
Hazard Trees and Tree Felling

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Hazard Trees and Tree Felling

The NWCG/SHWT Hazard Tree website is designed to promote a consistent emphasis on high risk activities, programs, and issues involving hazard trees and tree felling to meet the safety needs of the agencies and firefighters. The Hazard Tree Safety website provides a comprehensive source of information, education, and tools to support the vital roles that agency leaders, fireline supervisors, sawyers, and individual firefighters have in managing and mitigating hazard tree risks.

Facilitators and class participants are encouraged to read the following resources found on the web site to strengthen their understanding of hazard tree risks and what can be done to ensure safe firefighting in hazard tree environments.

  • Principles of Hazard Tree Risk Management – This recommended reading from the Hazard Tree and Tree Felling Task Groups can be found on the Hazard Tree Safety/Training & Education page. This working paper addresses foundational concepts of hazard tree risk management directed towards leaders, fireline supervisors, and all firefighters.
  • Lessons Learned - The “Resources” page on the Hazard Tree Safety website posts several lessons learned reports and safety advisories on hazard tree and tree felling incidents.
  • Training Aids – The “Training & Education” page on the Hazard Tree Safety website also offers various supplemental training aids and tools including Hazard Tree Assessor Guides, NO Work Zones PPT slideshow, and chainsaw operations.



  NOTE: Contents of this site will be reviewed and updated annually.