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July, 2005
Environmental History

Table of Contents
List journal issues


Volume 10 • Number 3

July 2005

  From the editor


404 A Death-Defying Attempt to Articulate a Coherent Definition of Environmental History
  by Douglas R. Weiner

421 The Wilderness of War: Nature and Strategy in the American Civil War
  by Lisa M. Brady

448 Managing a Rebel Landscape: Conservation, Pioneers, and the Revolutionary Past in the U Minh Forest, Vietnam
  by David Biggs

477 "The Most Valuable Birds in the World": International Conservation Science and the Revival of Peru's Guano Industry, 1909–1965
  by Gregory T. Cushman


510 On Walking Contested Land: Doing Environmental History in West Africa and the United States
  by Lynne Heasley


532 Lisa Mighetto on Mermaids, the Pacific Fisherman, and the "Romance of Salmon"


538 Jared Diamond. Collapse: How Societies Choose to Fail or Survive.
  Reviewed by Verena Winiwarter.

540 Richard P. Tucker and Edmund P. Russell, eds. Natural Enemy, Natural Ally: Toward an Environmental History of War.
  Reviewed by Lisa M. Brady.

542 Paul R. Josephson. Resources Under Regimes: Technology, Environment, and the State.
  Reviewed by Gregory Summers.

543 Stephen Bocking. Nature's Experts: Science, Politics, and the Environment.
  Reviewed by Rebecca McLain.

544 R. Quentin Grafton, Libby Robin, and Robert J. Wasson, eds. Understanding the Environment: Bridging the Disciplinary Divides.
  Reviewed by Peter Coates.

545 Bruce V. Foltz and Robert Frodeman, eds. Rethinking Nature: Essays in Environmental Philosophy.
  Reviewed by Ashwani Vasishth.

546 Susan R. Schrepfer and Philip Scranton, eds. Industrializing Organisms: Introducing Evolutionary History.
  Reviewed by Harriet Ritvo.

548 Christopher A. Conte. A Highland Sanctuary: Environmental History in Tanzania's Usambara Mountains.
  Reviewed by Tamara Giles-Vernick.

550 Louis S. Warren, ed. American Environmental History.
  Reviewed by Thomas G. Andrews.

551 Paul A. Delcourt and Hazel R. Delcourt. Prehistoric Native Americans and Ecological Change: Human Ecosystems in Eastern North America since the Pleistocene.
  Reviewed by Evan Peacock.

552 Darcie A. MacMahon and William H. Marquardt. The Calusa and Their Legacy: South Florida People and Their Environments.
  Reviewed by Warren R. Hofstra.

554 James E. Fickle. Timber: A Photographic History of Mississippi Forestry.
  Reviewed by Mary Ellen Wilson.

555 Sylvia Lorraine Bowerbank. Speaking for Nature: Women and Ecologies of Early Modern England.
  Reviewed by Sharon O'Dair.

556 Brian Donahue. The Great Meadow: Farmers and the Land in Colonial Concord.
  Reviewed by Richard Judd.

558 Matthew D. Evenden. Fish Versus Power: An Environmental History of the Fraser River.
  Reviewed by Fredric L. Quivik.

559 Jon T. Coleman. Vicious: Wolves and Men in America.
  Reviewed by Marybeth Holleman.

560 H. H. Shugart. How the Earthquake Bird Got Its Name and Other Tales of an Unbalanced Nature.
  Reviewed by Sofia Åkerberg.

561 William A. Reiners and Kenneth L. Driese. Transport Processes in Nature: Propagation of Ecological Influences Through Environmental Space.
  Reviewed by Brandon Bestelmeyer.

562 Beth Luey, ed. Revising Your Dissertation: Advice from Leading Editors.
  Reviewed by Julidta Tarver.


564 William L. Thomas, Jr., ed. Man's Role in Changing the Face of the Earth.
  Reviewed by Robert M. Wilson.


567 Books

576 Articles

608 Theses and Dissertations

611 Archive

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