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Just in Time Parenting Community Page

Last Updated: January 30, 2008 Related resource areas: Parenting

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Image:jitp_0408979.jpgFinding reliable parenting information can be a challenge. There are many books, and articles - some good and some not so good. How do you know what to read - especially when you're busy and there's just so little time?

About us ….eXtension Just in Time Parenting

Finding reliable parenting information can be a challenge. There are many books, and articles - some good and some not so good. How do you know what to read - especially when you're busy and there's just so little time?

What is Just in Time Parenting?

eXtension Just in Time Parenting (JITP), is an outreach innovation that brings quality, research-based information to families at the time it can be most useful and make the biggest difference in their lives. Over the past 25 years, Cooperative Extension faculty in land-grant universities have developed and evaluated an unusually parent-friendly series. Capitalizing on the “teachable moment,” monthly “just in time” newsletters are delivered -- keyed to the age of each parent’s child. A team of Extension professionals from over 30 land-grant universities are transforming these research-based age-paced newsletters into a national interactive Internet resource on parenting

The eXtension Just in Time Parenting website includes these great resources:

  • Age-paced newsletters that can be downloaded and printed
  • facts sheets
  • Frequently Asked Questions
  • Access to experts across the country
  • Upcoming local Extension programs

Although the JITP materials currently focus on infants, the information will extend from pregnancy through parenting in the teen years.

How can Just in Time Parenting make such a big difference?

Because manageable amounts of information addressing the exact challenges you are facing reaches you each month, Just in Time Parenting will probably be one of your “favorite bookmarks.”

  • JITP pulls together the core information you need to help your children and family thrive.
  • JITP connects you to resources and information – when you or your children need help.
  • JITP can be read by all the adults in your family, and can help dispel child-rearing myths and misinformation.
  • JITP is easy to get and a convenient way to learn how you can help your child grow up healthy and ready for success.

Age-paced newsletters deliver trusted information just in time -- providing parents with the information they need to support and guide the growth of their child. We hope you find the Just in Time Parenting resources helpful. Please sign up for the age-paced newsletters and give us your feedback!

If you are a professional who works with parents

Help spread the word and use these resources with your parents! To find out more, click on the link below to view a presentation (PDF format).

Partnering with Extension and Just in Time Parenting

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