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Business - Human Resources for Employers

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Human Resources for Employers

Hiring Employees:

Job Bank for employers
Manitoba Youth Job Centres
Wage Subsidies
Employment Manitoba:  Offers wage subsidies to employers and assists in the cost of on-the-job training for potential new employees.
market Abilities: Hiring someone with a disability is good business, and that's the bottom line.

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Laws and Regulations related to Employment:

Employment Standards:
Employment Standards fact sheets
What are Employment Standards
Vacations and General holidays
Remembrance Day  
Louis Riel Day

Human Rights:
Prohibited discrimination
Reasonable accommodation
Prohibiting workplace discrimination regarding pregnancy

Workers Compensation:
Registering your business
Filing a claim

Payroll Benefits:
Manitoba Pension Commission
Government sponsored benefit programs
Payroll information

Departing Employees:
Compassionate Care Leave 
Maternity Leave 
Parental Leave 
Labour Adjustment Services: Helps workers and employers manage significant workforce changes.

Labour Relations:
Labour relations and collective bargaining
Conciliation and mediation

Health and Safety:
Workplace, Safety and Health

HR Planning:
Human resources planning overview
Forecasts and trends by occupation
Forecasts and trends by industry
Options for addressing HR issues

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Training Employees:

Industry Training Partnerships: Wise entrepreneurs know the most prudent step toward business success is to surround yourself with good people. Finding and keeping quality employees typically tops the to-do list of every business visionary, so let Industry Training Partnerships (ITP) plug you in to the human resource solutions to your business challenges. Through partnerships with industry associations, employer groups, union and other labour market organizations, we can help you make sure your success is based on the company you keep.

Apprenticeship Programs
Employment Manitoba

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