K-12 Teaching Resources and Activities
(by Dr. Dirt)

These resources have been developed primarily for K-8 teachers and students. Hands-on, exploratory learning activities based on methods of scientific inquiry will encourage interest in science, soil, engineering, agriculture, and natural resources. The activities could easily be adapted and extended to challenge students in grades 9-12. The pages on plows and irrigation provide information on historical and current cultivation and irrigation methods.
 Dr. Clay Robinson, Ph.D., CPSSc, PG

Dr. Robinson's photo

Professor Plant, Soil and Environmental Science
Department of
Agricultural Sciences
West Texas A&M University
WTAMU Box 60998
Canyon, TX 79016-0001
Phone (806) 651-2553
FAX (806) 651-2938

Questions?  Ask Dr. Dirt

FAQ (Frequently asked questions) & Answers
updated September 1, 2007

Smithsonian Soils Exhibit!
(through January 2010)
Check out this exciting exhibit online.

SOIL! Get the Inside Scoop
This is a great book for kids, and a good resource for teachers, targeted toward middle school.
Soil Inside Scoop

Summer Science Teacher Academy, 2008
Activities prepared for June 20, 2008 Soil Science Session, Brownwood, TX
 (with TEKS)

What is Soil? A PowerPoint presentation that provides simple to complex definitions of soil from many sources. Robinson, created 2004, updated 2006

Hungry, naked, and homeless: Where would we be without soil? (K-5)
Activities prepared for the WTAMU Math-Science Teacher Conference, September 20, 2008

Soil: A marriage of science and math?
(Grades 6-8)
Activities prepared for the WTAMU Math-Science Teacher Conference, September 20, 2008

The Apple As Planet Earth:
Spin by Dr. Dirt

 (with TEKS)

Dr. Dirt: Soils, Water, Ecosystems, and Aquifers
Activities prepared for the WTAMU Math-Science Teacher Conference, September 25, 2004

Activities prepared for the WTAMU Math-Science Teacher Conference, September 24, 2005

Physical model of soil with three phases of matter
 (with TEKS)

three-phase model of soil

texture by feel Soil Texture activities
 (with TEKS)
24 hrs later

The Sponge Model:
A sponge is used to represent several facets of soil water relations and engineering properties.
runoff from sponge

magnified silt Making observations with tools
 (with TEKS)

Carbonates and vinegar effervescence
 (with TEKS)

Profiles in Soil Science
A compilation of articles about influential soil scientists in the United States.
 (with TEKS)

Soil Air
Basic information about the soil atmosphere.
 (with TEKS)

Relative Soil composition

Water in and around bb's under reverse lighting
Soil and Water
These demonstrations use marbles, golf balls, and ball bearings to show where water exists in soil, and how it is removed by plants 
Texas Essential Knowledge and Skills, K-8    Adobe *.pdf file
  Dirt pudding recipes and pictures
This tasty pudding can be used to teach about the horizons (layers) in soil. 
Texas Essential Knowledge and Skills, K-8    Adobe *.pdf file

capillary tubes
What is capillarity?
These demonstrations provide the basics about capillary action, where and how water is held in soil.

Capillary action at work using ball bearings and reverse light.

Sand Castles: Pre-engineering 101
These simple exercises demonstrate some basic soil engineering properties. 
Texas Essential Knowledge and Skills, K-8    Adobe *.pdf file
small upright sandcastle

surface tension of water drops What about surface tension?
Surface tension is an air-liquid phenomenon. Detergents and surfactants alter the surface tension of water, decreasing the cohesion of water.

Soil is a filter
This simple exercise demonstrates some basic soil chemical properties that protect our water supplies. 
Texas Essential Knowledge and Skills, K-8    Adobe *.pdf file
Cups and grape Koolaid filtered through soils

Fence divides green and brown grass
You have always heard the grass is always greener on the other side of the fence, but... 
Is the Grass Really Greener?
Texas Essential Knowledge and Skills, K-8    Adobe *.pdf file

Soil Temperature
These exercises demonstrate the effects of water, color, mulch, and configuration on soil temperature.
Texas Essential Knowledge and Skills, K-8 Adobe *.pdf file
Bare and mulched soil under heat lamps

dust storm
Erosion is a problem, and these pictures show some of the more common problems associated with erosion.
  (with TEKS)

Soil Residue
This exercise provides a method students can use to determine residue remaining on soil surface after harvest.  The residue cover influences the erosion potential of soil.
Sorghum residues on soil surface

single share moldboard plow
What's a plow anyway?
Pictures of tillage implements with discussion of what they do and why they are used.

Irrigation Methods in the Great Plains
Brief summary of  irrigation methods used with pictures and discussion
Center pivot sprinkler spraying in the wind

Generalized Nutrient Cycle

Essential Plant Nutrients
 (with TEKS)
Generalized Nutrient Cycle (diagram)
(CEC = cation exchange capacity; AEC = anion exchange capacity)

Nutrient uptake activity with carnations
  (with TEKS)
Link to nutrient cycles diagrams (N, P, K, S) from PPI-PPIC (Phosphate & Potash Institute)
colored carnations

How Big Is Your World?
The world is a complex system, but often our knowledge of it is limited by our experience and interest.

Mini Soil Profile
Check out this new, quick, and inexpensive technique to make a mini-soil profile using a note card and double sided carpet tape.
 (with TEKS)
Tarrant soil profile


Kentucky Soil, It's Worth Protecting
10 Key Messages about the importance of soil: USDA-NRCS

Using Soil as a dye: Dirt Shirts
 (with TEKS)

Crayons colored by soil
white shirt on red mud
Painting with soil
Jan Lang's paintings for the Lewis and Clark Bicentennial in 2003

Have you ever gotten your white shirt, socks, etc. stained playing or hiking near a river or lake?  Help get your kids interested in soil.  Wear a dirt shirt from one of 14 states and one foreign country. This is a list of suppliers' webpages.

Related Links:
Educational resources from First Class Schools
NRCS Tidbits for Teachers : Conservation education material for teachers K-12
Fun Science Gallery : Inexpensive, simple science experiments
USDA for Kids : Several links and educational activities
Texas Rural Systemic Initiative: High Quality Math and Science for All Students
Splash : an online water quality game
National Agricultural Statistics Service for Kids : Activities for kids and for teachers + agriculture facts
Soil Science Activities:    Activities to help kids understand soil properties, provided by the NASA Globe Project
Plant and soil mysteries:    Kids learn about soil and plants as they solve the mysteries
Oklahoma Ag in the Classroom: Several teaching activities
Texas Ag in the Classroom: Teaching activities and other opportunities

Copyright 2007. Clay Robinson, Ph.D., as to all resources: Materials may not be reproduced without Dr. Robinson's written consent. Students are prohibited from selling (or being paid for taking) notes or webpages during this course to or by any person or commercial firm without the express written permission of the developer of these pages.
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Last updated: 06-23-2008
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