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Title: "Super-Fog"--A Combination of Smoke and Water Vapor That Produces Zero Visibility over Roadways
Author(s): Achtemeier, Gary L.
Date: 2002
Source: In: 12th Joint Conference on the Applications of Air Pollution Meteorology with A&WMA; 2002 May 20-24; Norfolk, Va. Boston, MA: American Meteorogical Society: 15-16
Description: Forest and agricultural burning release chemical compounds and particulate matter into the atmosphere. Although most of this material contributes to visibility reductions through haze and provldes chemical constituents available for reactions with other atmospheric pollutants, there are occasions when smoke is entrapped locally and combines with water vapor to produce zero visibility smoke/fog or super-fog. Super-fog threatens transportation when it drifts over roadways - a problem in the South, especially at night.
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