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Why are riparian areas valuable to agricultural producers, communities & society? Riparian areas provide:

Abundant forage and
improved opportunities for long-term sustainable farms, ranches & communities

A buffer and filter to improve and maintain water quality

A 'sponge' to hold water, improve forage production and provide a drinking supply

Shelter and habitat for livestock and wildlife

The Alberta Riparian Habitat Management Society, more commonly known as 'Cows and Fish':

Strives to foster a better understanding of how improvements in grazing and other management of riparian areas can enhance landscape health and productivity, for the benefit of landowners, agricultural producers, communities and others who use and value riparian areas.

We are available to help landowners, agricultural producers, stewardship groups and communities to:

  • Understand riparian area functions and values
  • Examine and monitor the health of their riparian areas
  • Evaluate and suggest management strategies

Digital Story of the Month

Title:  What's in a Name

Description:  Once you understand something you never look at it the same way. It's no different with plants. A botanist's interest in a plant goes beyond knowing its name to understanding the significance of why a particular plant occurs, where it does and what that says about the history of the landscape in which it is found.


Did You Know? 

  • Riparian areas support 80% of all wildlife in Alberta. 
  • Native bird populations are 2 to 3 times higher in healthy riparian areas than unhealthy ones. 
  Site By Core Creative
© Alberta Riparian Habitat Management Society
