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July, 2004
Environmental History

Table of Contents
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Volume 9 • Number 3

July 2004

386 From the Editor


388 Woods and Warfare in World History
  By J. R. McNeill

411 The Nature of Water: Reform and the Antebellum Crusadefor Municipal Water in Boston
  By Michael Rawson

436 A 'Very Determined Opposition to the Law': Conservation, Angling Leases, and Social Conflict in the Canadian Atlantic Salmon Fishery, 1867–1914
  By Bill Parenteau

464 Blighted Areas and Obnoxious Industries: Constructing Environmental Inequality on an Industrial Waterfront, Hamilton, Ontario, 1890–1960
  By Ken Cruikshank and Nancy B. Bouchier

497 Like Manna from God: The American Chestnut Trade in Southwestern Virginia
  By Ralph H. Lutts


526 Neil Maher on Shooting the Moon


532 Robert B. Marks. The Origins of the Modern World: A Global and Ecological Narrative.
  Reviewed by Edmund N. Todd.

533 Bernardo Martínez García and María del Rosario Prieto, eds. Estudios sobre Historia y Ambiente en América II: Norteamérica, Sudamérica y el Pacífico. [Studies of History and Environment in America II: North America, South America, and the Pacific.]
  Reviewed by Sterling Evans.

534 Carolyn Hall and Héctor Pérez Brignoli. Historical Atlas of Central America.
  Reviewed by Robert H. Claxton.

536 Claudia Agostoni. Monuments of Progress: Modernization and Public Health in Mexico City, 1876–1910.
  Reviewed by John Tiefenbacher.

537 Ben Orlove. Lines in the Water. Nature and Culture at Lake Titicaca.
  Reviewed by Cynthia Radding.

538 Nancy J. Jacobs. Environment, Power, and Injustice: A South African History.
  Reviewed by Gregory H. Maddox.

540 Stephen Dovers, Ruth Edgecombe, and Bill Guest, eds. South Africa's Environmental History: Cases & Comparisons.
  Reviewed by William K. Storey.

541 Paul Stack and Ryk Ward, eds. The Peopling of Britain: The Shaping of a Human Landscape.
  Reviewed by Matthew Osborn.

543 Ian G. Simmons. The Moorlands of England and Wales: An Environmental History 8000 BC to AD 2000.
  Reviewed by T. C. Smout.

544 Joachim Radkau and Frank Uekötter, eds. Naturschutz und Nationalsozialismus. [Nature Protection and National Socialism.]
  Reviewed by Karen E. Wonders.

545 Michael Bess. The Light-Green Society: Ecology and Technological Modernity in France, 1960–2000.
  Reviewed by Angela G. Mertig.

547 Christoph Bernhardt and Genviève Massard-Guilbaud, eds. The Modern Demon: Pollution in Urban and Industrial European Societies.
  Reviewed by Jeanne Haffner.

548 Joel A. Tarr, ed. Devastation and Renewal: An Environmental History of Pittsburgh and its Region.
  Reviewed by David Stradling.

549 Devra Lee Davis. When Smoke Ran Like Water: Tales of Environmental Deception and the Battle Against Pollution.
  Reviewed by Clifton Hood.

551 Paul R. Josephson. Industrialized Nature: Brute Force Technology and the Transformation of the Natural World.
  Reviewed by Sonja Schmid.

552 David E. Nye. America as Second Creation: Technology and Narratives of New Beginnings.
  Reviewed by Paul Josephson.

553 Claire Strom. Profiting from the Plains: The Great Northern Railway and Corporate Development of the American West.
  Reviewed by Mark Finlay.

555 Sherry L. Smith, ed. The Future of the Southern Plains.
  Reviewed by Alison Macalady.

556 Robbie Ethridge. Creek Country: The Creek Indians and Their World.
  Reviewed by Warren R. Hofstra.

558 Richard W. Judd and Christopher S. Beach. Natural States: The Environmental Imagination in Maine, Oregon, and the Nation.
  Reviewed by Polly Welts Kaufman.

559 By Patrick Blanchet. Forest Fires: The Story of a War.
  Reviewed by James R. Fazio.

560 Eric T. Freyfogle. The Land We Share: Private Property and the Common Good.
  Reviewed by Karl Brooks.

561 John F. Richards, ed. Land, Property, and the Environment.
  Reviewed by Lester DeCoster.


563 Books

571 Articles

582 Theses and Dissertations

584 Archival Materials

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