Lisa Kassner
Los Angeles, California USA
I started working in broadcasting as a broadcast engineer in 1969. Over the years I have dabbled in ham radio, television and radio.

I use the JVC GZ HD 7 Video Camcorder with 60 gig hard drive.

I use Sennheiser Shot Gun and wireless audio microphones plugged into the external microphone input of the JVC GZ HD 7 camcorder. I also have a lot of other audio equipment to use on location projects.

I have a Smith Victor portable light kit for remote work.

I use Sony Vegas 7.0 nonlinear editing software for my productions.

I have 5 computers. Three Dell P4 desktops, 1 Dell M600 laptop, and recently I purchased an inexpensive HP dual core AMD running Windows Vista that does an OK job with 1080 i video.

I also shoot still photography with the Nikon D200 Digital still camera.

I have 12 projects streaming at Google Video. Some of my video projects can be seen at

See my Website please for my bio and other information.

I wish you the best of shooting for your video projects.

Kindest and sincerest warm regards,

Lisa J. Kassner
Los Angeles CA

Recent activity

  • Video comment
    2 days ago
    Lisa Kassner commented on "Determinism" Teaser Trailer

    Looking forward to watching the finished product!


    Lisa J. Kassner
    Los Angeles California

  • like
    8 days ago
    Lisa Kassner likes EX3 test short: Windsor Waltz HD
  • Video comment
    17 days ago
    Lisa Kassner commented on Vimeo Plus H.264 Angels of Venice MP4

    Thanks Rastasia,

    I have not had many comments about this Vimeo engineering test. I wast trying out the new monopod and Sennheiser microphone. I spend about 15 minutes of time shooting there as I was on my way back to the car to go home after shooting at Fern Canyon.

    I am working nights now at work. I hope to be shooting some new projects soon. Thanks for stopping by to watch this Vimeo!



  • Video comment
    17 days ago
    Lisa Kassner commented on Tiger Beach

    Holy *hite Batman! Never ever seen anything like this before!


    Lisa J. Kassner
    Los Angeles CA

  • like
    17 days ago
    Lisa Kassner likes Tiger Beach

Video requests

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