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Title: Special Forest Products: A Southern Strategy for Research & Technology Transfer
Author(s): Sallee, Rod; Owen, Wayne; Kenna, Karen; Kauffman, Gary; Emery, Marla; Johnson, Tony; Araman, Phil; Stratton, Dan; Reams, Greg; Sheffield, Ray; Rudis, Vic; Loeb, Susan; White, David; Chamberlain, Jim
Date: 2004
Source: USDA Forest Service, Souther Research Station, Southern Region, Science Update SRS-006
Station ID: SU-SRS-006
Description: Increasing levels of collection of special forest products (SFPs) have tirggered concerns about the long-term social, ecological, and economic sustainability of the resources from which these products orginate. At this time, there is too little information to assess the current situation and to make informed decisions about managing the forest resources for these products.

This document outlines four strategic goals and actions designed to advance the knowledge base needed to manage forest resources for speical forest products. The guide is intended to provide strategic direction for Southern Research Station (SRS) research on the ecological, economic, and social sustainability of market and nonmarket special forest products, the inventory and monitoring of these products on public and private forest lands, and technology transfer efforts in Region 8, State and Private Forestry, and the National Forest System.

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