gourmet organic garlic

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Organic Seed Garlic - Boundary Garlic, BC, Canada

Growing organic seed garlic in British Columbia, Canada
Henry touring one of our fields
of organic seed garlic at
Boundary Garlic in Midway, BC

Boundary Garlic specializes in heritage seed garlic which we sell by mail order across Canada. We sell only certified organic seed garlic. Seed garlic is garlic which has been grown with meticulous attention to quality. We have had organic certification since 2004.

My husband Henry and I - I’m Sonia - began growing garlic on the ranch in 1999. The ranch is in the Boundary area in the Southern Interior of British Columbia. In the beginning we started with several heirloom cultivars. These flourished and now we have about seventy-five distinct strains of garlic in the ground at the garlic farm.

Our relationship with garlic is transforming into a conscious partnership. The more carefully we listen, the better we are able to meet the needs of the different garlics and to collaborate with them in their culture and dissemination.

The Canadian climate is particularly well suited to growing true hardneck garlic varieties. We continue to introduce new cultivars and select those which thrive in our cold winters and moderately hot summers. We also have a few softneck garlics and some ‘weakly bolting hardnecks’. For information on the changing face of garlic classification see the article by Bob Anderson on the Garlic Family Tree.

In 2008 there are 46 garlics named in our catalogue. We have for sale a good selection of cultivars from each of the five hardneck varieties: Rocambole, Porcelain, Purple Stripe, Marbled Purple Stripe and Glazed Purple Stripe; from two weakly bolting hardnecks: Asiatic and Turban, and from the softneck variety Artichoke. We should have substantial amounts of the Porcelains: Dan’s Russian, Georgian Fire, Leningrad, Northern Québec, Susan Delafield, Ukrainian Mavniv and Yugoslavian ; the assorted Purple Stripes: Chesnok Red, Metechi, Persian Star and Purple Glazer; and the Rocamboles: Baba Franchuk’s, German Red, Korean Purple, Puslinch, and Spanish Roja, as well as some Artichokes and weakly bolting hardnecks: Sicilian Gold, Sweet Haven, Thai, and Tibetan. In the catalogue there are also smaller quantities of many other strains, many of them new this year. Collectors may enquire about possible surpluses of garlics we are growing that are not in the catalogue.

We have grown many of these strains up from bulbils.This is an excellent way to develop your planting stock. It is economical and in the years it takes for bulbs to reach their full potential the garlic strains adapt to your particular growing conditions. For more information on growing from bulbils go to our bulbils page and for information on availability contact us. For more of Henry's pictures of bulbils and of our experience growing bulbils visit his photo gallery, a work in progress.

Bulbils of the Purple Stripe,
Bulbils of the Porcelain,
Susan Delafield
Bulbils of the Rocambole,
Korean Purple
want to see more pics of bulbils? visit Henry's gallery

Garlic is really easy to grow in the home garden. We have lots of tips for growing our gourmet garlic. If you don’t find the answers to your questions on this website, please feel free to email us for help in producing superlative garlic bulbs that will keep for many months.

What's New?

2009 Catalogue
The 2009 Seed Garlic Catalogue will be online July 1 and we will begin taking orders then for planting in the fall.

Catalogue français
Il y a maintenant une version française de notre catalogue. Le 2009 catalogue est disponible aux pages Web et aussi en format imprimable pdf le debut juillet 2009 quand nous accepterons les commandes qui seront envoyées en septembre 2009.

Order Bulbils in the Spring
We will be taking orders for bulbils in the spring, before we cut the scapes in June.

Info Sheets on Growing Garlic
We have summarized our Growing Garlic web pages onto two printable pages.

Garlic Guru on Growing Garlic
Paul Pospisil's pamphlet on growing garlic is available on this website. Paul is a Master Gardener who has been growing and teaching about garlic since 1990. Visit the Growing Garlic and Harvesting Garlic webpages.

The Garlic News
The Garlic News comes out four times a year. There’s a wealth of garlic tips, reports, marketing ideas and news packed into every issue. Subscription information is available here.

Feature Article
We are delighted to present a fascinating article on True Seeds in Garlic by Dr. Rina Kamenetsky.

Growing organic garlic for seed in BC Boundary Garlic
Box 273 Midway, BC
Canada V0H 1M0
Questions? E-Mail Us