Executive Council

Gary Doer   The Honourable Gary Doer
Premier; President of the Executive Council, Minister of Federal-Provincial Relations
Eric Robinson   Honourable Eric Robinson
Acting Minister of Aboriginal and Northern Affairs
Diane McGifford   Honourable Diane McGifford
Minister of Advanced Education and Literacy
Rosann Wowchuk   Honourable Rosann Wowchuk
Minister of Agriculture, Food and Rural Initiatives
Stan Struthers   Honourable Stan Struthers
Minister of Conservation
Eric Robinson   Honourable Eric Robinson
Minister of Culture, Heritage, Tourism and Sport
Peter Bjornson   Honourable Peter Bjornson
Minister of Education, Citizenship and Youth
Gord Mackintosh   Honourable Gord Mackintosh
Minister of Family Services and Housing
Gergory Selinger   Honourable Gregory Selinger
Minister of Finance
Theresa Oswald   Honourable Theresa Oswald
Minister of Health
  Honourable Kerri Irvin-Ross
Minister of Healthy Living
Ron Lemieux   Honourable Ron Lemieux
Minister of Infrastructure and Transportation
Steve Ashton   Honourable Steve Ashton
Minister of Intergovernmental Affairs
Dave Chomiak   Honourable Dave Chomiak
Minister of Justice and Attorney General
Nancy Allan   Honourable Nancy Allan
Minister of Labour and Immigration
Jim Rondeau   Honourable Jim Rondeau
Minister of Science, Technology, Energy and Mines
Christine Melnick   Honourable Christine Melnick
Minister of Water Stewardship
 Andrew Swan  

Honourable Andrew Swan
Minister of Competitiveness, Training and Trade