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January, 2003
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Environmental History

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about eh

Environmental History is an international journal dedicated to exploring the history of human interaction with the natural world. Copublished quarterly by the American Society for Environmental History and the Forest History Society in association with Duke University Press, Environmental History is the successor publication to the journals of the two organizations, Environmental History Review and Forest & Conservation History. Environmental History Review was published from 1976 to 1989 as Environmental Review. Forest & Conservation History was published from 1957 to 1958 as the Forest History Newsletter, from 1959 to 1974 as Forest History, and from 1975 to 1989 as the Journal of Forest History.

      Subscription rates: $45 individuals (includes membership either in the American Society for Environmental History or the Forest History Society), $90 libraries, $20 students. Joint membership in the two organizations, which offers added benefits, is $27.50 for students and $65 for individuals. Additional postage for subscriptions outside the United States and Canada is $8.00. Please pay in U.S. funds. Back issues are $11.25 plus $4 postage and handling; include $1 postage and handling for each additional copy in the same order. For additional membership information, please contact Environmental History at the address or phone number listed below or by e-mail at marochak@duke.edu.

      Submission guidelines appear on the following page. For a copy of more detailed style guidelines for contributors, please write to Carol Marochak, Environmental History, 701 Wm. Vickers Avenue, Durham, NC 27701, or phone 919/682-9319. The author guidelines also are available online at http://www.lib.duke.edu/forest/ehguide.html.

      For information about advertising in Environmental History, please contact Karen Goldstein at Duke University Press, journals_advertising@dukeupress.edu, 919/687-3636.

      Microfilm and online subscriptions may be purchased from University Microfilms in Ann Arbor, Michigan. Environmental History is indexed in AGRICOLA, America: History and Life, Environmental Bibliography, Forest Products Abstracts, Forestry Abstracts, GEOBASE, and Historical Abstracts. Contact Copyright Clearance Center, 222 Rosewood Drive, Danvers MA 01923, for permission to reproduce materials from Environmental History.

      © Copyright 2003 by Environmental History. Periodicals postage paid at Durham, North Carolina, and additional mailing office. Postmaster, send Form 3579 for changes of address to Environmental History, 701 Wm. Vickers Avenue, Durham, NC 27701.



Environmental History welcomes manuscript submissions from scholars in all disciplines that provide insight into important issues in the history of human interactions with the non-human world. We are happy to consider manuscripts about any time and any part of the world.

      When we evaluate manuscripts, we consider the significance of the topic, the originality of the argument, and the quality of the research and writing. We also consider the potential readership for each piece, and authors should give careful thought to the question of audience. What kind of readers will find your work compelling? If a manuscript is likely to appeal only to a few specialists in one sub-field of environmental history, we probably will not be interested.

      To have a manuscript considered for publication, please send FOUR copies to the journal s editorial assistant, Carol Marochak, at 701 Wm. Vickers Avenue, Durham, NC 27701. Some manuscripts are rejected immediately because they are too narrowly focused or more suited to another journal. Most manuscripts are sent to two referees for review. Usually, the first referee is an expert on the subject of the manuscript, and the second referee is a specialist in a related sub-field. Occasionally we send a manuscript to a third referee. The review process is blind: We do not identify authors when we send manuscripts to referees, and we do not identify referees when we share their evaluations with authors. We hope to respond to submissions within four months.

      Articles in Environmental History normally are no longer than 8,000 words or twenty-eight double-spaced pages, not counting notes, so you should not submit a manuscript that greatly exceeds that length. The title page of your manuscript should include your name, academic affiliation, address, telephone number, and e-mail. The title page also must include a brief abstract. In 150 to 200 words, the abstract should explain clearly what you argue and why your work is significant. The first page of the text should begin with the title of your manuscript but should NOT include your name or contact information. To ensure your anonymity, you also should avoid personal references in the text and notes. Cite your own work just as you would cite the work of another author. Do not include acknowledgements. The manuscript should be double-spaced, and the four copies that you submit should have text on one side of the page only. Please do not send a computer disk.

      If we accept your work, you will need to provide an electronic version of your article, and we will send you guidelines for electronic submission at that point. We also will give you instructions for the preparation of any graphic materials that accompany your article. If you plan to use any illustrations, maps, or photographs that are taken from a source protected by copyright, you will be responsible for securing permission from the copyright holder to use those materials.

      If we accept your work, your article also will need to conform to certain standards of style and citation. Our articles have endnotes, for example, not in-text references to a list of sources. Articles cannot have more than 100 notes. Though we will consider submissions that do not meet our style and citation standards, the publication process will proceed much more efficiently if your manuscript conforms from the start. We rely on the Chicago Manual of Style in most matters.

      Additional guidelines are available online at http://www.lib.duke.edu/forest/ehguide.htm.

ISSN 1084-5453
USPS 205-020

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