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Title: Season of burn and hardwood development in young longleaf pine stands
Author(s): Boyer, William D.
Date: 1993
Source: In: Proceedings of the 7th biennial southern silvicultural research conference; 1992 November 17-19; Mobile, AL. Gen. Tech. Rep. SO-93. New Orleans, LA: USDA, FS, Southern Forest Experiment Station; 511-515.grt_so093-boyer.pdf
Station ID: --
Description: Abstract.Four treatmems--bienniaI burns in winter, spring, and summer, and a no-bum control-were applied in plots in naturally established stands of longleaf pine (Pinus palustris) Mill.). Treatments commenced in 1974, when the pines were 15 years old, and the most recent observations were made in 1992. Midstory hardwood density increased in the absence of burning and with winter burning but decreased with spring and summer burning. The proportion of hardwood basal area to totaI stand basal area has remained relatively constant in both unburned and winter-burned stands. Hardwood regeneration was unaffected by burning.
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