Joseph Stracuzzi
Niagara Falls Ontario
Just recently started getting into video with the help of Kevin (Brotherloose Films). I've been recording audio for years and he's been working with video for twice as long, naturally we teamed up and the next thing I knew I bought vimeo plus!

Recent activity

  • Video comment
    28 days ago
    Joseph Stracuzzi commented on - Vid Codex 083107 Parlor Mob

    yeah tottaly, i was checkin their tunes out online, goodshit man! If they're coming to the falls i wanna snag em for our show.

  • Blog comment
    1 month ago
    Joseph Stracuzzi commented on Vimeo Offline Event

    Hey, just wondering how the playlist is chosen. We're doing our own "offline" screening of our Feb episode here in Niagara Falls on the 6th, I'd love to have a chance to have it seen elsewhere. I'd love to help support vimeo aswell, if there is anything we can do at our offline screening I'd love to make it happen. Cheers, Joe

  • Video comment
    1 month ago
    Joseph Stracuzzi commented on - Vid Codex 091907 George Stanford

    I like the way your interview is directed..

    In your opinion, whats the best or your favorite question to ask musicians?

  • Video comment
    1 month ago
    Joseph Stracuzzi commented on - Vid Codex 083107 Parlor Mob

    Cool band,

    reminds me alot of the raconteurs

  • like
    1 month ago
    Joseph Stracuzzi likes - Vid Codex 083107 Parlor Mob

Video requests

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