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  1. How can I regulate my child’s television watching? 4stars Published: January 27, 2009
  2. What is a serving size for a toddler? not rated Published: December 17, 2008
  3. How can I help my baby develop a good routine we can both live with? not rated Published: December 09, 2008
  4. How can a baby get lead poisoning? 5stars Published: August 29, 2008
  5. What does lead poisoning do to a baby? not rated Published: August 29, 2008
  6. My daughter is in tenth grade. What college scholarship/admission information might we start to gather now, and exactly when should we realistically begin the process of selecting a college(s)? 2stars Published: April 08, 2008
  7. Why do I need to talk to my kids about money? Aren’t they learning this in school? not rated Published: March 24, 2008
  8. What is a second newborn screening and why is it important? 1stars Published: March 18, 2008
  9. What is the family life cycle? 1stars Published: March 10, 2008
  10. What is FCS or Family Consumer Sciences? not rated Published: March 10, 2008
  11. Are my preschoolers too young for me to start teaching them about money? not rated Published: March 05, 2008
  12. What can I expect when I choose to breastfeed my baby? not rated Published: October 04, 2007
  13. When can I begin to teach my baby about the family rules? not rated Published: October 04, 2007
  14. I caught my two-year-old playing with his genitals. Should I be concerned? 5stars Published: October 04, 2007
  15. How can I encourage my baby to begin to crawl? 1stars Published: October 04, 2007

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