  Newsdesk Home > Press Kits > The Sant Ocean Hall > The Sant Ocean Hall
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John Gibbons
(202) 633-5187
Michele Urie
(202) 633-2950
Section by Section
September 2008

Open Ocean—This breathtaking gallery will bring visitors eye to eye with a spectacular selection of marine creatures, and communicate the importance of good ocean stewardship for preserving the health of the ocean.

Living on an Ocean Planet—The exhibit underscores the importance of the ocean to all life on the plants, humans included.

Shores to Shallows—This area highlights different kinds of coastal ecosystems around the world and how they are affected by humans.

The Coral Reef —A 1,500-gallon aquarium features an Indo-Pacific coral reef with up to 74 live species.

The Poles—The exhibit demonstrates the differences between the North and South poles and how life thrives at both through extreme adaptations.

Ocean Systems—The Science on a Sphere is a high-tech experience that shows why the ocean’s constant motion and interaction with land and the atmosphere make it a complex global system.

Journey through Time—This gallery gives visitors the opportunity to compare fossils of a large number of ancient animals; some are more than 500 million years old.

Deep Ocean Exploration—The Ocean Hall’s theater shows a 13-minute film featuring scientists as they uncover some of the planets deepest mysteries.

Ocean in the News—“Ocean Today Kiosks” provide interactive ocean news—giving regular updates on ocean-related topics around the world.

Collections—A special wall showcase displays the world’s largest and most diverse collection of marine specimens and explains how this collection helps scientists make sense of ocean life.

Changing Exhibit—Ocean-focused exhibits will change approximately every 18 months. The first, “Going to Sea,” highlights the many reasons people have gone out in the ocean over history. .

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