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Briefing Rooms

Sugar and Sweeteners: Recommended Readings


Sugar and Sweeteners Outlook (January, May, and September) provide an update of current market and policy developments and their impacts on the sugar and corn sweetener industries.

The EU Sugar Policy Regime and Implications of Reform (July 2008) examines European Union’s sugar policy, which underwent its first major reform in 2005 in response to mounting and unsustainable imbalances in supply and demand. The reform targeted only a few policy instruments (intervention price cut, voluntary production quota buyout, and restrictions on nonquota sugar exports), while leaving other key policies unchanged (interstate quota trading, sugar-substitute competition, and import barriers). A model-based analysis suggests that the initial reforms by themselves are unlikely to reduce overproduction due to the oligopolistic nature of the EU sugar market.

Global Biofuels Market Boosts Sugar Ethanol Industry in Latin AmericaPDF file (May 2008, page 41 of PDF) reports that several countries in Latin America, besides Brazil, have policies and programs to expand production of liquid biofuels from biomass in the coming decades. This article analyzes developments that aim to reduce dependence on imported transportation fuels and to reduce poverty by engaging farmers in growing ethanol-producing crops.

Western Hemisphere SugarPDF file (May 2008, page 22 of PDF) analyzes the sugar industries of leading sugar-producing countries in the Western Hemisphere. This article highlights recent developments and trends in production, consumption, trade, and policy in Argentina, Brazil, Colombia, the Dominican Republic, Guatemala, Jamaica, and Peru.

Processor Production Forecast AccuracyPDF file (January 2008, page 37 of PDF) analyzes forecasts from processors for U.S. sugar beet and sugarcane production before and after implementation of the 2002 Farm Act. Accurate forecasts are needed to administer marketing allotments, which are part of the price support program for sugar. Have processors become more accurate in their forecasts? Has there been a tendency to overestimate or underestimate production since 2002?

Sugar Backgrounder (July 2007) addresses key domestic and international market and policy developments that have affected the U.S. sugar sector in recent years. It provides descriptions and analyses of farm-level production of U.S. sugar crops, cane and beet sugar processing and refining industries, sugar imports and exports, and sugar consumption.

Ethanol Demand Driving the Expansion of Brazil’s Sugar IndustryPDF file (June 2007) assesses the recent expansion of Brazil’s sugar and ethanol industries due to rising crude oil prices, expanding global development of renewable energy, and growing domestic demand for ethanol. As ethanol in Brazil is made from sugarcane, sugar industry developments are now increasingly linked to policy initiatives in ethanol markets.

Mexico OverviewPDF file (May 2006) reviews sweetener issues in Mexico through spring of 2006. It presents data and analysis on issues of production, trade, consumption, and policy for both sugar and high fructose corn syrup.

USDA's Sugar Program Response in FY 2005 to Weather DisastersPDF file (May 2006) examines how USDA responded to the disabling of cane refineries in Louisiana due to Hurricane Katrina and to the poor early sugar beet harvest in the Red River Valley in the Upper Midwest. According to the analysis, USDA actions allowed for the entry of an additional 560,054 tons of sugar into the market but, due to a variety of factors, only 384,725 tons actually entered.

European Union-25 Sugar PolicyPDF file (January 2006) assesses recent changes in European Union (EU) sugar policy, which will be implemented in July 2006 and include a price reduction of 36 percent to be phased in by the 2009/10 marketing year. Analysis shows a reduction in EU sugar production and a virtual elimination of EU sugar exports, with a resulting increase in the world price of sugar.

Sweetener Consumption in the United States: Distribution by Demographic and Product Characteristics (August 2005) reports findings for sweetener consumption by income and demographic characteristics. Among the conclusions: per capita sweetener consumption is highest in the Midwest and lowest in the Northeast and sweetener consumption tends to rise with increased income up to a certain level and then fall.

U.S. Sugar in the FTAAPDF file (March 2004) uses the USDA sugar projections baseline model to analyze the effects of several market access options. As part of this analysis, this chapter in U.S. Agriculture and the Free Trade Area of the Americas (FTAA) examines the cost structures of Western Hemisphere sugar-producing sectors and the ability of those countries to supply the U.S. market.

Characteristics and Production Costs of U.S. Sugarbeet Farms (November 2004) summarizes production and financial information related to the 2000 sugar beet crop. Sugar beet production and costs varied considerably across farms and regions in the United States on both a per-acre and a per-ton basis, according to a USDA survey of farmers in 2000.

Measuring the Effect of Imports of Sugar-Containing Products on U.S. Sugar Deliveries (September 2003) analyzes the effects of imports of sugar-containing products on the level of sugar deliveries to U.S. industrial endusers of sugar.

Program-Induced Behavior Affects the DataPDF file (May 2003) analyzes how U.S. sugar marketing allotments affected firms' incentives to transfer ownership of sugar prior to the onset of marketing allotments in October 2002 and how that behavior affected the sugar supply and utilization reported in USDA's World Agricultural Supply and Demand Estimates report.

World Sugar Policy ReviewPDF file (January 2003) provides summaries of sugar policy regimes in select sugar producing and exporting countries.

Sweetener Policies in Japan (September 2002) provides a detailed description and analysis of policies used by Japan to support its sugar producers and to regulate sweetener markets. Domestic policies include price floors for cane and beet farmers, subsidies to sugar refiners to compensate for the high cost of domestic sugarcane and sugar beets, and quantity limits on the production of high-fructose corn syrup.

U.S. Sugar Policy Under the 2002 Farm ActPDF file (September 2002) (scroll down to middle of page 1) provides a concise profile of the new sugar title of the Farm Security and Rural Investment Act of 2002.

Imports of Certain Sugar Syrups Rise Dramatically in the 1990sPDF file (January 2001) projects that sugar syrups described under Harmonized Tariff Code 1702.90.4000, which enter the United States outside the sugar tariff-rate quota and at relatively low duties, could add as much as 125,000 tons in fiscal 2001 to a swollen U.S. sugar supply.

Weak Prices Test U.S. Sugar PolicyPDF file (September 2000) finds that domestic sugar production and imports are exceeding domestic consumption, making it difficult to keep prices above support levels without policy tradeoffs.

Returns from Mexican Sugar Processing: Measuring the Contribution of Capacity Usage, Technological Adaption, and Output PricesPDF file (May 2000) examines the profitability of the Mexican sugar processing sector and its ability to adjust to price incentives and technology in the expanded North American sugar market.

Conceptual Overview of the U.S. Sugar Baseline: Incorporating the Effects of the North American Free Trade AgreementPDF file (January 2000) finds that the United States will be importing more sugar from Mexico over the next decade, due largely to NAFTA.

U.S.-Mexico Sweetener Trade Mired in DisputePDF file (September 1999) reviews disputes between the two countries over sugar and sweetener issues and highlights the potential consequences of increased imports on the U.S. sugar industry.

Early Season USDA Projections of Sugar ProductionPDF file (May 1999) examines methods used in the early projection period by the USDA Interagency Commodity Estimates Committee (ICEC) to forecast U.S. sugar production.

"Implications of NAFTA Duty Reductions for the U.S. Sugar Market" in February 1999 Sugar and Sweetener Outlook (text only) offers an analysis of Mexican sugar support policies and the Mexican sugar industry as Mexico and the United States move toward integrated sugar markets in 2008.

The Rise and Decline of Puerto Rico's Sugar EconomyPDF file (December 1998) analyzes the Puerto Rico's shift from being a raw sugar supplier to the United States to importing sugar to meet domestic needs.

Auctioning Tariff Quotas for U.S. Sugar ImportsPDF file (May 1998) analyzes the current U.S. raw cane sugar tariff-rate quota allocations to 40 countries and discusses an auctioning system for the sugar tariff-rate quota.

U.S. and World Sugar and HFCS Production Costs, 1989/90-1994/95PDF file (May 1998) reports on yearly trends in costs of sugar production for groups of major sugar exporters.

Origin of the U.S. Sugar Import Tariff-Rate Quota SharesPDF file (September 1997) describes the beginnings of the tariff-rate quota system for administering U.S. sugar imports and provides data on how individual country quota shares are determined.

The Central American Sugar IndustryPDF file (December 1996) discusses the economic importance of the sugar industry to Central American countries.

Sugar: Background for 1995 Farm Legislation (April 1995) and Sugar: Background for 1990 Farm Legislation (February 1990) provide historical analysis of U.S. sugar and sweetener production, processing, consumption, trade, and policy.

A History of Sugar Marketing Through 1974 (March 1978) describes and analyzes the U.S. system of regulating production, importation, and marketing of sugar from Colonial times up to the demise of the Sugar Act in 1974.


For more information, contact: Stephen Haley

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Updated date: August 7, 2008