Spotlight is a quarterly announcement of publications, exhibits, presentations, and Web pages that were completed by the NSTC (formerly NARSC) Information and Communications Staff for customers throughout the Bureau.

April, May, June 2005 (3rd Quarter) (pdf)

January, February, March 2005 (2nd Quarter) (pdf)

October, November, December 2004 (1st Quarter) (pdf)

July, August, September 2004 (4th Quarter) (pdf)

April, May, June 2004 (3rd Quarter) (pdf)

January, February, March 2004 (2nd Quarter) (pdf)

October, November, December 2003 (1st Quarter) (pdf)

July, August, September 2003 (4rd Quarter) (pdf)

April, May, June 2003 (3rd Quarter) (pdf)

January, February, March 2003 (2nd Quarter) (pdf)

October, November, December 2002 (1st Quarter) (pdf)

July, August, September 2002 (4th Quarter) (pdf)

April, May, June 2002 (3rd Quarter) (pdf)

January, February, March 2002 (2nd Quarter) (pdf)

Fall 2001 (1st Quarter) (pdf)

Summer 2001 (pdf)

Spring 2001 (pdf)

Winter 2000/2001 (pdf)

Fall 2000 (pdf)

Summer 2000 (html) (pdf)

Spring 2000 (html)

Winter 1999/2000 (html)

Fall 1999 (pdf)

Summer 1999 (html)

Spring 1999 (html)

Winter 1998/1999 (html)

Fall 1998 (html)

Summer 1998 (html)

Spring 1998 (html)

Winter 1997/1998 (html)

Fall 1997 (html)

Summer 1997 (html)

Spring 1997 (html)

Winter 1996/1997 (html)

Content manager - Kathy Rohling -

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