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11 Campus Blvd., Suite 200
Newtown Square, PA 19073
(610) 557-4017
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You are here: NRS Home / Research Programs / Eastern Forest Use in a Global Economy
Eastern Forest Use in a Global Economy


The Northern Research Station has realigned our staff from 37 Research Work Units and Programs into 14 new Research Work Units.

RWU-4802 is now part of NRS-1, Ecological and Economic Sustainability of the Appalachian Forest in an Era of Globalization.

Our Mission

To provide economic, market, and wood-use information that supports the health and sustainability of forest-based industries, hardwood forests, and forest communities in the Eastern United States.


Forests in the Eastern United States contain more than 90 percent of the nation's total hardwood resource. Nearly half of this resource is within the 13 northeastern states. The wood products industry depends on these forests for its livelihood. and the northeastern region accounts for nearly 25 percent of all wood-products manufacturing wages nationwide. The various sectors of the eastern hardwood industry are currently facing competitive challenges that require new information and tools for decision-making. Perhaps the most significant change facing this industry is the increasing globalization of wood product markets and manufacturing. Globalization, and U.S. competitiveness will have a significant impact on the health and well being of the hardwood industry, which in turn affects the management and health of eastern forests. Research can provide information, analysis, tools, and other assistance to the wood-products industry, landowners, government policy makers, and community development specialists working to sustain healthy, productive and viable forests and communities within the region.

More Information

This site is under development as the Forest Service brings together the Northeastern and North Central Research Stations to form the Northern Research Station, serving the Northeast and Midwest. Check back often as we expand our site to reflect our combined commitment to supporting the natural resources and people of the Northeastern and Midwestern United States.

For more details about our research visit

Last Modified: 12/21/2007