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Title: Flooding and arsenic contamination: Influences on ecosystem structure and function in an Appalachian headwater stream
Author(s): Lottig, Noah R.; Valett, H. Maurice; Schreiber, Madeline E.; Webster, Jackson R.
Date: 2007
Source: Limnology and Oceanograph, 52(5), 2007, 1991–2001
Description: We investigated the influence of flooding and chronic arsenic contamination on ecosystem structure and function in a headwater stream adjacent to an abandoned arsenic (As) mine using an upstream (reference) and downstream (mine-influenced) comparative reach approach. In this study, floods were addressed as a pulse disturbance, and the abandoned As mine was characterized as a press disturbance. We further addressed chronically elevated As concentrations as a ramp disturbance, in which disturbance intensity was ramped by increasing proximity to the As source. Stream ecosystem structure and biogeochemical functioning were characterized monthly over a period ranging from July to December 2004. Influence of the press disturbance was evident in the mine-influenced reach, where As concentrations (254 6 39 µg L21) were more than 30 times higher than in the reference reach (8 6 1 µg L21). However, in almost all cases the presence of the abandoned As mine appeared to exert little influence on reach-scale measures of ecosystem structure and function (e.g., organic matter [OM] standing crops, phosphorus [P] uptake). Conversely, floods significantly influenced OM standing stock in both study reaches. Interactions between press and pulse disturbances influenced P uptake in the mine-influenced reach. Within the mine-influenced reach, P uptake across a gradient of As concentrations correlated with Michaelis–Menton models of enzyme kinetics in the presence of a competitive inhibitor. These results indicate that As competitively inhibits P uptake by microbial assemblages.
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