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Mt. St. Helens

Latest Advisory

Earthquake Locations
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   This Decade

Energy Released
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   During 1980

Time-Depth Plots
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Other Figures
Average Signal Amplitudes
Magnitude vs. Time

For Further Reading

Mount Adams | Mount Baker | Crater Lake | Glacier Peak | Mount Hood | Mount Rainier | Mount St. Helens | Three Sisters

Mount St. Helens Earthquakes: Past Decade
Epicenters  | Cross-Sections

St. Helens Epicenter Map
Last update: Wed Mar 4 11:30:23 PST 2009
Number of well-located earthquakes in the last decade: 13508

List of all earthquakes occurring at Mt. St. Helens since 02 - 04 , 1999 .

Map Guide

  • Only well-located events are shown! For an explanation of event quality click here.

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UW Dept. of Earth and Space Sciences
PNW Earthquake Info

University of Washington Dept. of Earth and Space Sciences, Box 351310, Seattle, WA 98195-1310

This is file SEIS/PNSN/HELENS/helensep_dc.html If you see any problems e-mail: