Requesting Assistance

NSTC assistance can be requested at any time. Anyone in BLM can make a request, whether it is for a 5-minute personal consultation or a multiyear team-based effort, simply by calling or sending an e-mail or memo to any NSTC employee.

NSTC also accepts proposals for projects involving scientific investigations and technology applications. Each year, usually in late September or early October, NSTC solicits proposals from BLM offices needing assistance with these types of projects.

Processing Requests

When anyone in NSTC receives a request for assistance, our ability to provide that assistance is assessed. If we cannot provide the requested assistance, the requester is quickly notified. If we can provide the requested assistance, one of our employees is assigned as the NSTC lead on the project. The NSTC lead is the central point of contact for the customer and is accountable for the products and services that we provide. If the project requires a team effort, team members are selected based on who can best provide the requested product or service and meet the customer’s needs. Once this is accomplished, the project is entered into the NSTC database and information about the project, including the name of the NSTC lead, the NSTC team members, NSTC operations costs, and the agreed-upon deliverables, due dates, and customer funding, is then sent to the customer.

Proposals for projects involving scientific investigations and technology applications are handled somewhat differently. The proposals are reviewed by the Science and Technology Project Review Board, which then makes recommendations to the NSTC Director concerning priorities. Once NSTC accepts a proposal, it is processed in the same way as other requests for assistance.


NSTC receives funding to cover our employees’ labor and limited operational expenses. As a result, many of NSTC's products and services can be provided to requesting BLM offices at no cost. However, for projects with expenses beyond those covered by NSTC, additional funding from the requesting office may be required. Occasionally, there are expenses associated with assessing whether NSTC can provide assistance, such as when an NSTC employee must travel to a site, and the requesting office may be required to share in or totally fund such expenses.

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