Markets and Trade

FEWS NET market work focuses on markets specifically for food security monitoring, assessment, analysis, and early warning.

Price Watch

The latest information on changes in price for basic food commodities in urban centers of FEWS NET countries.

Most Recent: 01/30/2009
Previous: 01/05/2009


Price Bulletin

Graphs of recent monthly prices in strategically selected markets and commodities.

East Africa (expected Oct.)
Southern Africa (expected Oct.)
West Africa

Cross Border Trade Bulletins

Periodic reports on cross border trade in key food commodities at selected border points.

Interactive Price Graph


Production and Market Flow Maps

Summary of market networks (catchments and commodity flows) significant to food security.



Market Studies



The information provided on this Web site is not official U.S. Government information and does not represent the views or positions of the U.S. Agency for International Development or the U.S. Government.