Mike Paterson
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Documentary Producer/Director

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    1 month ago
    Mike Paterson created Untitled
  • Video comment
    1 month ago
    Mike Paterson commented on Sueño Mexicano

    Hi - I shot it a few years ago on a Nizo Pro and Kodachrome K40. It was meant to be privately posted for a colleague but I'll leave it public as you're enjoying. Long live Super 8!

  • Forum comment
    2 months ago
    Mike Paterson commented on Outro Option - Show original thumbnail

    Any news on this?

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    2 months ago
    Mike Paterson tagged Colliding Particles - Episode 3: Conference Season with:
  • Forum comment
    2 months ago
    Mike Paterson commented on International Support for for Vimeo Plus

    Really guys, this constant 'it's coming soon, we promise..' with no apparent results is more frustrating than saying nothing at all. It's worth remembering that the original estimated date for Plus was July 08, and many members of the community have been waiting since before that date. A word of warning from those of us who have been plussed by a US member rather than wait - My embedded HD plays ran out over a month ago and it is not currently possible to gift people extra HD plays. This has left me with a plus account which is effectively useless to me and I'm not alone. Blake stated in this thread that adding the option to gift HD views would be a good idea (and surely pretty straightforward to implement as the gifting option is already there), but later told me by email that 'I don't think that will be able to happen until we launch Plus for international users to be honest'. Given the continued wait to support international payments, you may want to think twice about being gifted plus for the embedded HD plays feature.

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