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Title: Considerations for interpreting probabilistic estimates of uncertainty of forest carbon

Author: Smith, James E.; Heath, Linda S.

Year: 2000

Publication: In: Joyce, Linda A.; Birdsey, Richard, technical editors. 2000. The impact of climate change on America's forests: a technical document supporting the 2000 USDA Forest Service RPA Assessment. Gen. Tech. Rep. RMRS-GTR-59. Fort Collins, CO: U.S. Department of Agriculture, Forest Service, Rocky Mountain Research Station. p. 102-111

Abstract: Quantitative estimated of carbon inventories are needed as part of nationwide attempts to reduce net release of greenhouse gases and the associated climate forcing. Naturally, an appreciable amount of uncertainty is inherent in such large-scale assessments, especially since both science and policy issues are still evolving. Decision makers need an idea of the uncertainty in carbon estimated in order to consider tradeoffs between known effects, possible outcomes, and preferred consequences. While an ultimate goal of assessments in to minimize uncertainty, a more immediate concern is to adequately quantify existing uncertainty. The goal of this chapter is to present some useful considerations for the interpretation and subsequent use of information from probabilistic assessments of uncertainty.

Note: This article is part of a larger document. View the larger document

Last Modified: 9/8/2008

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