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Sustainable Agriculture Research and Education
Grants and outreach to advance sustainable innovations to the whole of American agriculture.

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1997 Highlights 

Farmers Increase Nutrient Value

Co-ops Bolster Local Economies

Training Enhances Rangeland Resources

Bedding System Cuts Vegetable Risks

Cereal Maker Rolling Oat Products

Pasturing Hogs Increases Farming Opportunities

Peas Divert Pecan Pests

Producer Input Strengthens Agency Education

Better Rotations Cut Pollution, Not Profits

SARE Encourages Conservation in the Tropics

All Highlights

SARE 1997 Highlights

Training Enhances Rangeland Resources
riparian area
Riparian areas such as this highlight the importance of stream protection to Extension staff. Photo by Jim Knight

Livestock and wildlife will benefit from a SARE-funded professional development program to showcase innovative ways of managing riparian areas in Montana, Idaho and Wyoming. Waterways and their surrounding areas often play an important role in sustaining livestock operations in the Intermountain West. Using a combination of practical methods, ranchers and other resource managers can help many species share access to lowlands and water assets without endangering these ecologically sensitive areas. Six educators and three ranchers have established demonstration sites for a three-day workshop in August 1997 that will demonstrate the methods to 30 other teachers. The sites feature cross-riparian drift fencing that encourages animals to move to upland areas. Off-site livestock waterers and fertilized spots also lure animals away, while managed grazing areas nearby stimulate production of leafy plants that enhance wildlife habitat. Site managers also can monitor the effectiveness of fencing different-sized areas to protect vegetation. State agricultural agencies will help select workshop participants, who in turn will establish similar sites and hands-on training programs in their areas. Fact sheets, proceedings and other publications describing the demo sites and workshop methods will help disseminate project findings and encourage establishment of more training sites. (Western Region project EW95-003.)



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