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Title: Form and performance: body shape and prey-capture success in four drift-feeding minnows
Author(s): Rincón, Pedro A.; Bastir, Markus; Grossman, Gary D.
Date: 2008
Source: Oecologia (2007) 152:345–355
Description: Identifying links between morphology and performance for ecologically relevant tasks will help elucidate the relationships between organismal design and fitness. We conducted a laboratory study to quantify the relationship between variation in body shape and prey-capture success in four drift-feeding minnow species. We offered drifting prey to individual fish in a test flume, counted successful strikes to measure prey-capture success and recorded the position (X, Y coordinates) of ten landmarks on each fish’s outline to delineate the specimen’s form. We then quantified shape variation among species and related it to capture performance through thin-plate spline analysis. Body shape varied significantly among species and with specimen size and was the major determinant of capture success, explaining 45–47% of its variability. Prey-capture success at differing velocities differed among species, but once the effects of shape and size were accounted for, those differences were no longer significant. Allometric shape changes appeared responsible for most of the ontogenetic variation in capture performance, although other size-related, non-shape factors also seemed relevant.
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