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Title: Response of Second-Rotation Southern Pines to Fertilizer and Planting on Old Beds--Fifteenth-Year Results
Author(s): Haywood, James D.; Tiarks, Allan E.
Date: 2002
Source: Gen. Tech. Rep. SRS–48. Asheville, NC: U.S. Department of Agriculture, Forest Service, Southern Research Station. pp 497-502
Description: Two replicated site preparation studies were used to examine the effects of management on loblolly pine (Pinus taeda L.) and slash pine (P. elliottii Engelm. var. elliottii) growth-and-yield in a second rotation on silt loam soils. Treatments included no tillage, flat disking, bedding, and fertilization. After 15 growing seasons of the second rotation in study 1, loblolly pine and slash pine basal area and volume per acre were greater on burned-only plots than on plots mechanically site prepared 38 years earlier. In the first rotation, 15-year-old loblolly and slash pines had averaged 52 and 49 ft tall, respectively; in the second rotation the trees were only 40 and 46 ft tall. In study 2, slash pine responded to 88 lb per acre of phosphorus applied at the beginning of both rotations, but planting on 16-year-old beds had no influence on slash pine growth 15 years later. Cross-rotation comparisons could not be made in study 2 because of age differences when measurements were taken between rotations.
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