anniversary of the Earth Team. To volunteer for the Earth Team, contact your local NRCS office that can be found at or in the telephone book under Federal Government, U.S. Department of Agriculture.

Additional information on NRCS conservation programs and the Earth Team is available at


The Natural Resources Conservation Service provides leadership in a partnership effort to help people
conserve, maintain, and improve our natural resources and environment.

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