When the Growing Gets Tough

Seeking to consolidate the current patchwork of "organic" or natural labels on foods, a national standard that will regulate the production and processing of organic foods and ingredients is proposed

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What's in a name? Or, in this case, a label? If you buy foods that say "organic," chances are that they not only contain modified or irradiated ingredients, but that some of those ingredients may have been produced using hormones, antibiotics, and synthetic or sludge fertilizers. Seeking to consolidate the current patchwork of "organic" and "natural" labels on foods, the U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA) has proposed a national standard that will regulate the production and processing of organic foods and ingredients.


Presently, products marketed as "organic" are certified by numerous state and private agencies, thereby creating domestic consumer confusion and complicating the export of products. But under the USDAs new proposal, which Agriculture Secretary Dan Glickman called "the most comprehensive and strongest organic standard in the world," all crops, livestock and processed foods that want to include "organic" on their labels will have to be produced under uniform guidelines governing the methods, substances and handling that go into their production. Three controversial processes in particular - the use of genetically modified ingredients, the use of radiation to decontaminate, and the use of sewage sludge as fertilizer - are specifically prohibited under the new labeling criteria.

The USDA'S attempt to regulate this fast-growing sector of American agriculture suggests that the agency can no longer ignore consumer demand estimated retail sales of organic foods in 1999 were nearly $6 billion) nor the growing community of organic farmers, many of whom are small-scale producers. In the past, many USDA policies were criticized for discriminating against both consumers and small farmers. In a recent press release, however, the USDA confidently claims that its new standard is "exactly what American consumers and organic farmers want," and the department announced additional measures to promote organic agriculture, including a trial, risk-management insurance program to aid the organic farming community.

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