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Water Resources of the United States

Surface Water Technical Memorandums

  • sw09.05 Publication of the Techniques and Methods Report Book 3-Section A22 “Measuring Discharge with Acoustic Doppler Current Profilers from a Moving Boat” and associated policy and guidance for moving boat discharge measurements
  • sw09.04 Application of FlowTracker firmware and software mounting correction factor for potential bias
  • sw09.03 Selection of basin characteristic and streamflow statistic labels for regionalization studies
  • sw09.02 Release of WinRiver II Software (version 2.04) for Computing Streamflow from Acoustic Doppler Current Profiler Data
  • sw09.01 Review and Correction of the Peak Flow File
  • sw08.04 Availability of the National Streamflow Statistics (NSS) program (version 4.0) and accompanying documentation
  • sw08.03 Hydroacoustics Work Group – Charter, Membership, and Activities
  • sw08.02 Upgrade for Rio Grande/Workhorse Firmware to Address Potential Bias in Discharges Measured Using Water Mode 12
  • sw08.01 Release of WinRiver II Software (version 2.00) for Computing Streamflow from Acoustic Profiler Data
  • sw07.01 SonTek/YSI FlowTracker firmware version 3.10 and software version 2.11 upgrades and additional policy on the use of FlowTrackers for discharge measurements.
  • sw06.05 Approval and Revision of Time-Series Data in ADAPS 4.6
  • sw06.04 Availability of the report “Application of the Loop Method for Correcting Acoustic Doppler Current Profiler Discharge Measurements Biased by Sediment Transport” by David S. Mueller and Chad R. Wagner (Scientific Investigations Report 2006-5079) and guidance on the application of the Loop Method
  • sw06.03 Availability of New Instantaneous Data Archive for Unit-Value Discharge Data
  • sw06.02 Quality-Assurance Plan for Discharge Measurements Using Acoustic Doppler Current Profilers (Scientific Investigations Report 2005-5183)
  • sw06.01 Collection, Quality Assurance, and Presentation of Precipitation Data
  • sw05.09 Classifying Measurement Type in the Automated Data Processing System (ADAPS)
  • sw05.08 Policy and Guidance for Archiving Electronic Discharge Measurement Data
  • sw05.07 Use of the Program HYDRA to Estimate or Modify Unit Values in ADAPS
  • sw05.06 StreamStats Advisory Committee and Water Science Center Requirements for StreamStats Proposal Preparation
  • sw05.05 Guidance on the use of RD Instruments StreamPro Acoustic Doppler Profiler
  • sw05.04 Release of WinRiver Software version 10.06 for Computing Streamflow from Acoustic Profiler Data
  • sw05.03 Interim Plan for Accessing Confined-Space Stilling Wells
  • sw05.02 Requirements for coating lead sounding weights, cleaning and testing potential lead-contaminated areas, and monitoring lead in blood
  • sw05.01 National depot for shift-adjusted ratings
  • sw04.04.pdf Policy on the use of the FlowTracker for discharge measurements
  • sw04.03 Revision of Agreement Forms for Gaging Station Transfers
  • sw04.02 The Graphical Constituent Loading Analysis System (GCLAS) for computing discharges of suspended sediment and other water-quality constituents
  • sw04.01 Water Resources Discipline Policy on Storage and Publication of Fluvial-Sediment Data with Updated Method Codes
  • sw03.08 Agreement Forms for Gaging Station and Observation Well Installations and Transfers
  • sw03.07 Calibration and Quality Assurance of Mag-Head Pygmy Meters
  • sw03.06 Guidance for Bridge Scour Studies
  • sw03.05 Office of Surface Water announces the availability of scripts website
  • sw03.04 Release of WinRiver Software Version 10.05 for Computing Streamflow from Acoustic Profiler Data
  • sw03.03 Availability of Baseplot and Hydcomp software, user documentation, and support
  • sw03.02 DATA--Guidance for the Use of the Program HYDRA to Estimate or Modify Edited Unit Values from ADAPS
  • sw03.01 Discharges computed using Sontek RiverSurveyor Acoustic Doppler Current Profiler
  • sw02.05 Availability of StreamStats informational web page and StreamStatsDB data base
  • sw02.04 Request for review of National Flood Frequency Program, Version 3 software
  • sw02.03 Release of WinRiver Software (version 10.03) for Computing Streamflow from Acoustic Profiler Data
  • sw02.02 Policy and Technical Guidance on Discharge Measurements using Acoustic Doppler Current Profilers
  • sw02.01 Configuration of Acoustic Profilers (RD Instruments) for Measurement of Streamflow
  • sw01.03 Collection and Use of Total Suspended Solids Data
  • sw00.03 Software for Computing Streamflow from Acoustic Profiler Data
  • sw00.02 COMPUTATION -- Errors in flow-duration-curve computations
  • sw00.01 Availability of Y2K compliant versions of Branch and TDDS software packages
  • sw99.07 Addendum to Open-File Report "A Workbook for Preparing Surface Water Quality-Assurance Plans for Districts of the U.S. Geological Survey, Water Resources Division"
  • sw99.06 Care and Maintenance of Vertical-Axis Current Meters
  • sw99.05 Development of New Standard Rating Tables for the Price Type AA and Pygmy Current Meters
  • sw99.04 Guidelines from the 1998 Sediment Laboratory Chiefs Workshop
  • sw99.03 Availability of GenScn, a Tool for the Generation and Analysis of Model Simulation Scenarios for Watersheds
  • sw99.02 Sediment and Ancillary Data on the World Wide Web
  • sw99.01 Guidance for Collecting Discharge-Weighted Samples in Surface Water Using an Isokinetic Sampler
  • sw98.05 A National Quality Assurance Program for Sediment Laboratories Operated or Used by the Water Resources Division
  • sw98.04 NWIS Surface-Water Users Group
  • sw98.03 Availability of an Alternative One-Dimensional, Unsteady Flow Model; the Full Equations Model (FEQ)
  • sw98.02 Distribution of ASCE Report, "Predicting Travel Time and Dispersion in Rivers and Streams," by Harvey E. Jobson
  • sw98.01 Distribution of Report, "Proceedings of the Scientific Assessment and Strategy Team Workshop on Hydrology, Ecology, and Hydraulics, Sioux Falls, South Dakota, February 15-16, 1994"
  • sw97.05 Updating the Hydro-Climatic Data Network (HCDN)
  • sw97.04 Distribution of Water-Resources Investigations Report 96-4310, Method for Rapid Estimation of Scour at Highway Bridges Based on Limited Site Data, by Stephen R. Holnbeck and Charles Parrett
  • sw97.03 Distribution of Water-Resources Investigations Report 97-4050, Enhancements to the Branched Lagrangian Transport Modeling System, by Harvey E. Jobson
  • sw97.02 National Coordination and Support for Acoustic Doppler Current Profiler Activities
  • sw96.12 Recommended Starting Torque for Shaft Encoders
  • sw96.11 Initiation of a Sediment Laboratory Quality Assurance Project
  • sw96.10 Distribution of "Channel Scour at Bridges in the United States", by Mark N. Landers and David S. Mueller (Federal Highway Administration Publication FHWA RD 95 184), and of "Bridge-Scour Data Management System User's Manual," by Mark N. Landers, David S. Mueller, and Gary R. Martin (U.S. Geological Survey Open-File Report 95-754)
  • sw96.09 Geographical Reference Data for Modeling and Management Applications
  • sw96.08 Sixth Federal Interagency Conference Proceedings
  • sw96.07 Sediment Laboratory Procedures
  • sw96.06 Distribution of Water-Resources Investigations Report 96-4013, "Prediction of traveltime and longitudinal dispersion in rivers and streams," by Harvey E. Jobson
  • sw96.05 Policy Concerning Accuracy of Stage Data
  • sw96.04 Distribution of Open-File Report 95-137, User's Guide to the Culvert Analysis Program, by Janice M. Fulford
  • sw96.03 Distribution of Open-File Report 94-360, User's Guide to SAC--A Computer Program for Computing Discharges by Slope-Area Method, by Janice M. Fulford
  • sw96.02 Interim Policy and Technical Guidance on Broadband Acoustic Doppler Current Profilers
  • sw96.01 Distribution of Open-File Report 95-701, Quality Assurance Plan for Discharge Measurements Using Broadband Acoustic Doppler Current Profilers by Stephen W. Lipscomb
  • sw95.10 Consolidation of Sediment Laboratories
  • sw95.09 Endorsement of Sediment Records Calculation Program (SEDCALC)
  • sw95.08 Release of Water-Resources Investigations Report 94-4168, "Users Manual for an Expert System (HSPEXP) for Calibration of the Hydrological Simulation Program - Fortran"
  • sw95.06 Distribution of "Evaluation of pipet and x-ray procedures for determining particle-size distributions of sediment," Federal Interagency Project Report KK
  • sw95.05 U.S. Geological Survey Circular 1123, Stream-gaging program of the U.S. Geological Survey, by K. L. Wahl, W. O. Thomas, Jr., and R. M. Hirsch
  • sw95.03 Availability of U.S. Geological Survey Open-File Report 94-382, Surface-Water Quality-Assurance Plans for Districts of the U.S. Geological Survey, Water Resources Division, by Donald V. Arvin
  • sw95.02 U.S.Geological Survey Water-Resources Investigations Report 94-4002, Nationwide summary of U.S. Geological Surveyregional regression equations for estimating magnitude and frequency of floods for ungaged sites, 1993, by M. E. Jennings,W. O. Thomas, Jr., and H. C. Riggs
  • sw95.01 Information Concerning the Federal Interagency Sedimentation Project
  • sw94.08 PUBLICATIONS -- Transmittal of the report "Summary of the nationwide analysis of the cost effectiveness of the U.S. Geological Survey stream-gaging program (1983-88)" by W. O. Thomas, Jr. and K. L. Wahl
  • sw94.07 Guidelines for articles for 1992-93 flood summary report
  • sw94.05 Maximum Sampling Depths and Transit Rates for Suspended Sediment and Water-Quality Samplers
  • sw94.04 Compilation of memorandums and other materials concerning office procedures for sediment records
  • sw94.03 Guidelines for Frequency of Discharge Measurements during Ice-effected Periods
  • sw94.02 Request for comments on User Requirements for Watershed and River Basin Modeling Software
  • sw94.01 GEWEX Continental Scale International Project (GCIP)
  • sw93.21 Policy and technical guidance for conversion of sediment concentration from parts per million (ppm) to milligrams per liter (mg/L)
  • sw93.20 Water-Resources Investigations Report 93-4076, Hydro-Climatic Data Network (HCDN): Streamflow Data Set, 1874-1988
  • sw93.19 Articles for Summaries of Floods in the United States
  • sw93.18 Availability of Open-File Report 93-39, "Procedures for Adjusting Regional Regression Models of Urban-Runoff Quality Using Local Data,"
  • sw93.17 Manning n for Corrugated Metal Culverts
  • sw93.16 Distribution of the Revised Manual, "Streamgaging Cableways,"
  • sw93.15 Interim Policy and Technical Guidance on Broadband Acoustic Doppler Current Profilers
  • sw93.14 Distribution of Open-File Report 92-144, "Determination of Error in Individual Discharge Measurements,"
  • sw93.12 Techniques of Water-Resources Investigations (TWRI) Book 3, Chapter A19--Clarification of Leveling Procedure
  • sw93.11 Water Resources Division (WRD) Policy on Publication of Sediment Size Data Determined by use of the Sedigraph
  • sw93.10 Test Results for the Deca (Cone) Splitter
  • sw93.08 Recommendations for use of retransformation methods in regression models used to estimate sediment loads ("The bias correction problem")
  • sw93.07 Policy Statement on Stage Accuracy
  • sw93.06 Open-File Report 92-457, "Simulation of soluble waste transport and buildup in surface waters using tracers,"
  • sw93.05 Water-Resources Investigations Report 92-4147, "Effectiveness of highway edgedrains,"
  • sw93.04 Correction to Office of Surface Water Technical Memorandum No. 93.01
  • sw93.03 Water-Resources Investigations Report 92-4060, Comparison of Conventional Onsite Recorders and Satellite Telemetry for Surface-Water Data Collection
  • sw93.02 Open-File Report 92-129, Hydro-Climatic Data Network: A U.S. Geological Survey streamflow data set for the United States for the study of climatic variations,
  • sw93.01 Summary of Documentation that Describes Instrumentation and Field Methods for Collecting Sediment Data
  • sw92.12 Transmittal of Report, "A Computer Program (FLOWSTAT) for Summarizing Daily and Peak Streamflow Statistics,"
  • sw92.11 Flow Process Recognition for Floods in Mountain Streams
  • sw92.10 Guidelines for Identifying and Evaluating Peak Discharge Errors
  • sw92.09 Adjustment of Discharge Measurements Made at a Distance from the Gaging Station During Periods of Changing Stage and Discharge
  • sw92.08 PROGRAMS & PLANS--Compilation of memorandums related to sediment
  • sw92.07 PUBLICATIONS--Guidelines for Publication of Streamflow Statistics in the Annual State Data Reports
  • sw92.06 PUBLICATIONS--New parameter codes for bedload data
  • sw92.05 PROGRAMS AND PLANS--Policy on suspended sediment filers--The asbestos mat shall not be used. The Whatman 934 AH shall be used.
  • sw92.04 In Reply Refer To: November 20, 1991
  • sw92.03 PROGRAMS AND PLANS--Guidelines for the Transmittal of Bridge-Scour Information to Cooperators
  • sw92.01 PUBLICATIONS--Transmittal of two papers on bubble gage errors
  • sw91.15 PROGRAMS AND PLANS--Guidelines for the Analyses of Sediment Data
  • sw91.14 PUBLICATIONS--Revision of Open-File Report 91.84, "Streamgaging Cableways,"
  • sw91.13 Transmittal of Open-File Report 91-244, "Proceedings of the United States-People's Republic of China Bilateral Symposium on roughts and Arid-Region Hydrology,"
  • sw91.12 Revised Annual Water-Data Report Format
  • sw91.11 TRAINING--Certification Training for Sediment Laboratories
  • sw91.10 PROGRAMS AND PLANS--Dendrogeomorphic Techniques
  • sw91.09 Accuracy of U.S. Geological Survey manometer and pressure-sensor bubble gages
  • sw91.08 Opportunities for U.S. Geological Survey Urban-Stormwater Investigations--National Pollution Discharge Elimination System Municipal Permitting Regulations,
  • sw91.06 "Evaluation of Selected Methods for Determining Streamflow During Periods of Ice Effect"
  • sw91.05 "Users Manual for WSPRO - A Computer Model for Water Surface Profile Computations"
  • sw91.03 INFORMATION--Office of Surface Water Policy System
  • sw91.02 REPORTS--References to Sediment Reports
  • sw91.01 PROGRAMS AND PLANS--Approval of Standard Rating for OAA Current Meter (Price AA Meter with Metal Bucket Wheel and Optical Head)
  • sw90.18 Release of report "Users Manual for ANNIE, a Computer Program for Interactive Hydrologic Analyses and Data Management,"
  • sw90.17 PUBLICATION--Earlier Review of Reports by the Office of Surface Water
  • sw90.16 Water-Supply Paper 2339, "Guide for Selecting Manning's Roughness Coefficients for Natural Channels and Flood Plains,"
  • sw90.15 U.S. Geological Survey Techniques of Water-Resources Investigations Book 3, Chapter A19, "Levels at Streamflow Gaging Stations,"
  • sw90.13 PROGRAMS AND PLANS--Opportunities in Urban Hydrology
  • sw90.12 PUBLICATIONS--Water-Resources Investigations Report 89-4061, "Proceedings of the Advanced Seminar on One-Dimensional, Open-Channel Flow and Transport Modeling"
  • sw90.11 RECORDS--Policy on the Publication of Estimated Flows
  • sw90.10 PROGRAMS AND PLANS--Frequency of Levels at Streamflow Gaging Stations.
  • sw90.09 PROGRAMS AND PLANS--Local Flood-Warning Systems
  • sw90.08 PROGRAMS AND PLANS--Policy and Guidelines for the Collection and Publication of Bedload Data
  • sw90.07 PUBLICATIONS--Transmittal of Report, "Twelve Selected Computer Stream Sedimentation Models Developed in the United States"
  • sw90.06 PUBLICATIONS--Notes on Sedimentation Activities, Calendar Year 1988
  • sw90.05 PROGRAMS AND PLANS--Transport Modeling System Announced
  • sw90.04 ORGANIZATION AND MANAGEMENT--Availability of Office of Surface Water Policy Statements
  • sw90.03 Requests for Information Related to the List of Gaging Stations for the Hydro-Climatic Data Network (HCDN)
  • sw90.02 Requests for Information Related to the List of Gaging Stations for the Hydro-Climatic Data Network (HCDN)
  • sw90.01 EQUIPMENT AND SUPPLIES--Polymer Current-Meter Rotors
  • sw89.18 EQUIPMENT AND SUPPLIES--Current-meter measurements--air-line and wet-line corrections in meters
  • sw89.17 "Measurement of Time of Travel in Streams by Dye Tracing"
  • sw89.16 PROGRAMS AND PLANS--Ice Prevention at Gaging Station Controls by Aeration
  • sw89.15 Final Selection of the Discharge Station Records to be Included in the Hydro-Climatic Data Network (HCDN)
  • sw89.14 EQUIPMENT AND SUPPLIES--Polymer Current-Meter Rotors
  • sw89.13 "Determination of Stream Reaeration Coefficients by Use of Tracers"
  • sw89.12 PROGRAMS AND PLANS--Guidelines on Publishing Flood-Frequency Estimates
  • sw89.11 PROGRAMS AND PLANS--Recommendations for Regional Low-Flow Studies
  • sw89.10 "Use of Surface-Geophysical Methods to Assess Riverbed Scour at Bridge Piers,"
  • sw89.09 EQUIPMENT AND SUPPLIES--Polymer Current-Meter Rotors
  • sw89.08 PROGRAMS AND PLANS--Policy Statement on Stage Accuracy
  • sw89.07 EQUIPMENT--Policy to Ensure the Accurate Performance of Current Meters
  • sw89.06 Transmittal of Open-File Report 88-710, "Levels at Streamflow Gaging Stations"
  • sw89.04 Office of Surface Water--Supported Software
  • sw89.03 Transmittal of Article on Discharge Measure Uncertainty
  • sw89.02 PERSONNEL--Transfer of Duties
  • sw89.01 Approval of Standard Rating for Polymer-Rotor Pygmy Meter with Cat-Whisker Head (P-Pygmy or PPG Meter)
  • sw88.18 EQUIPMENT AND SUPPLIES--Winter Equipment
  • sw88.17 Distribution of Open-File Report "Field Methods for Measurement of Fluvial Sediment" and the Proposed Water Resources Division
  • sw88.15 PROGRAMS AND PLANS--Time and Cost Estimates for Flood-Insurance Studies
  • sw88.14 INVESTIGATIONS--State Flood-Frequency Studies
  • sw88.13 EQUIPMENT AND SUPPLIES--Calibration of Electromagnetic Current Meters
  • sw88.12 Highway Research Problem Areas in Hydrology, Hydraulics, and Water Quality
  • sw88.11 COMPUTATIONS--Transmittal of the Report of the Automated Data Processing System (ADAPS) Review Team
  • sw88.10 EQUIPMENT AND SUPPLIES--Use of Polymer Current-Meter Rotors Pending Further Investigation
  • sw88.09 EQUIPMENT AND SUPPLIES--Approval of Standard Rating for PAA Current Meter
  • sw88.08 PUBLICATIONS--Transmittal of National Research Council Report on Estimating Probabilities of Extreme Floods
  • sw88.07 PROGRAMS AND PLANS--Guidelines for the Operation of a Crest-Stage Program
  • sw88.06 Status of "Bulletin 17B" Flood-Frequency Guidelines
  • sw88.05 PROGRAMS AND PLANS--A U.S. Geological Survey (USGS) Climatological Discharge Data Network
  • sw88.04 PROGRAMS AND PLANS--Transport Modeling System Available on PR1ME
  • sw88.03 PROGRAMS AND PLANS--Office of Surface Water Policy on Shift Adjustment Application and Computation of Records Using ADAPS
  • sw88.02 American Society of Civil Engineers (ASCE) Request for Case Studies that Demonstrate the Importance of Water Data
  • sw88.01 PUBLICATIONS--Notes on Sedimentation Activities, Calendar Year 1986
  • sw87.09 Questionnaire to Assess the Reliability of Current Methods for Determining Stream Discharge During Ice-Affected Periods, and to Identify
  • sw87.08 New Procedures for Hydrologic Regression and Network Analysis Using Generalized Least Squares
  • sw87.07 "Pilot Study for Collection of Bridge Scour Data"
  • sw87.06 Interagency Working Group on Network Analysis
  • sw87.05 "Bridge Waterways Analysis: Research Report" by J. O. Shearman, W. H. Kirby, V. R. Schneider, and H. N. Flippo, Report No. FHWA/RD-86/108, 112 p.
  • sw87.04 "Computer Program NCALC User's Manual--Verification of Manning's Roughness Coefficient in Channels"
  • sw87.03 Report on the Activities of the Ad-Hoc Committee on Alternative Publication Formats of the Annual Data Report
  • sw87.02 PUBLICATIONS--Notes on Sedimentation Activities, Calendar Years 1985 and 1986
  • sw87.01 PUBLICATIONS--Transmittal of Report on Feasibility of Assigning a Probability to the Probable Maximum Flood (PMF)
  • sw86.09 Policy for current-meter timed spin tests
  • sw86.08 PROGRAMS AND PLANS--Dyes for Water Tracers
  • sw86.07 Transmittal of Report "Simulation of Flood Hydrographs for Georgia Streams"
  • sw86.06 EQUIPMENT--DH-81 Suspended-Sediment Sampler
  • sw86.03 COMPUTATIONS--Automatic Entry of Streamflow Statistics into the Streamflow/Basic Characteristics (SBC) File
  • sw86.02 PROGRAMS AND PLANSLow-Flow Frequency Estimation at Partial-Record Sites
  • sw85.17 PROGRAMS & PLANS--Policy on Providing Low-Flow Information
  • sw85.15 PROGRAMS AND PLANS--Surface-Water Network Analysis
  • sw85.14 EQUIPMENT AND SUPPLIES--Current Meters
  • sw85.11 Transmittal of report "Development and Testing of Highway Storm-Sewer Flow Measurement and Recording System"
  • sw85.09 PROGRAMS & PLANS--Low-Flow Frequency Estimates
  • sw85.08 WATER, SURFACE--Ultrasonic Ranger for Water-Level Monitoring
  • sw85.07 EQUIPMENT AND SUPPLIES--Current Meters
  • sw85.03 WATER, SURFACE--Revision of guidelines for flood insurance studies
  • sw84.07 PERSONNEL--Coordinators for flood-insurance studies and for urban studies
  • sw84.06 COMPUTATIONS--Subroutine Library for Prime Computers
  • sw84.05 EQUIPMENT AND SUPPLIES--Equipment for the measurement of flow under ice
  • sw84.04 PROGRAMS & PLANS--Flood-Insurance Studies
  • sw84.03 COMPUTATION--Watershed Simulation Models
  • sw84.02 PROGRAMS & PLANS--Highway research problem areas in hydrology, hydraulics, and water quality
  • sw84.01 U.S. Geological Survey WRI Report 83-4160 "A Digital Model for Streamflow Routing by Convolution Methods"
  • sw83.08 Computation of Continuous Records of Streamflow
  • sw83.07 COMPUTATION--Availability of hydraulics programs for Prime computers
  • sw83.06 COMPUTATION--Accuracy of winter streamflow records
  • sw83.05 PROGRAMS & PLANS--Water Resources Division (WRD) Policy on Probable Maximum Floods
  • sw83.04 PROGRAMS & PLANS--Transmittal of report "Cost-Effectiveness of the Stream-Gaging Program in Maine"
  • sw83.02 Technology Transfer - Transmittal of the World Meteorological Organization (WMO) Report "Concepts and Techniques in Hydrological Network"
  • sw82.13 PUBLICATIONS--Report "Computer Programs for Modeling Flow and Water Quality of Surface Water Systems" by Joy A. Lorens
  • sw82.10 PUBLICATIONS--Report "Techniques for Estimating Flood Hydrographs for Ungaged Urban Watersheds" by Virginia Stricker and Vernon Sauer
  • sw82.09 PUBLICATIONS--Update of Open-File Report 77-884 "User's Guide for U.S. Geological Survey Rainfall-Runoff Models-Revision of Open-File Report 74-33"
  • sw82.04 PUBLICATIONS--"Guidelines for Determining Flood Flow Frequency," Revised Bulletin 17B of the Hydrology Committee, U.S. Water Resources Council
  • sw82.03 PUBLICATIONS--TWRI, Book 7, Chapter C3, "A Model for Simulation of Flow in Singular and Interconnected Channels,"
  • sw82.01 PROGRAMS AND PLANS--Computer Storage of Urban Unit-Values Data
  • sw81.06 COMPUTATIONS--Revision of Annual Flood-Frequency Analysis Program J407 According to U.S. Water Resources Council Bullentin 17B
  • sw81.04 EQUIPMENT & SUPPLIES--Use of Bubble Gage Manometers in high sediment concentrations
  • sw81.03 EQUIPMENT AND SUPPLIES--Need for In-place Calibration of Marsh-McBirney Model 250 VMFM (Velocity Modified Flow Meters)
  • sw81.02 EQUIPMENT & SUPPLIES--Marsh/McBirney model 201 electromagnetic meters; need to check manufacturer's calibrations
  • sw81.01 PUBLICATIONS--Report "Review and Evaluation of Urban Flood Flow Frequency Procedures"
  • sw80.07 PUBLICATIONS--Report: "Evaluation of Selected Dam-Break Flood Wave Models by Using Field Data,"
  • sw80.05 COMPUTATIONS--New Computer Program (K957) for Pearson Type III Frequency Analysis
  • sw80.04 PROJECTS--Procedures for retrieving data from the Streamflow/Basin Characteristics File and executing Statistical Analysis System (SAS) Programs
  • sw80.02 PROGRAMS & PLANS--Flood emergency coordination
  • sw79.06 PROGRAMS AND PLANS - Low-Flow Programs
  • sw79.05 COMPUTATIONS - Retrieval of rainfall-runoff data from WATSTORE online Unit and Daily Values Files for use with distributed routing rainfall-runoff model.
  • sw79.01 PUBLICATIONS - Reports: "A rainfall-runoff modeling procedure for improving estimates of T-year (annual) floods for small drainage"
  • sw78.09 PUBLICATIONS--User's guide for U.S. Geological Survey rainfall-runoff models
  • sw78.05 PROGRAMS AND PLANS - Guidelines on Entering Synthesized Flow Data Into The Streamflow and Basin Characteristics Computer File
  • sw78.05-2 PUBLICATIONS - Report "Downstream-Upstream Reservoir Routing" by M. E. Jennings
  • sw78.01 PUBLICATIONS - Errata Sheet for Report "Computation of records of streamflow at control structures" by Dannie L. Collins
  • sw77.17 PROGRAMS AND PLANS - Guidelines on Publishing Flood-Frequency Estimates
  • sw77.13 PROGRAMS AND PLANS - Maintenance of Streamflow and Basin Characteristics Computer File
  • sw77.12 PUBLICATIONS - Report "Computation of records of streamflow at control structures"
  • sw77.07 PUBLICATIONS - Report "Flood-Frequency - Expected and Unexpected Probabilities,"
  • sw77.04 PROGRAMS AND PLANS - Technical Announcement of Availability of Updated Flood-Frequency Information
  • sw77.03 PROGRAMS AND PLANS - Branch Policy on Maximum-Probable Flood
  • sw76.07 PROGRAMS AND PLANS--New WRC Guidelines on Flood-Frequency Analysis
  • sw76.04 PROGRAMS AND PLANS - Updating the Rainfall/Runoff Model Files
  • sw76.03 PROGRAMS AND PLANS - Updating Streamflow/Basin Characteristics File
  • sw75.16 PROGRAMS & PLANS--Estimating flow characteristics from channel size
  • sw74.14 Bridge contraction ratio
  • sw74.07 PUBLICATIONS – Report, “Index of time-of-travel studies of the U.S. Geological Survey,” by C.W. Boning
  • sw73.16 PROGRAM AND PLANS - Branch Policy on Selected Subjects
  • sw73.01 COMPUTATION - Indirect determination of discharge
  • sw70.08 Planning Surface Water Data Programs--Use of the flood-peak data file for defining flood-flow characteristics
  • sw70.07 PROGRAMS AND PLANS - Study of Surface-Water Data Programs - Adjustments for zero-flow items
  • sw64.18 Review of indirect measurements and bridge-site reports

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