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  1. Fabulous! RT @epschleichert Company organizes organic veggie garden for its employees to help tend - how cool!
  2. The Eastern Swallowtail caterpillar we discovered on our CSA dill just emerged. Fly safely!
  3. @levyj413 @epalive suggest using just initials, like ^J - takes fewer characters :-) Use sidebar to ID Tweeters + initials.
  4. We are hooked on lavendar! Tonight: Lavendar-Peach Jam - delish!
  5. Got back from mtg in time for Farmers' Market. Peach aroma now wafting about in my office!
  6. @sarahebourne Congratulations! Look forward to learning from your assistive tech learnings.
  7. Our little robin babies left their nest today... and didn't return. Hope they're ok somewhere else in the yard!
  8. @levyj413 Splitting socmed by site vs account is excellent idea!
  9. @ht_in_rockville rain barrels + winter freeze: I drain them in Oct/Nov, so no frozen water. The h2o can be mighty cold to handle then!
  10. @ht_in_rockville rain barrels + mosquitos: openings are covered with 1 or 2 layers of screen. Not always 100% effective.
  11. Yes, am (sort of) splitting work + personal soc med presence via separate accounts. Split = hard. Much overlap! @levyj413 @jrick
  12. More rain! Rain barrels already 1/2 full from this afternoon. Maybe this shower will get them the rest of the way full!
  13. Still deliberating HVAC options. AC/furnace vs heat pump/furnace vs geothermal... opinions welcome.
  14. RT @usepagov - Announcing the the winners of our water quality video contest!
  15. Top 8 Social Media Tracking Tools - (via @care2frogloop)
  16. - Happy solstice! We savored these (sort of) sun-shaped Lavender Shortbread cookies:
  17. For @ecographics ISO eco-friendly marketer, consider @organicmania
  18. Recycling trucks you don't see every day:
  19. In throes of AC/furnace re-do - we've got on "speed dial" - any recs for do's, don'ts, brands, incorporating renewable energy
  20. RT @levyj413: Free! Tomorrow I do my webinar on talking social media to managers, 3-4:30 EDT Register here: