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Title: Measurement of moisture in smoldering smoke and implications for fog
Author(s): Achtemeier, Gary L.
Date: 2006
Source: International Journal of Wildland Fire, Vol. 15: 517-525
Description: Smoke from wildland burning in association with fog has been implicated as a visibility hazard over roadways in the southern United States. A project began in 2002 to determine whether moisture released during the smoldering phases of southern prescribed burns could contribute to fog formation. Temperature and relative humidity measurements were taken from 27 smoldering 'smokes' during 2002 and 2003. These data were converted to a measure of the mass of water vapor present to the mass of dry air containing the vapor (smoke mixing ratio). Some smokes were dry with almost no moisture beyond ambient. Other smokes were moist with moisture excesses as large as 39 g kg-1. Calculations show that ground-level smoke moisture excesses have no impact on ambient relative humidity during the day. However, the impact at night can be large enough to increase the ambient relative humidity to 100%. Therefore smoke moisture may be a contributing factor to the location and timing of fog formation.
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