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Program Calendar
Autumn 2008
September 2008

The Sant Ocean Hall experience extends beyond the walls of the exhibition with dynamic public programming focusing on ocean stewardship at the community level. From scientific lectures and conferences addressing important ocean issues to film screenings, The Sant Ocean Hall Program Calendar offers something for anyone with a special interest in or passion for the ocean. Through this mix of science, arts and cultural programming, scientists and casual beach-goers alike are bound to gain a new appreciation for the role of this important global system in our everyday life, our connection to it and how each of us impacts the ocean’s future.

A unique combination of entertaining and educational offerings tailored to the museum’s diverse audiences is planned through the remainder of the 2008 calendar year.

September 2008
27 The Sant Ocean Hall public opening
  11:30 Reading/book signing with Susan Stockdale, author of children’s book Fabulous Fishes.
  11:15 Native Hawaiian music by the Aloha Boys and performance by the Halau O’Aulani Dancers.
    Native drum ceremony with Tlingit community
  12:00 Unveiling of the Sant Ocean Hall
  1:00 Panel discussion on “Bringing the Ocean to Life—The Making of the Sant Ocean Hall”
  3:00 Illustrated lecture by Stanford University professor Barbara Block
  4:00 Book signing with Smithsonian Ocean author Deborah Cramer
28 Reading/book signing with Susan Stockdale, author of children’s book Fabulous Fishes
October 2008
2 “The Right Choices for Our Planet,” a lecture by Philippe Cousteau (tickets required)
11 Second Saturday Arts & the Ocean: A family-friendly ocean art workshop with teaching artist Karen Brown
11 Guided Tours of the Sant Ocean Hall
12 Guided Tours of the Sant Ocean Hall
15 “The Scientist Is In”—Weekly show and tell/Q&A with scientists at the Sant Ocean Hall
18 Lecture and book signing by marine scientist Sylvia Earle, author of Ocean: An Illustrated Atlas
18 Guided Tours of the Sant Ocean Hall
19 Guided Tours of the Sant Ocean Hall
22 “The Scientist Is In”—Weekly show and tell/Q&A with scientists at the Sant Ocean Hall
23 A lecture on exploring the great ocean depths with NMNH senior scientist David Pawson (tickets required)
25 Guided Tours of the Sant Ocean Hall
26 Ocean Views photography exhibition closes
26 Guided Tours of the Sant Ocean Hall
29 The Scientist Is In”—Weekly show and tell/Q&A with scientists at the Sant Ocean Hall
30 “Treasures from the Deep,” a lecture by curator Jeffrey E. Post, NMNH Gem and Mineral Collection (tickets required)
November 2008
1 Guided Tours of the Sant Ocean Hall
2 Guided Tours of the Sant Ocean Hall
5 The Scientist Is In”—Weekly show and tell/Q&A with scientists at the Sant Ocean Hall
6 A lecture on ocean-going canoes by NMNH anthropologist Stephen Loring
7 Lecture series on “The Archæology of North American Coastal Adaptations” (Part 1 of 3)
8 Guided Tours of the Sant Ocean Hall
8 Second Saturday Arts & the Ocean: A musical performance of chanteys by the Washington Revels
9 Guided Tours of the Sant Ocean Hall
12 “The Scientist Is In”—Weekly show and tell/Q&A with marine scientists at the Sant Ocean Hall
13 “Coral Reefs: Past, Present and Future” by NMNH Sant Chair of Marine Science Nancy Knowlton (tickets required)
14 Lecture series on “The Archæology of North American Coastal Adaptations” (Part 2 of 3)
15 Guided Tours of the Sant Ocean Hall
15 Classic Ocean Film Series: Special screenings of 20,000 Leagues Under the Sea and Swiss Family Robinson
16 Guided Tours of the Sant Ocean Hall
16 Classic Ocean Film Series: Special screenings of Mutiny on the Bounty and Moby Dick
19 “The Scientist Is In”—Weekly show and tell/Q&A with scientists at the Sant Ocean Hall
21 Lecture series on “The Archæology of North American Coastal Adaptations” (Part 3 of 3)
22 Guided Tours of the Sant Ocean Hall
23 Guided Tours of the Sant Ocean Hall
December 2008
3 “The Scientist Is In”—Weekly show and tell/Q&A with scientists at the Sant Ocean Hall
6 Guided Tours of the Sant Ocean Hall
6 “Animating the Ocean,” a presentation on how Hollywood adapts ocean stories to bring underwater animation to life
7 Guided Tours of the Sant Ocean Hall
7 A lecture and workshop on a unique crochet coral reef project generating generate global attention around the plight of the endangered ecosystems; physicist Margaret Wertheim and NMNH Sant Chair of Marine Science Nancy Knowlton participating
10 “The Scientist Is In”—Weekly show and tell/Q&A with scientists at the Sant Ocean Hall
11 Student art exhibition opens featuring award-winning work from the Coastal America Ocean Art Contest
13 Second Saturday Arts & the Ocean: Family-friendly workshop and book signing with pop-up book artist Carol Barton

Visit for times and details.

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