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Premier's Biography

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Gary Doer
Premier; President of the Executive Council, Minister of Federal-Provincial Relations

On October 5th, 1999, Gary Doer became Manitoba’s 20th Premier. Since then he has been twice re-elected, and twice have Manitobans increased the number of seats held by his majority government.
Premier Doer has overseen a balanced budget every year since 1999. His prudent approach to managing the Province’s economy has resulted in the lowest debt-to-GDP burden in twenty years, allowing credit agencies, such as Moody’s Investor Services and Dominion Bond Rating Service, to upgrade Manitoba’s credit rating four times.
A key aspect of the Province’s growth is in markets of new and increasing demand. Manitoba is a world leader in the development and exporting of clean, renewable energy, such as hydroelectric, wind, geothermal, ethanol, and biodiesel. In 2005, Premier Doer’s vision and leadership was recognized by Business Week magazine, who named him one of the Top 20 world leaders on climate change and clean energy development.
Premier Doer has ensured, however, that managing the Province’s debt and encouraging Manitoba’s economy has not come at the expense of health and social services. Delivering a better health care system has been the top priority for the Doer government. Manitoba’s health care plan has focused on rebuilding the system through educating and hiring more doctors, nurses and health care professionals, moving ahead with strategic capital projects, and investing in more diagnostic equipment and leading-edge technology.
Premier Doer’s economic strategy is also linked to strong support for education and skills training. A progressive tuition and bursary policy has resulted in enrollment increases of more than 30 per cent at post-secondary institutions, and capital investments have created new college campuses and delivered much needed improvements to existing ones. 
As Manitoba’s growth rate continues to be above the national average, as unemployment and youth unemployment rates continue to be among the lowest in the country, with job creation near doubling, and private investment growth consistently increasing, Premier Doer’s ability to balance economic growth with a principled social agenda and a world renowned environmental program is now more important than ever.

Welcome from Premier Gary Doer
Contact Information
Phone: 204-945-3714
Fax: 204-949-1484

204 Legislative Building
450 Broadway
Winnipeg, MB R3C 0V8

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