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Title: Recreation users fees on federal lands: a test of structural change between 1995 and 2003
Author(s): Bowker, J.M.; Green, Gary; MuCullom, Dan; Cordell, Ken
Date: 2008
Source: In: 30th annual southeastern recreation research (serr) conference. Gainesville, FL, University of Florida, School of Forest Resources and Conservation: 53-55
Description: Federal lands provide many recreation facilities and services. On some of these lands, fees have been and are currently being charged for certain recreational services. This study examined the attitudes of users, between 1995 and 2003, towards recreation user fees on public lands. Data from the National Survey on Recreation and the Environment on recreational participants were compared between 1995 and 2003. Respondents gave their views on a set of questions concerning their attitudes towards user fees. Logistic regression models were initially used to examine user's attitudes towards fees in 1995 and 2003. T-tests were then used to examine any significant differences between user's attitudes towards fees between these years. This study examines whether the public's attitudes towards user fees has changed over time. Studies on recreation user fees help land managers to better understand how the public feel their lands should be managed and operated by the federal government.
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