Small Shrubs (2 to 5 feet)
Botanical Name and Common NameWater Use ZoneNC Hardiness Zone TextureFormNormal HeightGrowth RateGroupExposure
Dwarf Aucuba
1,2,36b to 8Coarse Oval3-4 ftSlow EvergreenShade/Semi-Shade
Azaleas, Hybrids1, 26b to 8FineUpright 3-5 ftSlow to MediumEvergreenSemi-Shade
Berberis thunbergii
Japanese Barberry
1,2,36b to 8aMedium Oval3-5 ftMediumEvergreenSun/Semi-Shade
Buxus microphylla
var. jaonica Japanese Boxwood
1,2,37a to 8 FineRounded3-4 ftSlowEvergreenSun/Semi-Shade
Deutzia gracilis
Slender deutsia
1,2,36b to 8aFineMounded 2-4 ftMediumSemi-EvergreenSun/Semi-Shade
Gardenia radicans
Creeping Gardenia
1,27a to 8Fine Spreading2-4 ftSlowEvergreenSemi-Shade
Hydrongea arborescens
'Annabelle' Smooth Hydrangea
1, 26b to 8Coorse Rounded3-5 ftFastSemi-EvergreenSun
Ilex cornuta
'Carissa' Carissa Holly
1,2,36b to 8Medium Rounded3-4 ftSlowEvergreenSun/Semi-Shade
Ilex cornuta
'Rotunda' Dwarf Chinese Holly
1,2,36b to 8Coarse Rounded3-4 ftSlowEvergreenSun/Semi-Shade
Ilex crenata
'Compacta' Compact Holly
1,26b to 7Fine to Medium Rounded3-4 ftMediumEvergreenSun/Semi-Shade
Ilex crenata
'Green Lustre'
1,2,36b to 8aFine to MediumRounded 3-5 ftMediumEvergreenSun/Semi-Shade
Ilex crenata
'Helleri' (Heller) Japanese holly
1,26b to 7Fine Spreading2-3 ftSlowEvergreenSemi-Shade
Ilex cranata
'Hetzi' Hetz Holly
1,26b to 7Fine to Medium Rounded4-5 ftMediumEvergreenSun/Semi-Shade
Ilex vomitoria
'Nana' Dwarf Yaupon Holly
1,2,36b to 8Fine Rounded3-4 ftSlowEvergreenSun/Semi-Shade
Itea virginica
Virginia Sweetspire
1,2,36b to 8bMedium Branching Upright3-5 ftMediumDeciduousSun/Shade
Jaminum floridum
Showy Jasmine
1,2,38MediumUpright3-5 ft MediumEvergreenSun/Semi-Shade
Jasminum nudiflorum
Winter Jasmine
1,2,36b to 8FineMounded Spreading 3-4 ftFastEvergreenSun/Shade
Juniperus davurica
'Expansa' Parsons Juniper
1,2,36b to 8FineSpreading 2 ftMedium to FastConiferSun
Juniperus hoirizontalis
'Plumosa,' Andorra Juniper
1,2,36b to 8Fine Spreading2 ftSlowConiferSun
Kerria japonica
Japanese Kerria
1,2,36b to 8MediumUpright Arching 3-5 ftMediumEvergreenSun
Lonicera pileata
Privet Honeysuckle
1,2,36b to 8aMediumOval 2-3 ftMediumEvergreenSun/Semi-Shade
Nandina domestica
'Harbour Dwarf' or 'Gulf Stream'
1,2,36b to 8FineUpright layered 2-3 ftMediumEvergreenSun/Shade
Pittosporum tobira
'Nana,' Dwarf Pittosporum
1,27b to 8MediumSpreading 3-4 ftMediumEvergreenSun/Semi-Shade
Pyracantha koidzumii
'Santa Cruz'
1,2,37b to 8MediumProstrate Spreading 2-3 ftMediumEvergreenSun
Rhaphiolepis indica
Indian Hawthorne
1,2,37 to 3MediumSpreading 2-4 ftSlowEvergreenSun
Spirea x burmalda
Bumald Spirea
1,2,36b to 8aFineMounded 2-3 ftFastDeciduousSun/Semi-Shade
Spirea nipponica
1,2,36b to 8aFineMounded 3-5 ftFastDeciduousSun/Semi-Shade
Spirea thunbergii
Thunberg Spirea
1,2,36b to 8FineIrregular 3-4 ftMediumDeciduousSun

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