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10 ways to access MIT Libraries e-journals from anywhere: MIT Libraries

About Barker: Barker Engineering Library
About the Faculty Book Delivery Pilot Project: MIT Libraries
About the Humanities Library
About Us: MIT Libraries
Acquisitions and Licensing Services (ALS): Library Departments
Activities at the Lewis Music Library
Adaptive Equipment & Software
Add your MIT Thesis to DSpace
Administrative Services: Library Departments
Aeronautics & Astronautics Library
Aeronautics & Astronautics Library News
Aeronautics & Astronautics: new books: MIT Libraries
Aeronautics and Astronautics: Subject Guide
Aeronautics/Astronautics: Research Guide
Aga Khan Visual Archives: Islamic Architecture
Amendment to Publication Agreement
American Architecture: Kidder Smith Slide Archives
Annual Reports of the MIT Libraries
Anthropology & Archeology: Research Guide
Anthropology: Subject Guide
Architectural Photographers, guidelines for: Rotch Visual Collections
Architectural Photography: Rotch Visual Collections
Architecture in Islamic Culture: Subject Guide
Architecture: Research Guides
Architecture: Subject Guide
Archives: Institute Archives & Special Collections
Art, Grove's Dictionary of : Database Cheatsheet
Art: Research Guide
Art: Subject Guide
Ask Us! - email (MIT only)
Ask Us!: MIT Libraries
Astronomy, Astrophysics, & Planetary Science: Research Guide
Astrophysics: Subject Guide
Atmospheric Sciences & Oceanography: Research Guide
Atmospheric Sciences: Subject Guide


Barker Engineering Library
Barker Media Suite
Barton Tutorial: How to search MIT Libraries' catalog
Barton: Libraries catalog: FAQ: MIT Libraries
Barton: MIT Libraries' Online Catalog
Beilstein CrossFire: Database Cheatsheet
Betas Page
Bibliographic Software at MIT
Bibliographic Software: Zotero
Bibliotech: MIT Libraries' Newsletter
Biography: Research Guide
Bioinformatics: Subject Guide
Biology & Neurosciences: Subject Guide
Biology, Neuroscience & Cognitive Science: Research Guide
Biotechnology and Pharmaceutical Industry: Subject Guide
Biotechnology/Bioengineering: Research Guide
Book Scanners: MIT Libraries
Books, Electronic: Publication Types
Borrowing + Ordering: MIT Libraries
Boston Library Consortium: MIT Libraries
Boston-Area Music: Lewis Music Library
Browser Extensions and Toolbars for Library Research
Browsery: Humanities Library
Business and Industry: Database Cheatsheet


Call Numbers Guides: Lewis Music Library
Catalog of the MIT Libraries: Barton
Cataloging and Metadata Services: Library Departments
CD-ROMs: Lindgren Library
Census Information : Publication Types
Chemical Engineering: Research Guide
Chemistry and Chemical Engineering: Subject Guide
Chemistry: Research Guide
Circulation FAQ: MIT Libraries
Circulation Policies: Lewis Music Library
Circulation Policy: Science Library:
Citing Sources: Style/Usage Manuals
Civil & Environmental Engineering: Research Guide
Civil & Environmental Engineering: Subject Guide
Claiming a Tax Deduction For Your Gift to the MIT Libraries
Classical Studies: Research Guide
Collection Management Services: Library departments
Collection Services: Library departments
Collections Overview: Rotch Visual Collections
Companies: Research Guide
Company Information: International: Subject Guide
Company Information: U.S.: Subject Guide
Computer Science: Research Guide
Computer Science: Subject Guide
Conference & Proceedings: Research Guide
Conferences and Transactions in Engineering & Science
Contact Information: Humanities Library
Contact Information:Lewis Music Library
Contents of the Collection: Lewis Music Library
Copyright Amendment Form
Copyright, Managing
Corporate Reports: Publication Types
Country Data & Analysis: Research Guide
Countway Library of Medicine: Access for MIT community members
Course pages by librarians for specific MIT courses
Course Reserves - Faculty: Hayden Circulation Desk
Course Reserves - Electronic
Course reserves - faculty: Rotch Library
Course Reserves - Students: Hayden Circulation Desk
Course reserves - students: Rotch Library
Course Reserves for Faculty: Lewis Music Library
Course Reserves for Students: Lewis Music Library
Course reserves information for faculty: Aeronautics & Astronautics Library
Course reserves information for students: Aeronautics & Astronautics Library
Course Reserves- Faculty: Lindgren Library
Course Reserves- Students: Lindgren Library
Course reserves: Barker Engineering Library
Course reserves: MIT Libraries


Data & GIS Resources: Subject Guide
Data Management and Publishing: Subject Guide
Data Services: Subject Guide
Database Cheatsheets: MIT Libraries
Databases & E-Journals: Vera
Databases by title, A-Z
Departments of the MIT Libraries
Designated Borrower Form (MIT Only): Borrowing + Ordering
Developing Countries: Subject Guide
Dewey Library: Management & Social Sciences
Dictionaries & Encyclopedias: Publication Types
Dictionaries and Encyclopedias: Research Guide
Digital Collections
Digital Collections: MIT Libraries
Digital Library Research Group
Digital Scanning: Document Services
DIRC, the Digital Instruction Resource Center
Director's Office: MIT Libraries
Disabilities, services for persons with
Dissertations/Theses: Research Guide
Document Delivery, Electronic: FAQ: Document Services
Document Services: MIT Libraries
Donations & gifts: MIT Libraries
DSpace: About Dspace
DSpace: Add your MIT Thesis to DSpace
DSpace: FAQ: MIT Libraries
DSpace: Search MIT Research


E-books: Publication Types
E-Books: Research Guide
E-Commerce: Subject Guide
E-Journals & Databases: Vera
E-journals:10 ways to access from anywhere: MIT Libraries
Earth Sciences: Research Guide
Earth Sciences: Subject Guide
Economics: Dewey Library
Economics: Research Guide
Education: Research Guide
Education: Subject Guide
Electrical Engineering: Research Guide
Electronic Course Reserves
Electronic Delivery of MIT Theses: Document Services
Electronic Document Delivery: FAQ: MIT Libraries
Electronic Document Delivery:Document Services: FAQ
Electronically Submitting Theses
Endnote: Using it to Connect to MIT Libraries' Resources: MIT Libraries
Energy: Research Guide
Engineering & Technology: Research Guide
Engineering: Conferences & Transactions
Environment: Research Guide
Environment: Subject Guide
Environmental Engineering: Subject Guide
Equipment: MIT Libraries
Ethernet drops: Using MITnet in the MIT Libraries
Ethnic and Minority Studies: Subject Guide
Ethnic Studies: Research Guide
Exhibits at Rotch Library
Exhibits: MIT Libraries


Facilities & Services: Rotch Visual Collections
Faculty Committee on the Library System Recommends Library Expansion
Faculty Course Reserves Information: Dewey Library
Faculty: FAQ: MIT Libraries
FAQ - list of all FAQs: MIT Libraries
FAQ: Barton: Libraries catalog : MIT Libraries
FAQ: Circulation: MIT Libraries
FAQ: DSpace: MIT Libraries
FAQ: Electronic Document Delivery: MIT Libraries
FAQ: Faculty Book Delivery Pilot Project: MIT Libraries
FAQ: Faculty: MIT Libraries
FAQ: General MIT Libraries Frequently Asked Questions
FAQ: Graduate Student: MIT Libraries
FAQ: Off-campus access to electronic resources: MIT Libraries
FAQ: SFX: MIT Libraries
FAQ: Vera: MIT Libraries
Film Studies: Research Guide
Film, Video and CD-ROM: Subject Guides
Finance & Investment: Research Guide
Financial Data: Subject Guide
Find a non-MIT Thesis: MIT Libraries
Find an MIT Thesis: MIT Libraries
FirstSearch: Database Cheatsheet
Floorplan: Lindgren Library
Foreign Language News and Newspapers: Publication Types
Foreign Languages & Literatures: Research Guide
Foreign Languages & Literature: Subject Guide


General Databases: Research Guide
Geographic Information Systems Laboratory at MIT
Geologic Maps in Lindgren Library
GeoWeb: MIT GIS Services
GIS Laboratory at MIT
GIS, Maps & Mapping: Research Guide
Giving Opportunities
Gmelin CrossFire: Database Cheatsheet
Google Scholar: Help Yourself
Government Information : Subject Guide
Graduate Student Library Services
Grove's Dictionary of Art: Database Cheatsheet


Harvard Libraries: Access for MIT community members
HASS Committee on the Humanities Library Final Report
Hayden Circulation: circulation desk for Humanities & Science Libraries
Help with Access to Resources - MIT only
Help Yourself: MIT Libraries
History: Research Guide
History: Subject Guide
Hot Topics: MIT Libraries
Hours: MIT Libraries
Housing: Research Guide
Housing: Subject Guide
Humanities (General): Research Guide
Humanities Library
Humanities Library Final Report: MIT HASS Committee


Image Collections on the Internet: Rotch Visual Collections
Imaging Services: MIT Libraries
Independent Libraries & Reading Rooms at MIT
Industrial Relations Collection: Dewey Library
Industries: Research Guide
Information Intersection - Stata Center
Information Navigator
Institute Archives & Special Collections
Instruction: MIT Libraries
Interlibrary Borrowing (ILB) Book Request (MIT only)
Interlibrary Borrowing (ILB) Journal Request (MIT only)
Interlibrary Borrowing: MIT Libraries
International Development Design Summit: Research Guide
Inventions of Note Sheet Music Collection: Lewis Music Library
Islamic Architecture: Aga Khan Visual Archives
Islamic Architecture: Research Guide
Islamic Architecture: Subject Guide
Islamic Architecture: Visual Resources


Jobs for students in the MIT Libraries
Jobs: MIT Libraries
Journal Articles: Document Services
Journal Subscriptions: Lindgren Library
Journal Subscriptions: Science Library


Kidder Smith Slide Archives on American Architecture


Laptops Available For Use
Laptops: Connecting to the MIT network
Law: Dewey Library
Law: Research Guide
Lewis Music Library: MIT Libraries
Libraries at MIT
Library and Information Science: Research Guide
Library and Information Science: Subject Guide
Library Catalogs: Research Guide
Library Expansion Recommended
Library Facilities: Lewis Music Library
Library of Congress Call Numbers
Library Services for MIT Alumni/ae: MIT Libr...
Library Storage Annex Request Form: MIT Libraries
Library Storage Annex: MIT Libraries
Lindgren Library: Earth, Atmospheric & Planetary Sciences
Linguistics: Research Guide
Linguistics: Subject Guide
Linking FAQ
Linking to articles online: Information for MIT Faculty
Linking to ProQuest Titles (Certificates required)
Literature: Subject Guide
Literatures (English and American): Research Guide
Loans to non-MIT institutions - ILL: MIT Libraries
Location of Material in Dewey Library


Making Google Scholar Work for You
Management: Research Guide
Managing Your Copyrights
Maps of the MIT Libraries
Maps- Urban Studies: Publication Types
Maps: Geologic: Lindgren Library
Maps: Topographic: Lindgren Library
Market Research: Do-It-Yourself: Research Guide
Market Research: Research Guide
Market Research: Subject Guide
Marketing: Subject Guide
Materials Science & Engineering: Research Guide
Materials Science and Engineering: Subject Guide
Mathematics and Applied Mathematics: Subject Guide
Mathematics: Research Guide
Mechanical Engineering: Research Guide
Mechanical Engineering: Subject Guide
Media Studies: Research Guide
Media Studies: Subject Guide
Media Suite: Barker Engineering Library
Media: Film, Video and CD-ROM: Subject Guide
Medicine: Research Guide
Medicine: Subject Guide
Mellon Foundation Grant for Archiving Dynamic E-Journals
Metadata Reference Guide
Metadata Services
Mission of the MIT Libraries
MIT Buildings: Research Guide
MIT GeoWeb
MIT Libraries - home page
MIT Libraries' Newsletter: Bibliotech
MIT Manuscript Collections: Publication Types
MIT Masters and Doctoral Theses: Document Services
MIT Official Records: Publication Types
MIT Press
MIT Press out of print books - ordering them
MIT Publications Order Form: Document Services
MIT Rare Books: Publication Types
MIT Technical Reports & Working Papers: Document Services
MIT Theses in DSpace
MIT Theses: Electronic Delivery: Document Services
MIT's WorldCat
MITnet in the MIT Libraries
Music Classification in Lewis Music Library
Music Library: Lewis Music Library
Music: Research Guide
Music: Subject Guide


NASA Reports and AIAA Conference Papers
Neuroscience: Subject Guide
New Books: Aeronautics & Astronautics Library: MIT Libraries
New Books: Lindgren Library
New Books: see Recent Additions to the Collections
New CD-ROMs: Lindgren Library
New items in our collection: MIT Libraries
New Journals: Lindgren Library
New Maps: Lindgren Library
New titles in the Lewis Music Library
News Briefs Archives
News Briefs: MIT Libraries
News: Aeronautics & Astronautics Library: MIT Libraries
News: Barker Engineering Library
News: MIT Libraries
News, Newspapers, and Current Events: Research Guide
News: Science Library
Newspapers, Foreign Language News and: Publication Types
Nobel Prize winners: theses (MIT alumni)
Nuclear Engineering: Subject Guide
Nuclear Science & Engineering: Research Guide


Off-campus access to electronic resources: MIT Libraries
Office of the Director: MIT Libraries
Online Catalog of the MIT Libraries: Barton
Order Journal Articles & Conference Proceedings: Document Services
Order Status Request: Document Services
Ordering MIT Press out of print books: MIT Libraries
Ordering Reports and Papers: Aeronautics & Astronautics Library: MIT Libraries
Ordering, Borrowing + : MIT Libraries
Organization Studies: Research Guide
Organization Studies: Subject Guide
Other Library Catalogs: Lewis Music Library
Outside Users: Library use


Patents: Publication types
Periodicals in the Lewis Music Library
Philosophy: Research Guide
Philosophy: Subject Guide
Photo tour: MIT Libraries
Photocopiers: MIT Libraries
Physics and Astrophysics: Subject Guide
Physics: Research Guide
Planetary Sciences: Subject Guide
Policies for Borrowing: Rotch Visual Collections
Political Science and Government: Subject Guide
Political Science: Dewey Library
Political Science: Research Guide
Preservation Services
Press Releases: MIT Libraries
Pricing information for MIT users: Document Services
Pricing information for non-MIT users: Document Services
Printing from MIT Libraries' E-Journals
Printing in the MIT Libraries: FAQ
Privacy Policy: MIT Libraries
Privilege Cards (P-cards): MIT Libraries
Properties of Materials and Chemicals: Subject Guide
Psychology: Research Guide
Psychology: Subject Guide
PsycInfo: Database Cheatsheet


Questions for Aeronautics and Astronautics Library?
Questions for Barker Engineering Library?
Questions for Dewey Library?
Questions for Document Services?
Questions for Hayden Circulation Desk?
Questions for Lindgren Library?
Questions for Rotch Library?
Questions for Rotch Visual Collections?
Questions for the Humanities Library?
Questions for the Lewis Music Library?
Questions for the Library Storage Annex?
Questions for the Office of the Director?
Questions for the Reserve Book Room?
Questions for the Science Library?


Real Estate: Research Guide
Real Estate: Subject Guide
Recent Additions to the Collections
Reciprocal Faculty Borrowing Program: MIT Libraries
Reference Books: Lindgren Library
Regional Planning and Development: Research Guide
Research Alert/Table of Contents Services
Research Consultation Appointment (MIT only)
Research Guides
Research Help Survey Results
Research Help: MIT Libraries
Reserves Request Form
Reserves: Course reserves information
Resources for Writers: Style/Usage Manuals
Rotch Library: Architecture & Planning
Rotch Visual Collections (RVC)
RSC - see Library Storage Annex
RSS: Recent Additions to the Collections


SAE technical papers
SAE Technical Papers: Research Guide
Scanning books: MIT Libraries
Scanning: Web Courseware: Document Services
Scholarly Communication
Science Library
Science, Technology & Society: Research Guide
Science, Technology & Society: Subject Guide
Science: Conferences & Transactions
Sciences (General): Research Guide
SciFinder Scholar: Database Cheatsheet
SDC Platinum: Database Cheatsheet
Search Our Collections: MIT Libraries
Services for Outside Users
Services for persons with disabilities
SFX: FAQ: MIT Libraries
Sheet Music Collection: Lewis Music Library
Shortcut URL FAQ
Shortcut URLs for MIT Libraries' web pages
Social Science Data Services: Subject Guide
Social Sciences (General): Research Guide
Social Sciences - General: Dewey Library
Sociology: Research Guide
Spectra Resources: Chemistry and Chemical Engineering: Subject Guide
Spotlight: MIT Libraries Receive Mellon Foundation Grant...
Stack Guide: Rotch Library
Stack Guides: Humanities Library
Staff directory: MIT Libraries
Standards Request Form
Standards: Publication Types
Standards: Research Guide
Stata Center - Information Intersection
Statistics: Dewey Library
Student Course Reserves Information: Dewey Library
Student Jobs in the MIT Libraries
Study Spaces in the MIT Libraries
Style/Usage Manuals
Subject + Course Guides: Barker Engineering Library
Subject and Database Guides: Science Library
Subject Areas Collected: Science Library
Subject experts: MIT Libraries
Subject guides by topic: Dewey Library
Subject guides: Humanities Library
Submitting an Electronic Thesis at MIT
Suggested Purchase Form (MIT only)
Suggestion Box: Barker Engineering Library
Suggestion Box: MIT Libraries
Suggestion Box: Rotch Library
Suggestions + Responses: Barker Engineering Library
Suggestions and Responses: Rotch Library
Systems and Technology Services: Departments of the MIT Libraries


Table of Contents/Research Alert Services
Tax Deductions For Your Gift to the MIT Libraries
Tech Cash in the MIT Libraries:FAQ
Technical Reports (MIT)s & Working Papers (MIT): Document Services
Technical Reports: Publication Types
Tell Us
Ten ways to access MIT Libraries e-journals from anywhere: MIT Libraries
Theater Arts: Research Guide
Theses of MIT Alumni Nobel Prize Winners
Theses: Add your MIT Thesis to DSpace
Theses: MIT Libraries
Theses: MIT Masters and Doctoral Theses: Document Services
Theses: MIT Theses in DSpace
Thesis Writer's Toolkit: Research Guide
Toolbars for Library Research, Browser Extensions and
Topographic Maps in Lindgren Library
Trade Statistics: International & U.S.
Transportation: Research Guide


Urban Studies & Planning: Research Guide
Urban Studies & Planning: Subject Guide
Using Endnote to Connect to MIT Libraries' Resources


Vera: Databases + E-journals: MIT Libraries
Vera: FAQ: MIT Libraries
Videotape Bookig Form: Rotch Visual Collections
Virtual Browsery: Humanities Library
Virtual Reference Collection: MIT Libraries
Virtual Tour: Lewis Music Library
Visitors: Services for Outside Users


Web Courseware, Scanning for
Web of Science: Database Cheatsheet
Web site history: MIT Libraries
Web-Docs for MIT users: Document Services
Web-Docs for non-MIT users: Document Services
What's the Score? Index: Lewis Music Library
Women & Gender Studies: Research Guide
Women's Studies: Subject Guide
Womens Studies Research Room: Humanities Library
Working Papers in Dewey Library
WorldCat (MIT)


Your Account: Borrowing + Ordering (MIT and Harvard only)


Z39.50 Connection: MIT Libraries' Catalog
Zotero Bibliographic Software at MIT