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Publications - Corvallis Plant Materials Center

Updated 02/20/2009

The Corvallis Plant Materials Center has published the following documents to solve specific resource conservation needs. Click on the document title to view each document.

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Publication Type
Technical Notes
Major Publications
Plant Fact Sheets
Plant Guides
Information Brochures and Flyers
Plant Materials Progress Report of Activities
PMC Annual Technical Report
Miscellaneous Technical Article
Progress Report
Published Abstracts
Release Notices
Other Publication Types
Field Office Technical Guide

Technical Notes

Plants for Pollinators in Oregon. (PDF; 402 KB) Kathy Pendergrass and Mace Vaughan. 2007. Oregon Plant Material Programs, Portland, OR. September 2007. (ID# 7451)

Suggestions for Installing Hardwood Cuttings and Fascines (Pacific Northwest Region, West of Cascades). (PDF; 129 KB) Darris, D.C. 2006. NRCS Portland, Oregon, Portland, Oregon. Plant Materials No. 38. 17p. (ID# 6826)

Considerations for Establishing Native Grasses From Seed for Restoration, Revegetation, and Erosion Control in Western Washington and Western Oregon. (PDF; 75 KB) Darris, D.C. 2003. USDA-NRCS Corvallis Plant Materials Center, Portland, OR. Plant Materials Tech. Note No. 36, Oregon. 14p. (ID# 5165)

Technical Note 13 -- Windbreak, Shelterbelt, and Landscaping Technology. (PDF; 917 KB) Plant Materials staff. 2005. USDA-NRCS-Pullman Plant Materials Center, Pullman, WA. Nov. 2005. 49p. (ID# 6337)

Technical Note 14 -- Conservation Cover Technology. (PDF; 354 KB) Plant Materials staff. 2005. USDA-NRCS-Pullman Plant Materials Center, Pullman, WA. Nov. 2005. 17p. (ID# 6338)

Technical Note 16: Seed Production of Tufted Hairgrass. (PDF; 102 KB) Darris, D.C., S.M. Lambert, and W. Young III. 1995. USDA-NRCS Corvallis Plant Materials Center, Portland, OR. TN 16. 5p. (ID# 578)

Technical Note 17: Seed Production of Blue Wildrye (Elymus glaucus). (PDF; 50 KB) Darris, D.C., S.M. Lambert, and W. Young III. 1996. USDA-NRCS Corvallis Plant Materials Center, Portland, OR. Apr. 1996. 4p. (ID# 579)

Technical Note 18: Factors Affecting Selection, Acquisition and Use of Plant Materials in a Soil Bioengineering Project. (PDF; 34 KB) Flessner, T.R. 1997. USDA-NRCS Corvallis Plant Materials Center, Portland, OR. OR-TN18, Jul. 1997. 5p. (ID# 821)

Technical Note 19: Soil Bioengineering Demonstration Project, Coyote Creek, Lane County, Oregon: First and Second Year. (PDF; 41 KB) Flessner, T.R. 1997. USDA- NRCS Corvallis Plant Materials Center, Portland, OR. OR-TN19, Jul. 1997. 3p. (ID# 822)

Technical Note 23: Ethnobotany, Culture and Use of Great Camas. (PDF; 29 KB) Stevens, M. and D.C. Darris. 1999. USDA-NRCS Corvallis Plant Materials Center, Portland, OR. OR-TN23, Sept. 1999. 9p. (ID# 2976)

Technical Note 24(OR)/39(WA): Producing Pacific Northwest Native Trees and Shrubs in Hardwood Cutting Blocks of Stooling Beds. (PDF; 67 KB) Crowder, W. and D. Darris. 1999. USDA-NRCS Corvallis Plant Materials Center, Portland, OR. OR-TN24/WA-TN38; Nov. 1999. 13p. (ID# 468)

Technical Note 25. Plant Guide for Common Camas: Ethnobotany, Culture, Management, and Use. (PDF; 32 KB) Stevens, M., D.C. Darris, and S.M. Lambert. 2000. USDA- NRCS Corvallis Plant Materials Center, Portland, OR. OR-TN25, Mar. 2000. 10p. (ID# 2978)

Technical Note 27: Growth Performance of Mason and Other Select Cultivars and Wild Ecotypes of Western Redosier Dogwood Under Low Maintenance Conditions. (PDF; 26 KB) Flessner, T.R. 2000. USDA-NRCS Corvallis Plant Materials Center, Portland, OR. OR-TN27, Oct. 2000. 6p. (ID# 837)

Technical Note 28: Description, Use, and Establishment of Pacific Serviceberry. (PDF; 138 KB) Flessner, T.R. 2001. USDA-NRCS Corvallis Plant Materials Center, Portland, OR. Apr. 2001. 7p. (ID# 842)

Technical Note 30: Ability of Pacific Northwest Shrubs to Root from Hardwood Cuttings (with Summary of Propagation Methods for 22 Species). (PDF; 385 KB) Darris, D.C. 2002. USDA-NRCS Corvallis Plant Materials Center, Portland, OR. Plant Materials Technical Note No. 30. 20p. (ID# 3859)

Technical Note 30: Procedures for Implementing Field Plantings. (PDF; 34 KB) Stannard, M.E. and S.M. Lambert. 1995. USDA-NRCS Pullman Plant Materials Center, Pullman, WA. Dec. 1995. 3p. (ID# 2922)

Technical Note 31: Native Shrubs as a Supplement to the Use of Willows as Live Stakes and Fascines in Western Oregon and Western Washington. (PDF; 428 KB) Darris, D.C. 2002. USDA-NRCS Corvallis Plant Materials Center, Portland, OR. Plant Materials Technical Note No. 31. 10p. (ID# 3857)

Major Publications

Field Guide for the Identification and Use of Common Riparian Woody Plants of the Intermountain West and Pacific Northwest Regions. (PDF; 9.8 MB) Hoag, C, D. Tilley, D. Darris, and K. Pendergrass. 2008. Plant Materials Programs of Idaho and Oregon, Aberdeen, ID. February 2008. 196p. (ID# 7428)

Plant Fact Sheets

Plant Fact Sheet: California oatgrass. (PDF; 217 KB) Darris, D.C. and P. Gonzalves. 2008. Corvallis Plant Materials Center, USDA NRCS, Corvallis, OR. July 2008. 2p. (ID# 8190)

Plant Fact Sheet: Oceanspray. (PDF; 135 KB) Gonzalves, P., D. Darris. 2008. 2p. (ID# 8199)

Plant Fact Sheet: Prairie Junegrass. (PDF; 164 KB) Gonzalves, P,, D. Darris. 2008. 2p. (ID# 8198)

Plant Fact Sheet: Red-flowering Currant. (PDF; 272 KB) Gonzalves, P., D. Darris. 2008. 2p. (ID# 8194)

Plant Fact Sheet: California Brome. (PDF; 219 KB) Darris, D.C. 2007. NRCS Corvallis Plant Materials Center, Corvallis, OR. July 2007. 2p. (ID# 7371)

Plant Fact Sheet: Columbia Brome. (PDF; 161 KB) Darris, D.C. 2007. Corvallis Plant Materials Center, Corvallis, Oregon. June 2007. 2p. (ID# 7372)

Plant Fact Sheet: Jackson-Frazier Germplasm meadow barley. (PDF; 221 KB) Darris, D.C. 2007. USDA NRCS Corvallis Plant Materials Center, Corvallis, OR. July 2007. 2p. (ID# 7373)

Plant Fact Sheet: Pacific Ninebark. (PDF; 86 KB) Gonzalves, P., D. Darris. 2007. Corvallis PMC, Corvallis. 3/24/2007. 2p. (ID# 7180)

Plant Fact Sheet: Pine Bluegrass. (PDF; 163 KB) Darris, D.C. 2007. NRCS Corvallis Plant Materials Center, Corvallis, Oregon. July 2007. 2p. (ID# 7374)

Red Elderberry. (PDF; 88 KB) Pete Gonzalves & Dale Darris. 2007. Corvallis Plant Materials Center, Corvallis, OR. June 2007. 2p. (ID# 7536)

Plant Fact Sheet: California fescue. (PDF; 132 KB) Darris, D., S. Johnson. 2006. USDA NRCS Corvallis, OR, Corvallis, Oregon. Fact Sheet. 2p. (ID# 6827)

Plant Fact Sheet: Lemmon's needlegrass. (PDF; 155 KB) Darris, D., S. Johnson, A. Bartow. 2006. USDA NRCS Plant Materials Center, Corvallis, OR. 2p. (ID# 6823)

Plant Fact Sheet: Roemers fescue. (PDF; 148 KB) Darris, D. S. Johnson, A. Bartow. 2006. USDA NRCS Plant Materials Center, Corvallis, OR. July 2006. 2p. (ID# 6824)

Fact Sheet: Skamania Germplasm Sitka Alder.. (PDF; 368 KB) Darris, D.C., R. Tracey, and S. Lambert. 2002. USDA-NRCS Corvallis Plant Materials Center, Porland, OR. Aug. 2002. 2p. (ID# 3858)

Arlington and Elkton Blue Wildrye. (PDF; 456 KB) Darris, D.C. 2001. USDA-NRCS Corvallis Plant Materials Center, Corvallis, OR. Jul. 2001. 2p. (ID# 587)

Plant Guides

Plant Guide: California oatgrass. (PDF; 540 KB) Darris, D.C. and P. Gonzalves. 2008. Corvallis Plant Materials Center, USDA NRCS, Corvallis, Oregon. July 2008. 17p. (ID# 8191)

Information Brochures and Flyers

Creating cottonwood groves: a primer.. (PDF; 565 KB) Dring, T., G. Kuhn, M. Stannard. 2008. WA NRCS Conservation Footprints, Spokane WA. 2008. 2p. (ID# 7957)

Partnering for Plant Solutions. (PDF; 1 MB) Williams, J, Rees, J. 2008. Corvallis PMC and Oregon NRCS Public Affairs, Portland, OR. 8/30/08. 6p. (ID# 8196)

Introduction to Insect Pollinators. (PDF; 238 KB) Rees, J., Vaughn, M., Williams J. 2007. NRCS, Portland, Oregon. June 2007. 2p. (ID# 7561)

Wildfire Risk Reduction and Recovery Tips for Homeowners. (PDF; 2.4 MB) Munda, B., D.G. Ogle, D. Dyer, and S.M. Lambert. 2002. USDA-NRCS Tucson Plant Materials Center, Phoenix, AZ. Jun. 2002. 19p. (ID# 1969)

Fact Sheet: Baskett Slough Germplasm California Oatgrass. (PDF; 326 KB) Darris, D.C. and S.M. Lambert. 2000. USDA-NRCS Corvallis Plant Materials Center, Corvallis, OR. Aug. 2000. 1p. (ID# 515)

Plant Materials Progress Report of Activities

Corvallis Plant Materials Center 2007/8 Progress Report of Activities. (PDF; 1.1 MB) Darris, D.C., A. Bartow, P: Gonzalves, J. Williams, and K. Pendergrass. 2008. Corvallis Plant Materials Center, Corvallis, Oregon. 2007-2008. 13p. (ID# 8187)

Corvallis Plant Materials Center 2006/7 Progress Report of Activities. (PDF; 1 MB) Darris, D., A. Bartow, J. Williams, P. Gonzalves, and K. Pendergrass. 2007. Corvallis Plant Materials Center, Corvallis, Oregon. September 2007. 12p. (ID# 7370)

Corvallis Plant Materials Center 2005-2006 Progress Report of Activities. (PDF; 875 KB) Darris, D., A. Bartow, J. Williams. 2006. NRCS Corvallis, Oregon, Corvallis, Oregon. 2005-2006 report. 10p. (ID# 6857)

Progress Report of Activities, Corvallis PMC 2004-2005. (PDF; 708 KB) Darris, D.C.; A. Bartow; R. Tracey. 2005. USDA-NRCS Corvallis Plant Materials Center, Corvallis, OR. September 2005. 9p. (ID# 6176)

Progress Report of Activities, Corvallis PMC 2003-04. (PDF; 355 KB) Darris, D.C., A. Bartow, and R. Tracey. 2004. (ID# 5725)

Progress Report of Activities, Corvallis PMC 2002-03. (PDF; 683 KB) Darris, D.C., A. Bartow, R. Tracey. 2003. USDA-NRCS Corvallis Plant Materials Center and Portland, OR, Portland, Oregon. September 29, 2003. 8p. (ID# 5166)

Progress Report of Activities, Corvallis PMC, March 2002. (PDF; 462 KB) Darris, D.C. and A. Bartow. 2002. USDA-NRCS Corvallis Plant Materials Center, Corvallis, OR. Mar. 2002. 9p. (ID# 510)

2000 Progress Report of Activities. (PDF; 417 KB) Flessner, T.R. and D. Darris. 2001. USDA-NRCS Corvallis Plant Materials Center, Corvallis, OR. Mar. 2001. 7p. (ID# 819)

PMC Annual Technical Report

Corvallis Plant Materials Center Technical Report 2008. (PDF; 7.2 MB) Bartow, A, D. Darris, P. Gonzalves, J. Williams, and T.McGovern. 2008. USDA Natural Resources Conservation Service, Corvallis Plant Materials Center, Corvallis, Oregon. September 2008. 271p. (ID# 8200)


Pacific Plants & Propagules Newsletter, Corvallis PMC. (PDF; 1.7 MB) Williams, J, D.Darris, P.Gonzalves,A.Bartow,K.Pendergrass. 2008. ORPMC, ORPMS, Oregon NRCS Public Affairs, Corvallis,OR. Vol.2 No.1 August 2008. 8p. (ID# 8197)

Native Plant Roemer’s to Repopulate the West Coast. (PDF; 204 KB) Westover, R.H. and D.C. Darris. 2007. USDA-NRCS Plant Materials Program, Beltsville, MD. December 2006. 2p. (ID# 7618)

Pacific Plants & Propagules Newsletter, Corvallis PMC. (PDF; 1.6 MB) Williams,J.Bartow,A.,Darris,D.,Pendergrass,K. 2007. Corvallis PMC, Corvallis, OR. Volume1, No.1. 4p. (ID# 7613)

Miscellaneous Technical Article

Propagation protocol for production of container Rorippa curvisiliqua, curvepod yellowcress. (PDF; 46 KB) Bartow, A. 2006. Native Plant Network, University of Idaho, Moscow, Idaho. Plant Protocol 2002. 1p. (ID# 6859)

Propagation protocol for production of Gentiana sceptrum, Griseb.. (PDF; 45 KB) Bartow, A. 2006. Native Plant Network, Moscow, ID. 2004. 2p. (ID# 6864)

Propagation Protocol for production of Madia elegans (common madia) seeds. (PDF; 46 KB) Bartow, A. 2006. Native Plant Network, University of Idaho, Moscow, Idaho. Plant Protocols, 2002. 1p. (ID# 6863)

Propgation Protocol for Production of container Perideridia oregana, Oregon yampah. (PDF; 45 KB) Bartow, A. 2006. Native Plant Network, University of Idaho, Moscow, Idaho. Plant Protocols 2002. 1p. (ID# 6861)

Propgation protocol of container Juncus Bolanderi, Engelm plants.. (PDF; 42 KB) Bartow, A. 2006. Native Plants Network, Moscow, ID. 2005. 2p. (ID# 6865)

Progress Report

Supporting documentation for release of Jackson-Frazier germplasm meadow barley (Hordeum brachyantherum). (PDF; 754 KB) Darris, D. and P. Gonzalves. 2008. Corvallis Plant Materials Center, USDA NRCS, Corvallis, Oregon. August 2008. 33p. (ID# 8192)

The 2007 Bureau of Land Management Annual Report: Medford District. (PDF; 463 KB) A. Bartow. 2008. Corvallis Plant Materials Center, Corvallis, OR. December 30, 2007. 10p. (ID# 7945)

The 2007 Bureau of Land Management Annual Report: Roseburg District. (PDF; 344 KB) A. Bartow. 2008. Corvallis Plant Materials Center, Corvallis, OR. Octover 20, 2007. 7p. (ID# 7946)

The 2007 Bureau of Land Management Annual Report: West Eugene Wetlands. (PDF; 627 KB) A. Bartow. 2008. Corvallis Plant Materials Center, Corvallis, OR. December 30, 2007. 9p. (ID# 7944)

The 2007 Federal Highway Administration Annual Report: Fort Hill Nelson's Checkermallow Seed Increase. (PDF; 378 KB) A. Bartow. 2008. Corvallis Plant Materials Center, Corvallis, OR. September 20, 2007. 3p. (ID# 7967)

The 2007 Federal Highway Administration Annual Report: Rock Creek Bridge Replacement. (PDF; 546 KB) A. Bartow. 2008. Corvallis Plant Materials Center, Corvallis, OR. December 20, 2007. 6p. (ID# 7964)

The 2007 Fish and Wildlife Annual Report: Willamette Valley Seed Increase Project. (PDF; 538 KB) A. Bartow. 2008. Corvallis Plant Materials Center, Corvallis, OR. December 28, 2007. 8p. (ID# 7948)

The 2007 Lassen Volcanic National Park Annual Report: Kings Creek Revegetation Project. (PDF; 522 KB) A. Bartow. 2008. Corvallis Plant Materials Center, Corvallis, OR. November 29, 2007. 5p. (ID# 7960)

The 2007 Lassen Volcanic National Park Annual Report: Visitors' Center Landscape Project. (PDF; 146 KB) A. Bartow. 2008. Corvallis Plant Materials Center, Corvallis, OR. December 29, 2007. 3p. (ID# 7961)

The 2007 Mount Rainier National Park Annual Report: State Road 123 Revegetation Project. (PDF; 129 KB) A. Bartow. 2008. Corvallis Plant Materials Center, Corvallis, OR. October 29, 2007. 3p. (ID# 7963)

The 2007 Mount Rainier National Park Annual Report: Steven's Canyon Road Revegetation Project. (PDF; 107 KB) A. Bartow. 2008. Corvallis Plant Materials Center, Corvallis, OR. December 20, 2007. 3p. (ID# 7962)

The 2007 Olympic National Park Annual Report: Elwha River Ecosystem and Fisheries Restoration. (PDF; 451 KB) A. Bartow. 2008. Corvallis Plant Materials Center, Corvallis, OR. December 30, 2007. 7p. (ID# 7958)

The 2007 Olympic National Park Annual Report: Hurricane Ridge Revegetation Project. (PDF; 244 KB) A. Bartow. 2008. Corvallis Plant Materials Center, Corvallis, OR. December 30, 2008. 6p. (ID# 7959)

The 2007 United States Forest Service Annual Report. (PDF; 261 KB) A. Bartow. 2008. Corvallis Plant Materials Center, Corvallis, OR. December 20, 2007. 4p. (ID# 7947)

The 2007 US Army/Oregon Military Department Annual Report: Camp Rilea Seed Increase Project. (PDF; 183 KB) A. Bartow. 2008. Corvallis Plant Materials Center, Corvallis, OR. December 30, 2007. 5p. (ID# 7966)

The 2007 US Fish and Wildlife Annual Report: Oregon Silverspot Butterfly Seed Increase Project. (PDF; 390 KB) A. Bartow. 2008. Corvallis Plant Materials Center, Corvallis, OR. December 28, 2007. (ID# 7965)

Festuca roemeri Common Garden Study Final Report. (PDF; 437 KB) Fiegener, R, B.L. Wilson, D.C. Darris, R. Johnson, and K. Kuykendall. 2007. Native Seed Network, Corvallis, Oregon. April 2007. 30p. (ID# 7390)

The 2006 Bureau of Land Management Annual Report: West Eugene Wetlands. (PDF; 595 KB) Bartow, A. 2007. Corvallis Plant Materials Center, Corvallis. February 1, 2007. 10p. (ID# 7181)

The 2006 Federal Highway Adminstration Annual Report: Rock Creek Bridge. (PDF; 130 KB) Bartow, A. 2007. Corvallis Plant Materials Center, Corvallis, OR. December 20, 2006. 4p. (ID# 7186)

The 2006 Lassen Volcanic National Park Annual Report: Kings Creek Revegetation Project. (PDF; 218 KB) Bartow, A. 2007. Corvallis Plant Materials Center, Corvallis, OR. January 24, 2007. 3p. (ID# 7183)

The 2006 Mount Ranier National Park Annual Report: State Road 123 Revegetation Project. (PDF; 300 KB) Bartow, A. 2007. Corvallis Plant Materials Center, Corvallis, OR. November 30, 2006. 4p. (ID# 7184)

The 2006 Olympic National Park Annual Report: Elwha River Ecosystem and Fisheries Restoration. (PDF; 802 KB) Bartow, A. 2007. Corvallis Plant Materials Center, Corvallis, OR. December 30, 2006. 12p. (ID# 7182)

The 2006 Olympic National Park Annual Report: Hurricane Ridge Road Revegetation Project. (PDF; 245 KB) Bartow, A. 2007. Corvallis Plant Materials Center, Corvallis, OR. December 30, 2006. 7p. (ID# 7185)

The 2006 US Fish and Wildlife Annual Report: Viola adunca Seed Increase Porject. (PDF; 108 KB) Bartow, A. 2007. Corvallis Plant Materials Center, Corvallis, OR. February 28, 2007. 3p. (ID# 7187)

2005 Mount Rainier National Park Annual Report: SR123. (PDF; 225 KB) Bartow, A. 2006. Corvallis Plant Materials Center, Corvallis OR. December 30, 2005. 5p. (ID# 6829)

2005 Olympic National Park Annual Report: Elwha River Ecosystem and Fisheries Restoration. (PDF; 708 KB) Bartow, A. 2006. Corvallis PMC, Corvallis OR. December 30, 2005. 16p. (ID# 6820)

2005 Olympic National Park Annual Report: Hurricane Ridge Road Project. (PDF; 292 KB) Bartow, A. 2006. Corvallis PMC, Corvallis OR. December 30, 2005. 6p. (ID# 6821)

THE 2005 US FISH AND WILDLIFE ANNUAL REPORT: Viola adunca seed increase project 2005 Fish and Wildlife Annual Report: Viola adunca Seed Increase Project. (PDF; 93KB) Johnson, S. 2006. USDA NRCS, Corvallis, OR. 02/12/2006. 3p. (ID# 6822)

The 2006 Bureau of Land Management Annual Report: Medford District. (PDF; 765 KB) Bartow, A. 2006. Corvallis Plant Materials Center, Corvallis OR. December 22, 2006. 9p. (ID# 7178)

The 2006 Bureau of Land Management Annual Report: Roseburg District. (PDF; 161 KB) Bartow, A. 2006. Corvallis Plant Materials Center, Corvallis OR. Decemeber 20, 2006. 4p. (ID# 7179)

2004 Bureau of Land Management West Eugene Wetlands Annual Report. (PDF; 263 KB) Bartow, A. 2005. USDA-NRCS Corvallis Plant Materials Center, Corvallis OR. February 22, 2005. 11p. (ID# 6181)

2004 Crater Lake National Park Highway 62 Restoration Annual Report. (PDF; 212 KB) Bartow, A. 2005. USDA-NRCS Corvallis Plant Materials Center, Corvallis Or. January 22, 2005. 7p. (ID# 6182)

2004 Medford District BLM Annual Report. (PDF; 94 KB) Amy Bartow. 2005. USDA-NRCS Corvallis Plant Material Center, Corvallis OR. February 22, 2005. 5p. (ID# 6177)

2004 Mount Rainier National Park SR123 Restoration Annual Report. (PDF; 19 KB) Bartow, A. 2005. USDA-NRCS Corvallis Plant Materials Center, Corvallis, Oregon. February 2, 2005. 4p. (ID# 6180)

2004 Olympic National Park Elwha River Ecosystem and Fisheries Restoration Annual Report. (PDF; 179 KB) Bartow, A. 2005. USDA-NRCS Corvallis Plant Materials Center, Corvallis OR. January 5, 2005. 12p. (ID# 6178)

2004 Olympic National Park Hurricane Ridge Road Restoration Annual Report. (PDF; 274 KB) Bartow, A. 2005. USDA-NRCS Corvallis Plant Materials Center, Corvallis, OR. January 3,2005. 8p. (ID# 6179)

Festuca roemeri Common Garden Study: Interim Report for the Bureau of Land Management, Eugene District. (PDF; 932 KB) Fiegener, R., B.L. Wilson, K. Kuykendall, and D. Darris. 2004. Institute for Applied Ecology, Corvallis, Oregon. November, 2003. 8p. (ID# 5494)

Crater Lake National Park, 2000 Progress Report. (PDF; 112 KB) Flessner, T.R. 2001. USDA-NRCS Corvallis Plant Materials Center, Corvallis, OR. Feb. 2001. 4p. (ID# 839)

Mount Rainier National Park, 2000 Progress Report. (PDF; 127 KB) Flessner, T.R. 2001. USDA-NRCS Corvallis Plant Materials Center, Corvallis, OR. Feb. 8, 2001. 7p. (ID# 840)

Published Abstracts

Native Plant Propagation, Seed Increase, and Revegetation Efforts: The Role of the Corvallis Plant Materials Center in Western Oregon and Western Washington. (PDF; 84 KB) Darris, D. C. 2003. Native Plant Restoration and Management on Public Lands in the Pacific Northwest: Rare Plants, Invasive Species, and Ecosystem Managment. (Conference). Corvallis, Oregon, February 11-13, 2003., Corvallis, OR. Feb. 2003. 3p. (ID# 4732)

Evaluating Acid Scarification Effects on Dormant Arctostaphylos nevadensis Seeds. (PDF; 14 KB) Trindle, J.D. 1995. In Proceedings: International Plant Propagation Society, Corvallis, OR. Vol. 45:80-82, 1995. 3p. (ID# 3086)

Release Notices

Notice of Release fo Jackson-Frazier Germplasm Meadow Barley. (PDF; 21 KB) Darris, D.C. 2007. Corvallis Plant Materials Center, Corvallis, Oregon. December 2006. 3p. (ID# 7176)

Notice of Pre-Varietal Release, Source Indentified Selected Class: Baskett Slough Selection of California Oatgrass. (PDF; 128 KB) Lambert, S. and D. Darris. 2000. USDA-NRCS Corvallis Plant Materials Center, Pullman, WA. Sept. 2000. 3p. (ID# 1555)

Notice of Release: Kalo Dwarf English Trefoil (Lotus corniculatus L.). (PDF; 1657 KB) USDA-NRCS Corvallis Plant Materials Center. 1976. USDA-NRCS Corvallis Plant Materials Center, Corvallis, OR. 2p. (ID# 451)

Other Publication Types

Propagation protocol for production of container Perideridia gairdneri, Gairdner's yampah. (PDF; 45 KB) Bartow, A. 2006. Native Plant Network, University of Idaho, Moscow, Idaho. Plant Protocols 2002. 1p. (ID# 6862)


The Other Bees. (PDF; 55 KB) Williams, J, Savonen, Carol. 2008. Oregon Agricultural Progress, Oregon State University, Corvallis, OR. Fall 2007,Vol.53,No.2,Oregon State University. 3p. (ID# 8195)

Field Office Technical Guide

Conservation Practice Standard, Critical Area Planting. (PDF; 33 KB) Kuhn, G. 2008. WA NRCs eFOTG, Spokane WA. 2008. 4p. (ID# 7956)

WA 342 Job sheet. Critical Area Job Sheet.. (PDF; 259 KB) Kuhn, G. 2008. WA NRCS, Spokane. 2008. 2p. (ID# 7955)

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