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April, 2003
Table of Contents
Environmental History

Table of Contents
List journal issues


Volume 8•Number 2

April 2003

202 From the Editor                                                       


204 Evolutionary History: Prospectus for a New Field
  by Edmund Russell

229 The Garden of St. Francis: Plants, Landscape, and Economy in Thirteenth-Century Italy
  by Lisa J. Kiser
246 "The Weirdest of All Undertakings": The Land and the Early Industrial Revolution in Oldham, England
  by Matthew Osborn
270 Forests and National Security: British and American Forestry Policy in the Wake of World War I
  by A. Joshua West
294 Landscapes in the Dark Valley: Toward an Environmental History of Wartime Japan
  by William M. Tsutsui


312 Char Miller on Gifford Pinchot, Photographer


316 J. Donald Hughes, An Environmental History of the World: Humankind's Changing Role in the Community of Life.
  Reviewed by Stephen J. Pyne.

317 James L. A Webb, Jr., Tropical Pioneers: Human Agency and Ecological Change in the Highlands of Sri Lanka 1800–1900.
  Reviewed by Yvonne Everett.

318 Mahesh Rangarajan, India's Wildlife History: An Introduction.
  Reviewed by Kent H. Redford.

320 Ann Grodzins Gold and Bhoju Ram Gujar, In the Time of Trees and Sorrows. Nature, Power, and Memory in Rajasthan.
  Reviewed by James L. A. Webb, Jr.

321 John Sheail, An Environmental History of Twentieth Century Britain.
  Reviewed by Ian Simmons.

322 Louise Robbins, Elephant Slaves and Pampered Parrots: Exotic Animals in Eighteenth-Century Paris.
  Reviewed by Sofia Åkerberg.

323 Simon Stoddart, ed., Landscapes from Antiquity.
  Reviewed by Christian Rohr.

324 Ted Steinberg, Down to Earth: Nature's Role in American History.
  Reviewed by Hal K. Rothman.

326 Margaret E. Felt, Gyppo Logger; and Nicole Hayler, ed., Sound Wormy: Memoir of Andrew Gennett, Lumberman.
  Reviewed by Michael Dunn.

328 Char Miller, ed., On the Border: An Environmental History of San Antonio.
  Reviewed by Chad Montrie.

329 Joel Greenberg, A Natural History of the Chicago Region.
  Reviewed by Margaret Beattie Bogue.

330 Matthew Gandy, Concrete and Clay: Reworking Nature in New York City.
  Reviewed by Clifton Hood.

331 Mark Daniel Barringer, Selling Yellowstone: Capitalism and the Construction of Nature.
  Reviewed by James Pritchard.

333 Thomas D. Beamish, Silent Spill: The Organization of an Industrial Crisis.
  Reviewed by Carl Zimring.

334 Stephen Haycox, Frigid Embrace: Politics, Economics, and Environment in Alaska.
  Reviewed by Daniel Nelson.

335 Andrew Jamison, The Making of Green Knowledge: Environmental Politics and Cultural Transformation.
  Reviewed by Michael B. Smith.

337 Shannon Petersen, Acting for Endangered Species: The Statutory Ark.
  Reviewed by Paul Milazzo.

338 Frank N. Laird, Solar Energy, Technology Policy, and Institutional Values.
  Reviewed by Erik M. Conway.


340 Books

346 Articles

353 Theses and Dissertations

356 Archival Materials

369 About EH


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