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Economic Impacts
State and Local Impacts

Provides links to the economic impacts of invasive species for Regions, States, and U.S. Territories.


Annual Losses to Great Lakes Region by Ship-borne Invasive Species at least $200 Million (PDF | 154 KB) (Jul 2008) / More Information about the Economic Impacts of Invasive Species
Great Lakes United.
A U.S. study conducted by the Center for Aquatic Conservation at the University of Notre Dame and University of Wyoming suggests invasive species brought in by ocean-going ships may be costing the Great Lakes region more than $200 million a year in losses to commerical fishing, sport fishing, and the area's water supply.

The Spread of Invasive Species in Western Wildlands: A State of Biological Emergency (May 19, 1998)
DOI. BLM. Governor's Idaho Weed Summit.

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California | Colorado | Florida | Hawaii | Idaho | Indiana | Kansas| Louisiana | Maryland | Montana | Nebraska | Nevada | Ohio | Oregon | New York | Texas


Eradication costs calculated . . . Red imported fire ants threaten agriculture, wildlife and homes (Jan/Feb 2002; PDF | 340 KB)
University of California.
California Agriculture
, Volumber 56, Number 1


Economic Impact of West Nile Virus on the Colorado and Nebraska Equine Industries: 2002 (PDF | 114 KB)
USDA. APHIS. Centers for Epidemiology and Animal Health.


Economics and Invasive Plant Management in Florida
Florida Department of Environmental Protection. Division of State Lands.

Economic Sectors at Risk from Invasive Aquatic Weeds at Lake Istokpoga, Florida (Dec 2004; PDF | 1.46 MB)
Florida Department of Environmental Protection. Bureau of Invasive Plant Management.


Economic impacts of non-indigenous species: Miconia and the Hawaiian economy (PDF | 472 KB)
Gettysburg College. Brooks A. Kaiser.


Noxious Weed Cost Share Program and ISDA 2004 Cost Share Program Accomplishments (Feb 17, 2005; PDF | 43 KB)
Idaho State Department of Agriculture.


Insects and Other Arthropods of Economic Importance in Indiana in 2004 (2005; PDF | 5.69 MB)
Purdue University. Cooperative Agricultural Pest Survey.
Proceedings of the Indiana Academy of Science 114(2): 105-110.


Foot-and-mouth Disease Could Cost Kansas Nearly a Billion Dollars (Nov 29, 2007)


West Nile Virus Economic Impact, Louisiana, 2002 (Oct 2004)
DHHS. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention.
Emerging Infectious Diseases,
Vol. 10, No. 10

The 2002 Outbreak of West Nile Virus Cost Louisiana $20 Million (Sep 28, 2004)


Potential Economic Losses Associated With Uncontrolled Nutria Populations in Maryland’s Portion of the Chesapeake Bay (Nov 2, 2004; PDF | 621 KB)
Maryland Department of Natural Resources.
Published by: Southwick Associates: Fish and Wildlife Economics and Business Consulting.


The Impact of Knapweed on Montana's Economy (Jul 1996; PDF | 200 KB)
University of Minnesota.
Steven A. Hirsch and Jay A. Leitch, North Dakota State University Agricultural Experiment Station


Economic Impact of West Nile Virus on the Colorado and Nebraska Equine Industries: 2002 (PDF | 114 KB)
USDA. APHIS. Centers for Epidemiology and Animal Health.


Estimating Net Losses in Recreation Use Values from Non-Indigenous Invasive Weeds (PDF | 592 KB)
University of Nevada - Reno. Cooperative Extension.
Special Publication SP-03-10.

The Economic Costs of Delaying Invasive Weed Control: An Illustration based on Nevada’s Tall Whitetop Initiative (PDF | 380 KB)
University of Nevada - Reno. Cooperative Extension.
Special Publication SP-01-08.

The Estimated Costs of Treating Invasive Weeds in Elko County, Nevada (PDF | 102 KB)
University of Nevada - Reno. Cooperative Extension.
Fact Sheet FS003-41.


Invasive Species in Ohio: Pathways, Policies, and Costs (Oct 2008)
Union of Concerned Scientists.
A new report finds that invasive species such as the emerald ash borer and zebra mussel already are causing significant damage in the state of Ohio. While the total cost of these non-native species is currently estimated at hundreds of millions of dollars a year, preventive legislation could significantly limit their economic and environmental impact.


The Economics of Invasive Species (2009)
Oregon Invasive Species Council.
Prepared for the Oregon Invasive Species Council by Oregon State University.

Economic Analysis of Containment Programs, Damages, and Production Losses From Noxious Weeds in Oregon (Nov 2000; PDF | 992 KB)
Oregon Department of Agriculture. Plant Division. Noxious Weed Control Program.
Published by: The Research Group, Corvallis, Oregon

New York

Impacts of Aquatic Nuisance Species Within the State of New York (PDF | 32 KB)
New York Sea Grant.


Damage by Fire Ants in Rural Texas Estimated at $236.5 Million (Dec 14, 2006)
Texas Integrated Pest Management Program.

Fire Ants Cost Texans Millions (Apr 21, 2000)
Texas A&M University. Texas Imported Fire ant Research and Management Project.

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U.S. Territories


Economic Damages from the Brown Tree Snake (Guam)
DOI. USGS. Fort Collins Science Center.

Puerto Rico

The Economic Impact of Invasive Species in the Ornamental Commodity in Puerto Rico (Mar 2004; PDF | 141 KB)
University of Florida. Institute of Food and Agricultural Sciences.
C.I. Alamo, R.A. Franqui, and E. Evans

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Last Modified: Feb 06, 2009
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