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Public Service Announcements

We are pleased to offer three different public service announcements (PSAs) produced by the National Environmental Services Center for your community to use. Each 30-second video can be used for television or on the Web. These PSAs communicate the message that sound operation and management practices keep your septic system operating effectively and keep our source water clean. Please let us know if you use these PSAs by sending an e-mail to info@mail.nesc.wvu.edu or calling (800) 624-8301.

Download times for the entire clip may vary depending on the speed of your internet connection. To view each video before downloading, click the play button on the left of each box.

<< PSA #1 - "Lifestyle"
(8.1 MB, 30 sec, MP4)

To download the PSA on to your computer, right-click on Download the MP4 and select "Save Link As".

[ Download the MP4 ]


<< PSA #2 - "Squishy Feet"
(7.5 MB, 30 sec, MP4)

To download the PSA on to your computer, right-click on Download the MP4 and select "Save Link As".

[ Download the MP4 ]


<< PSA #3 - "Das Bloop"
(7.6 MB, 30 sec, MP4)

To download the PSA on to your computer, right-click on Download the MP4 and select "Save Link As".

[ Download the MP4 ]