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Students: Programs of Study

Undergraduate Research Initiative

Students and scientists discovering together

The Undergraduate Research Initiative in the College of Agricultural and Environmental Sciences is a program where students benefit directly from attending one of the major land-grant universities in America. Students share in the excitement of research discoveries; work side-by-side with faculty, technicians, and graduate students who are creating new knowledge in agricultural and environmental sciences; and learn valuable research techniques.

A chance for in-depth learning

The Undergraduate Research Initiative allows students to concentrate on a specific topic that they may have been exposed to, either in classes or other studies. Students may study a specific area or delve deeper into an area in which they now have general interest.

When students participate in the Undergraduate Research Initiative, the students work directly with a faculty member in his or her laboratory or field-based research program. The faculty member will work with the student, as both the instructor of the course and, more importantly, the mentor for the student's research experience. One of the best ways to learn about faculty members and their research areas is through departmental undergraduate coordinators.

Faculty gain from your participation in the Undergraduate Research Initiative. In addition to having your help in their research endeavors, faculty can apply for grants up to $1,000. This money can be used to enhance your research experience in their program and otherwise has no restrictions.

Participation in the Undergraduate Research Initiative

For more information about the Undergraduate Research Initiative, contact the Office of Academic Affairs at or stop by 102 Conner Hall, Athens.

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University of Georgia (UGA) College of Agricultural and Environmental Sciences (CAES)