New Features

  • Users online
    Anytime you see a blue square around a user's avatar, you know they are online. Just think of the implications!
  • Daily Email Update
    You can now receive a daily email full of what's happening in your Vimeo world. Sign up is located in your notifications settings.
  • Converting time during transcoding
    Ted and Casey added a nifty little feature that will display the time remaining to convert your video during uploads.
  • Removing Video Thumbnails
    Everytime you upload a video, you get 12 thumbnails to choose from. Now, a month from the day you upload your video, we will automatically remove any unused thumbnails. But you will always be able to upload your own.
  • Improved Searching
    We've been waiting for this. The toolbar search is now much more accurate.
  • Login and Join Vimeo Lightbox
    Clicking on most login and join links will now trigger a lightbox overlay where you can quickly login or join Vimeo and stay on your current page.
  • Better referrer statistics
    Now we record every page that videos get embeded on, check it out in the stats section to the right of any video page.
  • Share on MySpace
    Everyone says they hate it, but everyone has a MySpace profile! We've added MySpace to the Sharing options.
  • Badge additions
    You can now add channels and albums to any Badge that you create. Yipeee!
  • New Hubnut Behavoir
    From now on, the Hubnut will not auto-rotate when it is loaded on a page. This will only affect all newly created Hubnuts, not those that are currently used on other sites.
  • Search Channels
    Now you can FINALLY search for Channels. Use the 'Search' box in the top navigation bar, make sure its set on 'Channels', and search away!
  • Posting to Flickr
    It's back! You can once again post your videos to Flickr. You can also post albums. Do this by clicking on Share and navigating to the "Post this..." tab.
  • Expanded Tag Browsing
    Clicking a tag from a video will bring you to an improved tag browsing experience. Now you can browse videos with that tag in your videos, all videos, your contacts' videos and more. Vimeo members who use that tag most are also noted.
  • New Avatar Feature
    Clicking any "avatar" aka user portrait will bring up a menu of actions you can take regarding that user. Use this menu to add contacts, subscribe to videos, and send messages to users you see on Vimeo
  • Spam Filters
    We've recently rolled out some great new spam filters that we think will help keep spammers off of Vimeo. Of course its impossible to stop ALL spammers, so if you ever see any send an email to and we'll take care of it.
  • Add Multiple Email Addresses
    Now you can add multiple email addresses to your account and then sign in with any of them using the same password. Just set one as your main address, verify it after we send you an email, and you're all set.

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