Home Outreach Programs: Information | Events | Teaching Resources Search

About Outreach...

The Botany and Plant Pathology Outreach Programs web site is designed to provide resources and a helping hand in teaching and learning about plant sciences and plant diseases, what our department does, and why our work is important to the local, regional and world communities. We can extend our teaching environment to your classroom or you can bring your group to campus. We also participate in many regular events throughout the state. Please visit the Events and Teaching Resources pages and see what we have to offer you!

Other resources you may find useful can be found on our Publications and Extension areas.

Summer Internships...

Undergraduate Summer Research Program:
Each summer the Botany and Plant Pathology Department offers several internships to undergraduate students interested in experiencing research in the plant sciences. Students will join a lab and conduct research on ongoing projects with research faculty, post-doctoral scholars, and graduate students in the areas of plant biology, plant pathology or weed science. Click here for more information.

Purdue-MARC/AIM Summer Research Program:
The Purdue-MARC/AIM program has the goal of enhancing diversity in academic, government, and industry positions that require graduate degrees. This program encourages talented undergraduate students from social and economic backgrounds that are underrepresented in research careers to pursue graduate education, and to enhance their preparation for graduate study. Click here for more information.

Contact Us...

Interested in knowing more, obtaining resource materials, or scheduling a visit...

Dr. Bill Johnson, Chair of Outreach and Engagement Committee
Botany and Plant Pathology
Purdue University
915 W. State St.
West Lafayette, IN 47907-2054

Phone: (765) 494-4614
E-mail:   botany@purdue.edu

Botany and Plant Pathology
Purdue University
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