
Trees in Celebration • Trees in Memory

Honor your friends and loved ones with the gift of trees.

Our Trees in Memory and Trees in Celebration programs plant Native Pine, Fir and Cedar Trees in our nation’s forests which have been destroyed by fire, disease or insect. Currently, we are planting trees in Plumas National Forest. When you plant a tree in memory of a loved one, or to mark a special occasion, you contribute to a healthier environment and provide for future generations.

As the trees grow and prosper, so does the meaning of your gift.

Over the course of 50 years, a single tree can generate $31,250 of oxygen, provide $62,000 worth of air pollution control, recycle $37,500 worth of water, and control $31,500 worth of soil erosion.

Your trees will be silent sentinels, honorable monuments, and for decades to come, active participants in nature's plan.