United States Department of Agriculture
Natural Resources Conservation Service
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2004 Newsroom Archives

National Media Liaisons:

Terry Bish, 202-720-3210
Mary Cressel, 202-690-0547

State News and Public Affairs Contacts

Where to Get Information About NRCS

USDA and DOE Announce Up to $15 Million in Grants for Biomass Projects—Pre-Applications Due Feb. 15, 2005

tractors and fieldDec. 21, 2004—USDA and the U.S. Department of Energy today announced the availability of up to $15 million in grants through the Biomass Research and Development Initiative. These grants are available to eligible entities to carry out research, development and demonstrations on biobased products, bioenergy, biofuels, biopower and related processes. NRCS, on behalf of USDA and the Department of Energy, is requesting proposals through a joint solicitation that is on the federal funding opportunities website (www.Fedgrants.gov ) and the Biomass Research and Development Initiative website (www.bioproducts-bioenergy.gov).

usda logo news release “USDA and DOE Announce Up to $15 Million in Grants for Biomass Research and Development Projects” (Dec. 21, 2004) 
en Español

Biomass Research and Development Solicitation

Biomass Research and Development Initiative

USDA Biobased Products and Bioenergy Coordination Council

Energy and Agriculture information

USDA Signs Agreement with American Fisheries Society

Chief Knight and AFS Executive Director Ghassan Rassam signing MOU.

Dec. 20, 2004—USDA-NRCS signed a Memorandum of Understanding with the American Fisheries Society (AFS) giving conservation program participants the option to obtain technical assistance in fisheries resources and aquatic habitat from certified technical service providers. NRCS Chief Bruce Knight and AFS Executive Director Ghassan Rassam signed the five-year agreement at an event at USDA headquarters. Certified fisheries professionals can offer recommendations to ensure producers maintain, restore and enhance their fisheries and aquatic habitat resources effectively.


NRCS news release "USDA Signs Technical Service Provider Agreement with the American Fisheries Society" (Dec. 20, 2004)  
en Español

Technical Service Provider Assistance Information

American Fisheries Society

Up to $1 Million Available for Conservation Partnership Initiative Grants—Proposals Due Feb. 17, 2005

Livestock exclusion and fish ladders are used on this section of creek for improved fish habitat.Dec. 17, 2004—USDA today announced that up to $1 million is available in Conservation Partnership Initiative (CPI) grants for state and local governments, tribes and nongovernmental organizations that have a history of working with agricultural producers. Applications must address at least one of the five CPI priorities for 2005: terrestrial and aquatic wildlife habitat, invasive species, agricultural air quality, livestock nutrient management and minor/specialty crop pest management. A Request for Proposals is on the NRCS website and federal eGrants website. Applicants have 60 days to submit proposals. Funds will be awarded through a nationwide competition.

usda logo news release “USDA Provides Up to $1 Million and Requests Proposals for Conservation Partnership Initiative Grants” (Dec. 17, 2004) 
en Español

Conservation Partnership Initiative

Federal eGrants web site

This document requires Adobe Acrobat reader.

Adobe Acrobat DocumentThe CPI request for proposals 2005

USDA Releases Final Rule for Technical Service Provider Assistance

Technical Service Provider April Mckeon of Utah works with Utah dairyman Steve Gillins on an animal waste management system on his farm.
TSP April Mckeon of Utah works with Utah dairyman Steve Gillins on his animal waste management system.

Dec. 8, 2004—USDA today released its final rule that allows the Department to certify third parties that can provide conservation technical assistance to the nation’s farmers and ranchers. The final rule was published in the Federal Register Nov. 29, 2004. It establishes a national certification process and details criteria for evaluating all potential providers of technical assistance. It also details USDA’s payment system for TSP-provided services and protects farmers and ranchers by ensuring TSPs are responsible for the service they provide.



NRCS news release: “USDA Releases Technical Service Provider Assistance Final Rule (Dec. 8, 2004)
en Español

TSP Final Rule

Technical Service Provider Assistance Information

CSP Self-Assessment Workbook Available for Producers

California farmDec. 6, 2004—A self-assessment workbook is available for potential participants in the 2005 winter sign-up of the Conservation Security Program (CSP). Farmers and ranchers can assess their potential eligibility by themselves on their own time at their convenience. The initial self-assessment will help producers identify whether their individual agricultural operation meets sign-up criteria. On Nov. 2, USDA announced that the fiscal year 2005 CSP will be available in 202 watersheds across the nation during a sign-up to be held this winter. A map of the fiscal year 2005 watersheds is at www.nrcs.usda.gov/programs/csp/2005_CSP_WS/index.html. The workbook is online and available in hardcopy or CD from local NRCS offices.

NRCS news release: Conservation Security Program Self-Assessment Workbook Available for Producers (Dec. 6, 2004)
en Español

Conservation Security Program

CSP Self-Assessment online

Nebraska Governor Nominated for Secretary of USDA

Nebraska Governor Mike Johanns and Agriculture Secretary Ann M. Veneman in USDA's radio broadcast studios announcing assistance for drought-stricken livestock producers on April 8, 2003.Dec. 2, 2004 — Nebraska Governor Mike Johanns was nominated today by President George W. Bush to be the 28th Secretary of the U.S. Department of Agriculture. Johanns will succeed Secretary Ann M. Veneman, who was sworn in on Jan. 20, 2001.

Veneman said, "I congratulate Governor Johanns... He is a good friend whom I've worked with closely over the years to advance agriculture policy and trade opportunities for America's farmers and ranchers."

USDA Statement By Agriculture Secretary Ann M. Veneman (Dec. 2, 2004)

Remarks by the President and Secretary of Agriculture Nominee Governor Mike Johanns (Dec. 2, 2004)

NRCS Provides More than $78 Million to Protect Farm and Ranch Land

Farmland is lost to encroachment from housing developments in central Maryland. Nov. 22, 2004—NRCS will provide more than $78 million to protect farm and ranch land in all 50 states and Puerto Rico through the Farm and Ranch Lands Protection Program. NRCS will accept FRPP proposals from interested state, tribal and local governments and nongovernmental organizations until mid-March 2005 to manage the program. The Request for Proposals will be published in the Federal Register soon.

USDA news release: USDA Provides More Than $78 Million to Protect Farm and Ranch Land (Nov. 22, 2004)
en Español

Farm and Ranch Lands Protection Program

USDA Selects Watersheds for CSP 2005 Sign-Up

Grass filter strip in Carroll County, Iowa. Nov. 2, 2004—USDA announced that 202 watersheds have been selected for the fiscal year 2005 Conservation Security Program sign-up to be held this winter. USDA intends to offer the program in every state and the Caribbean Area. A sign-up announcement will be published along with the final rule that will detail specific program requirements in the watersheds. A map of the fiscal year 2005 watersheds is at www.nrcs.usda.gov/programs/csp.

USDA news release: USDA Selects Watersheds for 2005 Conservation Security Program Sign-Up (Nov. 2, 2004)
en Español

Conservation Security Program

USDA Expands Conservation Opportunities for 13 States and the Caribbean Area

Stephen Taylor, Theresa Chadwick, and Mark Rey
Under Secretary Rey (right) announced NH regional equity funding with Theresa Chadwick and Ag. Commissioner Stephen Taylor.

Nov. 2, 2004—USDA announced that $80 million has been designated to ensure the Caribbean and 13 states with traditionally smaller allocations obtain adequate conservation funding this fiscal year. The regional equity provision authorized Agriculture Secretary Ann M. Veneman to “give priority funding” to states whose annual conservation allocation for approved applications falls below $12 million for four programs. The programs are The Environmental Quality Incentives Program, Wildllife Habitat Incentives Program, Farm and Ranch Lands Protection Program and Grasslands Reserve Program.

USDA news release: USDA Expands Conservation Opportunities for 13 States and the Caribbean Area (Nov. 1, 2004)

Environmental Quality Incentives Program

Farm and Ranch Lands Protection Program

Grasslands Reserve Program

Wildlife Habitat Incentives Program

USDA Expands 14 Resource Conservation and Development Areas in 8 States

Two people examine a stop along a prospective nature trail on the Echota Cherokee Tribe’s land in Alabama. The newly renamed Alabama Mountains, Rivers and Valleys RC&D is working with the tribe to develop a trail on its history and culture.

Nov. 1, 2004—USDA-NRCS today announced that 14 counties in 8 states are eligible to receive technical assistance for conservation and environmental enhancements through the Resource Conservation and Development Program (RC&D). USDA expanded 14 existing RC&D areas in eight states by adding one county to each area. The states are California, Iowa, Kansas, Kentucky, Missouri, North Carolina, Tennessee and Washington. In addition, one RC&D in Utah and another in Alabama changed their names to better reflect their mission in serving local communities.

NRCS news release: USDA Expands 14 Resource Conservation and Development Areas in 8 States (Nov. 1, 2004)

Resource Conservation and Development Program

USDA Announces Efforts to Enhance Ohio River Basin

Nov. 1, 2004—While in Lancaster, Ohio, Agriculture Secretary Ann Veneman announced the watersheds in Ohio and West Virginia that are eligible for the 2005 Conservation Security Program. Ohio has five watersheds with 7,827 farms totaling 3,106,403 acres and West Virginia has two watersheds with 816 farms totaling 1,255,593 acres. NRCS will conduct a CSP sign-up this winter.

USDA news release: Veneman Announces Efforts to Enhance Ohio River Basin (Nov. 1, 2004)

Conservation Security Program

NRCS Provides $19.5 Million for Salinity Control

In the Colorado River Basin, salinity issues are a challenge. (Utah photo)Nov. 1, 2004—NRCS is providing $19.5 million in Environmental Quality Incentives Program funds to control salinity in the Colorado River Basin. Both Colorado and Utah will receive $9.7 million and Wyoming will receive $90,000. The basin is the primary domestic water supply source for 27 million residents in seven states and a source of irrigation water for more than 3.5 million acres of farmland.

USDA news release: USDA Provides $19.5 Million for Salinity Control in the Colorado River Basin (Nov. 1, 2004)

Environmental Quality Incentives Program

Colorado River Basin salinity control activities

NRCS Provides Up to $4 Million for Livestock Producers in Arizona and New Mexico

Cattle graze in Arizona.  NRCS image.Nov. 1, 2004—NRCS is providing Environmental Quality Incentives Program (EQIP) funds for producers in Arizona and New Mexico who graze livestock on public and private lands. Up to $2 million is available in each state. EQIP funds are used on federal lands only when conservation practices directly improve resource concerns on nonfederal lands. Arizona’s Tonto EQIP pilot project allows EQIP cost-share funds to be used for any part of a ranching operation managed under a coordinated resource management plan.

USDA USDA news release: USDA Provides Up to $4 Million for Livestock Producers in Arizona and New Mexico (Nov. 1, 2004)

Environmental Quality Incentives Program

EQIP in New Mexico

EQIP in Arizona

Tonto EQIP Pilot Project in AZ

Arkansas Wetlands Project Receives $7 Million

Arkansas in the spring.Oct. 29, 2004—NRCS will provide $7 million to help restore about 11,200 acres of Arkansas River Valley wetlands through the Wetlands Reserve Program. Eighteen landowners are participating in a project called the England Joint Venture and combined their acreages to develop a large contiguous block of non-fragmented restorable habitat that includes bottomland hardwood forest with scattered seasonally flooded shallow water habitat for migratory birds.

USDA news release: USDA Provides $7 Million to Restore and Protect Wetlands in Arkansas (Oct. 29, 2004)

Wetlands Reserve Program

Wetlands Reserve Program in Arkansas

NRCS Provides Nearly $3.3 Million to Protect Ag Land in 16 States

Cows grazing.Oct. 28, 2004—NRCS provided an additional $3,255,000 of fiscal year 2004 funds to 16 states to protect productive agricultural land through the Farm and Ranch Lands Protection Program. States that received the additional funds are Alabama, California, Colorado, Connecticut, Kentucky, Maryland, Massachusetts, Michigan, Minnesota, New Hampshire, New Jersey, New York, Ohio, Pennsylvania, South Carolina and Vermont.

USDA news release: USDA Provides Nearly $3.3 Million to Protect Agricultural Land in 16 States (Oct. 28, 2004)

Farm and Ranch Lands Protection Program

USDA Supports FFA

FFA logoOct. 28, 2004—As part of USDA’s announcement of $162,500 to FFA, NRCS is providing $62,500 for the National FFA Career Development Events Program. This program fosters and recognizes excellence in agriculture learning with the goal of inspiring young people to consider careers in agricultural business and industry. USDA continues to support its long-time partnership with FFA.


USDA news release: Veneman Announces $162,500 in Education Grant to FFA (Oct. 28, 2004)

Soil Science Education

FFA website

NRCS Awards New Conservation Partnership Initiative Grants

Creek in Jefferson County, MTOct. 26, 2004—NRCS will provide nearly $1 million to six entities through the Conservation Partnership Initiative (CPI), a new voluntary program announced on July 27, 2004. NRCS received 29 proposals involving 31 states. CPI proposals were required to address one or more of the following conservation priorities: terrestrial and aquatic wildlife habitat, coastal resources, livestock nutrient management and minor/specialty crop pest management. CPI grant recipients are:

MA The New England Small Farm Institute
MO Missouri Department of Conservation
MT Big Hole River Foundation
NM San Francisco Soil and Water Conservation District
UT/NV Great Salt Lake Resource Conservation and Development Council, Inc.
WA Pierce Conservation District

USDA news release: USDA Announces Recipients of New Conservation Partnership Initiative Grants (Oct. 26, 2004)

USDA news release: USDA Provides Up to $1 Million in New Conservation Partnership Initiative Grants (July 27, 2004)

Conservation Partnership Initiative

NRCS Provides $250 Million in Disaster Assistance to 31 States, Pacific Basin and Caribbean Area

Trees that were damaged and uprooted by Florida hurricanes.Oct. 25, 2004—As part of USDA’s announcement of the availability of nearly $500 million in disaster assistance to restore farmland and forests, NRCS has $250 million available through the Emergency Watershed Protection Program (EWP). This program provides funding for locally-sponsored watershed protection projects resulting from the recent hurricanes and other natural disasters such as tornadoes, fires, drought and floods. The EWP funds are for Alabama, Arizona, Arkansas, Colorado, Delaware, Florida, Georgia, Illinois, Indiana, Kansas, Massachusetts, Maryland, Maine, Michigan, Minnesota, Missouri, Mississippi, North Carolina, New York, Ohio, Oklahoma, Oregon, Pennsylvania, South Carolina, Tennessee, Texas, Utah, Virginia, Vermont, Wisconsin, West Virginia and the Pacific Basin and Caribbean Area.

USDA news release: Veneman Announces the Availability of Nearly $500 Million in Disaster Assistance to Restore Farmland, Forests (Oct. 25, 2004)

Emergency Watershed Protection Program

NRCS Partners with Minnesota to Restore Wetlands

WetlandsOct. 25, 2004—The second nationally-approved Wetlands Reserve Enhancement Program (WREP) partnership will accelerate restoration efforts on approximately 7,250 acres throughout Minnesota. Through Minnesota’s WREP plan, the state will provide $1.2 million and NRCS will provide $2.8 million.

USDA news release: Partnership Between Minnesota and USDA Will Restore Wetlands (Oct. 25, 2004)

Partnership Between Minnesota and USDA Will Restore Wetlands

Wetlands Reserve Program

Ag Air Quality Task Force Members Selected

Ag Air Quality Task Force LogoOct. 22, 2004—USDA announced both the renewal of the Agricultural Air Quality Task Force and selection of the individuals to serve as members for the 2004-2006 term. The task for is chaired by the NRCS Chief and made up of USDA employees, industry representatives and other experts in the fields of agriculture and air quality.


USDA news release: USDA Appoints Agricultural Air Quality Task Force Members (Oct. 22, 2004)

Ag Air Quality Task Force

Secretary Veneman Announces Release Of $1.6 Billion For Voluntary Conservation Programs On Working Lands

Farm at sunset.Oct. 22, 2004— Agriculture Secretary Ann M. Veneman today announced the release of $1.6 billion in fiscal year 2005 funding for conservation programs on working lands. To help implement these initiatives, the Administration is announcing the initial conservation funding allocation today to allow USDA's NRCS to work with farmers and ranchers nationwide. Allocations include $1.310 billion in financial assistance and $306 million for technical assistance for NRCS voluntary conservation programs and other activities.

USDA news release: Veneman Announces Release Of $1.6 Billion For Voluntary Conservation Programs On Working Lands  (Oct. 22, 2004)

Conservation Programs

USDA Signs Agreement with Association of Consulting Foresters of America

Mack Gray and Linda Wilson signing MOU
Mack Gray, Deputy Under Secretary for NRE, and Lynn Wilson, ACF’s Executive Director, sign an MOU.

Oct. 21, 2004— USDA signed a memorandum of understanding with the Association of Consulting Foresters of America. This agreement will offer landowners more options to obtain conservation technical assistance in forestry and agroforestry from certified technical service providers. These certified foresters can help landowners identify and achieve goals for their woodlands, such as managing forest products, wildlife habitat, recreation, water resources and aesthetics.


NRCS news release: USDA Signs Technical Service Provider Agreement With Association of Consulting Foresters of America (Oct. 20, 2004)

Technical Service Provider Assistance Information

Association of Consulting Foresters of America

USDA Revises Payment Rates for Technical Service Providers

TSP Logo

Oct. 13, 2004—The U.S. Department of Agriculture’s Natural Resources Conservation Service released its revised “not-to-exceed” (NTE) payment rates for certified technical service providers. Generally, payment rates have increased and there is greater flexibility in their use. NTE rates are used when landowners contract with certified technical service providers for conservation technical services.

NRCS news release: USDA Releases Revised Payment Rates for Technical Service Providers (Oct. 13, 2004)

Technical Service Provider Assistance Information

2004 Not-to-Exceed Payment Rates

NRCS Provides $2.1 Million to Restore and Protect Wetlands in 12 States

Restored wetland in northern California.
Restored wetland in northern California.

Oct. 5, 2004—USDA announced the availability of $2.1 million in Wetlands Reserve Program (WRP) technical assistance funds for technical service providers and other third parties to conduct restoration activities on WRP lands in 12 states. These funds will accelerate restoration of between 30,000 and 40,000 acres of wetlands in California, Indiana, Iowa, Louisiana, Massachusetts, Michigan, Minnesota, Missouri, North Dakota, Oklahoma, Washington and Wisconsin.

USDA news release: USDA Releases $2.1 Million to Restore and Protect Wetlands in 12 States (Oct. 5, 2004)

Wetlands Reserve Program

Technical Service Provider Assistance

USDA Announces Conservation Effects Assessment Project Grant Recipients

Buffer strips in foreground and grassed waterway in the distance.
Buffer strips in foreground and grassed waterway in the distance, reduce soil erosion and keep the nearby Illinois River flowing with cleaner water.

Oct. 1, 2004—USDA announced four recipients of grants totaling $2.5 million for the Conservation Effects Assessment Project (CEAP). The four projects will study the environmental benefits of federal conservation programs on agricultural land and will improve understanding of the effects of conservation practices on water quality. The four awards were made through a joint competitive grants program offered by NRCS and the Cooperative State Research, Education, and Extension Service to Heidelberg College in Ohio, Iowa State University, Utah State University and University of Idaho.

USDAnews release: USDA Announces Conservation Effects Assessment Project Grant Recipients; Benefits of Environmental Programs Being Studied Through Federal Partnership (Oct. 1, 2004)

Conservation Effects Assessment Project (CEAP)

NRCS Provides Additional $1.9 Million for Grasslands Conservation in 11 States

Grasslands in Colorado.
Grasslands in Colorado.

Sept. 30, 2004— USDA announced that an additional $1.9 million in Grassland Reserve Program funds will be provided to farmers and ranchers in 11 states for grassland conservation: Colorado, Florida, Iowa, Missouri, Minnesota, Montana, Oregon, South Dakota, Virginia, Washington and Wyoming. About $450,000 of the additional funding will help protect greater sage grouse habitat in Colorado, Washington and Wyoming.


USDAnews release: USDA Provides More Than $1.9 Million Additional Funding for Grasslands’ Conservation (Sept. 30, 2004)

Grassland Reserve Program

USDA Signs Technical Service Provider Agreement with ARPAS

Confined feeding operation in Arizona.
Confined feeding operation in Arizona.

Sept. 30, 2004—NRCS signed a memo of understanding with the American Registry of Professional Animal Scientists (ARPAS) offering landowners the option to obtain conservation technical assistance in feed management from certified technical service providers. ARPAS-certified professionals formulate diets that increase the animals’ production levels but also reduce manure nutrients.



NRCS news release: USDA Signs Technical Service Provider Agreement with the American registry of Professional Animal Scientists (Sept. 30, 2004)

Technical Service Provider Assistance information

American Registry of Professional Animal Scientists

NRCS Provides Additional $1 Million to Ohio for EQIP

cowsSeptember 21, 2004—Agriculture Secretary Ann M. Veneman today announced that an additional $1 million in Environmental Quality Incentives Program (EQIP) funds will be provided to Ohio livestock producers in 35 counties to improve manure and forage management in recognition of Ohio’s high level of performance in soil and water conservation. The following Ohio counties received additional EQIP funds: Adams, Ashland, Athens, Belmont, Carroll, Clark, Coshocton, Crawford, Cuyahoga, Darke, Delaware, Erie, Gallia, Geauga, Guernsey, Harrison, Highland, Hocking, Holmes, Huron, Jefferson, Knox, Lorain, Meigs, Miami, Monroe, Morgan, Morrow, Muskingum, Perry, Preble, Richland, Washington, Wayne and Wood.


USDA news release: Private Working Lands Enhanced Through Funding; Additional $1 Million to Ohio for Environmental Quality Incentives Program (Sept. 21, 2004)

Environmental Quality Incentives Program (EQIP)

NRCS in Ohio 

New NRCS Technology Centers and Labs

(left to right) NRCS Chief Bruce Knight, North Carolina University Chancellor James Renick, Center Director Bill Puckett and Lab Leader Javier Ruiz at the grand opening of the East National Technology Support Center in Greensboro, N.C.
(left to right) NRCS Chief Bruce Knight, North Carolina A&T University Chancellor James Renick, Center Director Bill Puckett and Lab Leader Javier Ruiz

September 20, 2004—NRCS Chief Bruce Knight announced the establishment of three new national technology support centers and three remote sensing laboratories during a grand opening ceremony for the East National Technology Support Center and East Remote Sensing Lab in Greensboro, N.C. Knight also signed a memorandum of understanding with North Carolina Agricultural and Technical State University (North Carolina A&T) that will strengthen and expand a long-standing partnership to share resources. USDA Deputy Assistant Secretary for Civil Rights Paul Gutierrez discussed the importance of maintaining a strong relationship with 1890 land-grant colleges and universities such as North Carolina A&T. More than 200 people attended the grand opening. Similar ceremonies will be held in Fort Worth, Texas, on Sept. 21, 2004, and in Portland, Ore., on Sept. 24, 2004.

NRCS news release: USDA Creates New Technology Centers and Laboratories to Strengthen Science-Based Conservation (Sept. 20, 2004)

NRCS National Technology Support Centers

National Resources Inventory (NRI)

NRCS Provides $14.2 Million for Conservation Innovation Grants

Fertilizer application applied directly into irrigation lateral for flood application. (Yuma AZ)

Conservation Innovation Grant (CIG) recipients include 13 universities, 10 governmental organizations, eight agribusinesses, four state governments, two resource conservation and development councils, two conservation districts and two individuals. Grants will fund the development and adoption of innovative technologies and approaches through pilot projects and conservation field trials.

USDA news release: USDA Helps Fund Conservation Technologies and Approaches (Sept. 15, 2004)

Conservation Innovation Grants for FY 2004

CIG Web Site

USDA Provides Additional $1 Million for Hurricane Recovery Efforts in Florida

hurricane charleySeptember 10, 2004—Agriculture Secretary Ann M. Veneman announced that an additional $1 million will be provided to help hurricane recovery efforts in Florida. The environmental restoration funds are being made available through the NRCS Emergency Watershed Protection Program (EWP). The funds will help restore critical agricultural and community infrastructure disrupted by flooding, severe streambank erosion and debris deposits. Rehabilitation efforts will provide sound erosion control measures that are economically and environmentally defensible. This funding brings the total to $1.6 million for emergency environmental restoration work in Florida areas hit by Hurricanes Charley and Frances.



news release: USDA Provides Additional $1 Million for Hurricane Recovery Efforts in Florida (Sept. 10, 2004)

Florida Emergency Watershed Protection Program (EWP)

Emergency Watershed Protection Program

NRCS Provides $500,000 for Wildfire Recovery Efforts in Alaska

NRCS Fairbanks District Conservationist Jim Helm surveys erosion along the Steese Highway 11 miles north of Central.
NRCS Fairbanks District Conservationist Jim Helm surveys erosion along the Steese Highway 11 miles north of Central.

September 1, 2004—NRCS is providing $500,000 to help wildfire recovery efforts in Alaska that are impacting many rural communities and Alaska Native villages. The funds will provide assistance to help heal the watershed and protect the threatened water resources of Alaska Native villages. NRCS in Alaska is conducting damage assessments of fire-ravaged sites to determine the extent of damage and evaluate risks to watersheds, water supplies and communities.




USDA news release: USDA Provides $500,000 for Wildfire Recovery Efforts for Alaska Native and Rural Communities (Sept. 1, 2004)

Emergency Watershed Protection Program (EWP)

NRCS in Alaska

Conservation Stewards Selected—USDA Announces First Conservation Security Program Contract Signings

NRCS Partner SignAugust 26, 2004—USDA announced that nearly 2,200 farmers and ranchers have been selected as the first participants in the Conservation Security Program (CSP). The contract signings with these producers will fully use the $41 million provided for this program. NRCS has accepted all eligible CSP applications, covering nearly 1.9 million privately-owned acres in the 18 watersheds in 22 states selected for the fiscal year 2004 program sign-up. Payments will begin immediately under three tiers of conservation contracts. Enrollment data show that 37% of the applicants qualify for Tier I, 40% for Tier II and 23% for Tier III. Environmental enhancement activities offered by applicants include improving soil quality, water quality, wildlife habitat management, nutrient and pest management, air quality management and on-farm energy management.

USDA news release: USDA Announces First Conservation Security Program Contract Signings (Aug. 26, 2004)

New! August 26-27, 2004 CSP Signing Ceremonies

These items require RealPlayer RealPlayer:

CSP Program Underway-  RealPlayer  RealPlayer Presentation (46.47KB)   MP3 Audio (856.80KB)
The very first contracts for the USDA´s Conservation Security Program have been signed. ( Kristi Pettis and Dep.Secy´ James Moseley)

Actuality: First Conservation Security Contracts Signed-  RealPlayer RealPlayer Presentation (37.82KB)    MP3 Audio (674.77KB)
Deputy Agriculture Secretary James Moseley, from a farm in Vernon Center, Minnesota, talking about the farm´s signing of the first CSP contract.

Conservation Security Program Quotes New!

USDA news release: USDA Announces Priority Watersheds for 2004 Sign-up in the Conservation Security Program (May 19, 2004)

Conservation Security Program

USDA Provides $2 Million for Sage Grouse Conservation and Recovery in Four Western States

Sage grouse depend on sagebrush habitat for food, shelter and protection. Photo: U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service, Mountain-Prairie Region

August 26, 2004—USDA announced that $2 million in Grassland Reserve Program (GRP) funds is available for special projects to help protect greater sage grouse habitat in Colorado, Idaho, Utah and Washington. Each state will receive $500,000 to protect and enhance sage grouse habitat on GRP easement lands, with technical assistance and additional financial assistance through state and local partnerships.


USDA news release: USDA Provides $2 Million for Sage Grouse Conservation and Recovery in Four Western States (Aug. 26, 2004)

Grassland Reserve Program

NRCS Provides Additional $600,000 to Improve Fish and Wildlife Habitat on Private Lands in 21 States

Early successional habitat restoration project in Connecticut.
Early successional habitat restoration project in Connecticut.

August 26, 2004—NRCS announced that an additional $600,000 in Wildlife Habitat Incentives Program (WHIP) funds will help landowners in 21 states improve fish and wildlife habitat on their private lands. This is in addition to the $33.3 million announced early this year. WHIP also offers farmers and ranchers an opportunity to meet their production needs in ways that are compatible with providing fish and wildlife habitat. States receiving the additional funds are Alabama, California, Connecticut, Florida, Hawaii, Illinois, Iowa, Kansas, Massachusetts, Michigan, Missouri, Montana, New Hampshire, New York, North Carolina, Rhode Island, South Carolina, South Dakota, Texas, Utah and Wisconsin.


USDA news release: USDA Provides Additional $600,000 to Improve Fish and Wildlife Habitat on Private Lands in 21 States (Aug. 26, 2004)

Wildlife Habitat Incentives Program

NRCS Awards $1.2 Million for Bobwhite Quail Habitat Restoration

A Bobwhite QuailAugust 24, 2004—As part of the Bobwhite Quail Restoration Project with Mississippi State University, NRCS awarded $1.2 million for 11 selected studies in nine states. Recipients of the 2004 grants are seven universities, two state wildlife agencies and two nongovernmental organizations. The grants program supports studies and demonstration projects that evaluate bobwhite population response to conservation programs and practices.


USDA news release: USDA Awards $1.2 Million for Bobwhite Quail Habitat Restoration (Aug. 24, 2004)

USDA-NRCS/MSU Bobwhite Restoration Project

NRCS Fish and Wildlife Habitat Management Leaflet—Bobwhite Quail


USDA Names New NRCS Officials

Tom WeberDana York
Tom A. Weber, retiring Associate Chief, NRCS
Dana D. York, new Associate Chief, NRCS

Aug. 13, 2004—USDA’s Natural Resources Conservation Service Chief Bruce I. Knight today named Dana D. York, director of the Operations Management and Oversight Division since 2001, as Associate Chief, effective Sept. 5, 2004. She will succeed Tom A. Weber, a 32-year veteran of NRCS. His retirement takes effect Sept. 3, 2004. The regional assistant chiefs and their territories are: Richard I. Coombe, East; Merlin E. Bartz, Central; and Sara Braasch, West.


NRCS news release: USDA Names New NRCS Official (Aug. 13, 2004)

Dana York’s Biography

Tom Weber’s Biography

Regional Assistant Chiefs

USDA Provides $350,000 for Sage Grouse Habitat in Utah

sage grouse
Sage grouse photo from U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service

August 4, 2004—USDA announced that $350,000 in Wildlife Habitat Incentives Program funds will protect habitat of sage grouse at Parker Mountain, Utah. The sage grouse has seen a decline in population over the past two decades. Due to this decline, NRCS and other federal agencies are supporting voluntary habitat enhancement to reverse the decline. Landowners will use the funds for brush management, reseeding, water development and wildlife habitat management on approximately 104,000 acres.



USDA news release: USDA Provides $350,000 for Sage Grouse Habitat in Utah (Aug. 4, 2004)

Wildlife Habitat Incentives Program

Utah Wildlife Habitat Incentives Program

NRCS Celebrates 50 Years of Saving Lives and Property and Enhancing the Environment

Union Grove Lake, Tama County, Iowa
Various conservation measures are used to improve water quality in Union Grove Lake, Tama County, Iowa.

Aug. 4, 2004—NRCS and local communities have used the Watershed Protection and Flood Protection Program to improve lives and property and improve natural resources successfully for 50 years. Several states marked the program’s 50th anniversary with proclamations and events, including Hawaii, Iowa, Kansas, Oklahoma and Wisconsin. NRCS provides technical and financial assistance to project sponsors, such as local conservation districts, counties, cities and tribes to carry out watershed projects.



NRCS news release: NRCS Notes 50 Years of Watershed Protection (Aug. 4, 2004)


National Watershed Page

State Watershed Web Pages and State Proclamations

National Watershed Coalition

USDA and the Russian Academy of Agricultural Sciences Release Bilingual Conservation Publication

USDA and Russian Academy of Sciences Publication: Protection of Soil and Water ResourcesJuly 30, 2004—Agriculture Secretary Ann M. Veneman today announced the release of Protection of Soil and Water Resources, a book that promotes the understanding of conservation in the U.S. and Russia. The 250-page publication, a 14-year project between USDA and the Russian Academy of Agricultural Sciences, contains 20 articles written by American and Russian scientists on soil protection and fertility, water conservation and other natural resource issues.


USDA news release: USDA And The Russian Academy Of Agricultural Sciences Release Bilingual Conservation Publication (July 30, 2004)


This document requires Adobe Acrobat

Protection of Soil and Water Resources New!

USDA Provides $8.5 Million to 13 States for
Animal Agriculture Conservation

Cow and CalfJuly 30, 2004—USDA's Natural Resources Conservation Service (NRCS) announced that $8.5 million in Environmental Quality Incentives Program (EQIP) funds will be provided to 13 states to address animal agriculture conservation needs.  The states receiving the additional funds are Arkansas, Indiana, Iowa, Michigan, Minnesota, Missouri, Nebraska, New York, North Carolina, Ohio, Pennsylvania, South Dakota and Wisconsin.

USDA news release: USDA Provides $8.5 Million to 13 States for Animal Agriculture Conservation (July 30, 2004)

EQIP Web Site

NRCS Provides Nearly $6 Million of Farm and Ranch Lands Protection Funds

FarmJuly 30, 2004—USDA announced that nearly $6 million in Farm and Ranch Lands Protection Program (FRPP) funds will be provided to 32 States to purchase permanent conservation easements on America's farms and ranches. These funds have been reallocated to States that requested additional funding.


USDA news release: USDA Provides Nearly $6 Million Of Farm And Ranch Lands Protection Program Funds To 32 States (July 30, 2004)

FRPP Web Site

USDA Signs Agreement with Ducks Unlimited

Straight River Marsh
Straight River Marsh WRP Project in Owatonna, Minn.

July 27, 2004- Agriculture Secretary Ann M. Veneman today announced a cooperative partnership with Ducks Unlimited, Inc. (DU) that will establish a framework of cooperation relative to the conservation and productivity of wetlands, uplands, grasslands and other waterfowl and wildlife habitats on private and public lands. The agreement was signed by Natural Resources Conservation Service (NRCS) Chief Bruce Knight and DU Executive Vice President Don Young at the Straight River Marsh Wetlands Reserve Program project in Owatonna, Minn. Activities covered by the agreement include waterfowl and habitat conservation projects, habitat restoration, and collaboration on habitat and wildlife research.

usda news release: USDA Signs Agreement with Ducks Unlimited (July 27, 2004)

NRCS Programs

USDA Provides up to $1 Million in New Conservation Partnership Initiative Grants

Men standing at an overlookJuly 27, 2004- Agriculture Secretary Ann M. Veneman announced today that up to $1 million is available in Conservation Partnership Initiative grants in fiscal year 2004 for state and local governments, tribes and nongovernmental organizations with a history of working with agricultural producers. CPI, a voluntary program, fosters conservation partnerships and funds projects that focus technical and financial resources on conservation priorities in watersheds of special significance and other geographic areas of environmental sensitivity.


usda news release: USDA Provides up to $1 Million in New Conservation Partnership Initiative Grants (July 27, 2004)

CPI web site

Federal eGrants website

USDA to Assess Environmental Benefits of Conservation Programs

A watershed.
In-depth watershed studies will be conducted as part of the national, multi-agency Conservation Effects Assessment Project

July 22, 2004—Agriculture Secretary Ann M. Veneman today announced a five-year effort to study the collective environmental benefits of governmental programs on agricultural land. Through the Conservation Effects Assessment Project, the Department of Agriculture will study the environmental benefits of conservation practices implemented through 2002 Farm Bill programs: the Environmental Quality Incentives Program, Wetlands Reserve Program, Wildlife Habitat Incentives Program, Conservation Reserve Program, Conservation Security Program and Conservation Technical Assistance. In-depth studies will be conducted in 20 watersheds. Natural Resources Conservation Service will conduct in-depth studies in eight of those watersheds nationwide.


usda news release: USDA to Assess Environmental Benefits of Conservation Programs (July 22, 2004)

CEAP web site

DOE and USDA Award $25 Million in Joint Biomass Research and Development Initiative

Montage of tractor, corn, and wheatJuly 16, 2004- The Department of Energy (DOE) and the Department of Agriculture (USDA) today announced the selection of 22 projects that will receive $25,480,628 for the Biomass Research and Development Initiative. The funds will be used for biomass research, development and demonstration projects.

The joint grant program is part of an effort to increase America’s energy independence through the development of additional renewable energy resources from the agricultural and agroforestry sectors.

USDA’s Natural Resources Conservation Service and DOE’s Office of Energy Efficiency and Renewable Energy coordinated efforts to issue a joint solicitation that is awarding over $13 million in USDA funding and over $12 million from DOE appropriations to more than 400 applicants.


usda news release: DOE and USDA Award $25 Million in Joint Biomass Research and Development Initiative (July 16, 2004)

Biomass Research and Development Solicitation

USDA Biobased Products and Bioenergy Coordination Council

Biomass Research and Development Initiative

USDA Awards $12 Million of Environmental Quality Incentives Program Funds to 14 States

Distant FarmJuly 16, 2004- The USDA's Natural Resources Conservation Service (NRCS) announced that $12 million in Environmental Quality Incentives Program (EQIP) funds will be provided to 14 states for their high levels of performance in implementing the program. The states receiving the incentive are Alabama, Arizona, Georgia, Iowa, Louisiana, Maine, Montana, Nebraska, New Mexico, Oklahoma, South Dakota, Texas, Utah and Wyoming.

“These funds will help additional farmers and ranchers achieve more efficient agricultural production and improve soil, air and water resources on private working lands,” NRCS Chief Bruce Knight said. “For the second consecutive fiscal year, NRCS held back a portion of the initial EQIP funding at the national level to reward those states that showed a high level of performance across a number of key areas.”


usda news release: USDA Awards $12 Million of Environmental Quality Incentives Program Funds to 14 States (July 16, 2004)

EQIP Program Web Site

NRCS Farm Bill Web Site

Nation’s First Wetlands Reserve Enhancement Program Partnership Announced

Soil scientist examines physical evidence of hydric soils.
NRCS-Nebraska soil scientist examines physical evidence of hydric soils, one of the attributes of wetlands.

June 29, 2004- USDA announced the first nationally approved Wetlands Reserve Enhancement Program (WREP) partnership. The $26 million Lower Missouri River WREP project in Nebraska will enhance the state’s wetland restoration efforts.


usda news release: USDA Announces First Wetlands Reserve Enhancement Program Partnership (June 29, 2004)

Wetlands Reserve Program

Nebraska WREP

2004 Excellence in Conservation Award Winner

Chief Knight and Award Recipient Michal Byrne
Chief Knight presented the NRCS Excellence in Conservation Award to winner Michael Byrne

June 25, 2004—NRCS Chief Bruce Knight presented the agency’s prestigious Excellence in Conservation Award to Michael Byrne, a California rancher from Tulelake, a town near the Oregon border. Byrne was recognized for his significant communication, outreach and leadership efforts in conserving the Klamath Basin. As a key spokesperson for conservation-minded farmers and ranchers, he spoke with local and national news media, legislative representatives and government officials to help resolve water and endangered species issues in the Klamath Basin. NRCS initiated the Excellence in Conservation Award to recognize the voluntary contributions of nongovernmental individuals and groups to the conservation effort in such areas as technical assistance and other types of program delivery, technology transfer, outreach and communication.



NRCS news release “California Rancher Receives Excellence in Conservation Award” (June 25, 2004)

2004 Excellence in Conservation Award information

Conservation Security Program Self-Assessment Workbook Released

Sheep graze in front of mountain range.June 15, 2004—USDA released a self-assessment workbook for potential participants in the new Conservation Security Program (CSP). To apply for the program, NRCS will ask potential participants to complete the self-assessment to determine if their operations meet the standards of the program and qualify for program participation. By going through the workbook, producers will get a good idea about whether they are eligible for CSP at this time. The workbook is available in hardcopy, CD format and online.

On June 9, USDA announced that sign-up for CSP will be available to eligible farmers and ranchers in 18 watersheds across the nation July 6 to July 30, 2004.


NRCS news release: USDA Releases Self-Assessment Workbook for New Conservation Security Program (June 15, 2004)

Conservation Security Program

Conservation Security Program Sign-Up Announced — July 6-30, 2004 — and Interim Final Rule Released

A field.

June 9, 2004—USDA announced a July 2004 CSP sign-up and released the interim final rule with request for public comments. Sign-up for CSP will be available to eligible farmers and ranchers in 18 watersheds identified in a USDA news release issued May 19th. NRCS will consider all comments received during a 90-day public comment period in developing a final CSP rule. CSP is a voluntary program that supports ongoing conservation stewardship of agricultural working lands and enhances the condition of America's natural resources.


usdanews release: Veneman Announces Interim Final Rule for Conservation Security Program (June 9, 2004)
usdanews release: USDA Announces Watersheds for 2004 Sign-Up in the Conservation Security Program (May 19, 2004)

Conservation Security Program

USDA Announces Watersheds for 2004 Sign-Up in the Conservation Security Program

A scenic overlook.

May 19, 2004—Agriculture Secretary Ann M. Veneman announced the watersheds that will be used in the fiscal year 2004 Conservation Security Program (CSP) sign-up to be held this summer. The program will be offered each year, on a rotational basis in as many watersheds as are funded.

Selected watersheds for the 2004 CSP sign-up are: Raystown (Pennsylvania); Saluda (South Carolina); Little (Georgia); St. Joseph (Michigan / Indiana / Ohio); Auglaize (Indiana / Ohio);  Blue Earth (Minnesota / Iowa); Lower Chippewa (Wisconsin); Kishwaukee (Illinois / Wisconsin); Little River Ditches (Missouri / Arkansas); Lower Yellowstone (Montana / North Dakota); East Nishnabotna (Iowa); Lower Little Blue (Nebraska / Kansas); Lower Salt Fork Arkansas (Oklahoma / Kansas); Punta de Agua (New Mexico / Texas); Hondo (Texas); Moses Coulee (Washington); Lemhi (Idaho); Umatilla (Oregon).


News Release "USDA Announces Watersheds for 2004 Sign-Up in the Conservation Security Program" (May 19, 2004)

Conservation Security Program
Map and List of CSP FY 2004 Watersheds
NRCS Farm Bill Web Site

Grassland Reserve Program Interim Final Rule Announced

Colorado RangelandMay 11, 2004—USDA released an interim final rule to implement the Grassland Reserve Program (GRP). It states that GRP rental agreements and easements are designed for working agricultural lands and describes multiple enrollment duration options. GRP helps landowners restore and protect grassland, rangeland, pastureland, shrubland and certain other lands and provides assistance for rehabilitating grasslands. The rule will be published in the Federal Register with a 60-day public comment period.


usdanews release: USDA Announces Interim Final Rule and Public Comment Period for the Grassland Reserve Program (May 11, 2004)

Grassland Reserve Program

USDA Established Watershed Approach for the Conservation Security Program

rotational grazing using electric fence along irrigation borders (NM)
Rotational grazing using electric fence along irrigation borders on small acreages. (NM)

May 4, 2004—USDA announced the watershed approach and details of enrollment categories that will be used in the fiscal year 2004 Conservation Security Program (CSP); a Notice was published in today's Federal Register. With 1.8 million potentially eligible producers, CSP funds must be focused. NRCS will use watersheds as a basis to determine CSP participation. A watershed rotation offers a fair, science-based approach.


USDA news release "USDA Establishes Watershed Approach for Conservation Security Program" (May 4, 2004)

Conservation Security Program

Federal Register Notice- Watershed Approach (May 4, 2004)

Celebrate American Wetlands Month

Wetlands with ducks.Each May, thousands of individuals and groups celebrate the uniqueness, beauty, and importance of wetlands. The theme of this year's American Wetlands Campaign is It pays to Save Wetlands.

While all wetlands are important and valuable, there are some types of wetlands that are irreplaceable because of their unique soil structure, plant life, and hydrology. Many unique wetlands are small -- less than one acre -- and many fill up during times of heavy rainfall or snowmelt and dry up during warmer parts of the year.  These wetlands include prairie potholes, playas, vernal pools, pocosins, and some bogs, fens, wet meadows and wet prairies.

Wetlands help keep our water clean, provide habitat for waterfowl and other wildlife, and prevent flooding. This celebration is an ideal time to emphasize programs and activities that support voluntary wetland restoration and protection.

During May, conservation districts, grassroots organizations, and government agencies join individuals and educators across the country to acknowledge the importance of this valuable natural resource and the role wetlands play in the health of our Nation.

Annually in May, the National Wetlands Awards—sponsored by the Environmental Law Institute, nonprofit organizations and federal agencies—honor six outstanding wetlands educators, advocates, scientists and conservationists for their exemplary contributions to the conservation and restoration of the nation's wetlands.


USDA Provided $32 Million for Limited Resource Producers Through the Environmental Quality Incentives Program

Elizabeth Starks
Elizabeth Starks of Alabama used the EQIP for pasture improvements such as fescue plantings and the installation of cross fencing.

April 29, 2004-Agriculture Secretary Ann M.Veneman announced that nearly $32 million has been provided through the Environmental Quality Incentives Program (EQIP) to help farmers and ranchers with limited resources develop and maintain economic viability in their farm operations. The Natural Resources Conservation Service approved cost share for EQIP contracts totaling $31.8 million in fiscal year 2003 to help 1,702 limited resource farmers and ranchers.


news release: USDA Provided $32 Million For Limited Resource Producers Through The Environmental Quality Incentives Program (April 29, 2004)

Small, Limited Resource and Beginning Farmers

On-Line Limited Resource Self-Determination Tool

Environmental Quality Incentives Program


Air Quality Task Force LogoApril 29, 2004—USDA issued a call for nominations for qualified persons to serve as members of the Agricultural Air Quality Task Force. The task force provides recommendations to the Secretary of Agriculture on development and implementation of air quality policy and on air quality research needs. A Federal Register notice issued today describes the purpose and membership of the task force and provides information on submitting nominations, which must be received in writing by June 14, 2004.

NRCS news release, "USDA Seeks Nominations for Agricultural Air Quality Task Force"(April 29, 2004)
Ag Air Quality Task Force

USDA Releases Additional $7.3 Million for the Klamath Basin and a Report on Partnership Conservation Accomplishments

Grain field in Klamath Basin. (OR)
Grain field in the Klamath Basin. (OR)

April 23, 2004—USDA released an additional $7.3 million to assist producers in the Klamath Basin in Oregon and California and a new NRCS report, "Partnership Accomplishments—Conservation in the Klamath Basin," that outlines conservation successes of local producers in the face of water shortages resulting from drought and the impacts of the Endangered Species Act.. The additional funds will help accelerate implementation of practical, common sense water conservation practices on the ground.

NRCS and local conservation districts help farmers and ranchers develop conservation plans that address natural resource concerns, including conserving water and managing nutrients, pests and invasive plant species.

USDANews Release, "USDA Releases Additional $7.3 Million for the Klamath Basin and a Report on Partnership Conservation Accomplishments" (April 23, 2004)

NRCS Activities in the Klamath River Basin
NRCS Oregon Activities in the Klamath River Basin
NRCS California Advancing Conservation Efforts in Klamath Basin
Klamath River Basin Federal Working Group

Report, "Partnership Accomplishments—Conservation in the Klamath Basin"


Veneman Releases Report Showing Gains in Wetlands on Agricultural Land

ducks in wetlandsApril 22, 2004—Agriculture Secretary Ann M. Veneman announced that farmers and ranchers produced a gain of 131,400 acres from wetlands from 1997-2002 according to the National Resources Inventory released today. The NRI reports changes in the nation's private land use. The most gains occurred in the Corn Belt and Delta states where farmers and ranchers have created, maintained or enhanced numerous wetlands through conservation programs such as the Wetlands Reserve Program and Conservation Reserve Program.

President Announces Wetlands Initiative on Earth Day

Key Messages for Earth Day From Mark Rey, USDA Under Secretary for Natural Resources and Environment and Bruce Knight, Chief, NRCS

USDA News Release: "Veneman Releases Report Showing Net Gains in Wetlands on Agricultural Land"

Related News Stories
NRI Wetlands: Questions and Answers
National Resources Inventory
Wetlands Reserve Program
Conservation Reserve Program

Earth Day 2004

The Earth.

Chief Knight's 2004 Earth Day Message
Earth Day is an ideal time to pause and reflect on the good work land owners and NRCS do to help people conserve, maintain, and improve our natural resources and environment. Thanks in part to your leadership and commitment to conservation, the public has come to have a better appreciation of the environmental benefits produced by America's farmers and ranchers. Environmental protection is now clearly in the mainstream, supported by our nation's leadership and its people.  Full text of Chief Knight's Earth Day Message

Earth Day photo features
By-State listing of Earth Day events

Actor Morgan Freeman narrates TV public service announcements asking Americans to help care for the natural resources of "this planet full of life and wonder." Viewers may call 1-888-LANDCARE to receive information on how to become an Earth Team volunteerand help make a difference in their own communities.

Natural Resources Conservation Service Unveils Web site on Conservation Effects Assessment Project

A watershed.
The Conservation Effects Assessment Project will conduct watershed studies to show more specific conservation benefits can be identified and measured when assessed at a smaller scale.

Natural Resources Conservation Service today unveiled a website to inform internal and external audiences about the Conservation Effects Assessment Project (CEAP). NRCS is partnering with other agencies to conduct a national assessment of the environmental benefits and effects of 2002 Farm Bill programs. CEAP will study the benefits of most conservation practices implemented through the Environmental Quality Incentives Program, Wetlands Reserve Program, Wildlife Habitat Incentives Program, Conservation Reserve Program and NRCS Conservation Technical Assistance. Watershed studies also will be conducted to improve the performance of the national assessment models and to demonstrate that more specific benefits can be identified and measured when assessed at a smaller scale.

Conservation Effects Assessment Project


Salt affected soils
Salt-affected soils are visible on rangeland in Colorado. Salts dissolved from the soil accumulate at the soil surface and are deposited on the ground and at the base of the fence post.

USDA Provides $19.8 Million to Control Salinity in the Colorado River Basin

April 5, 2004—Agriculture Secretary Ann M. Veneman announced today that Colorado, Utah and Wyoming received $19.8 million to control salinity in the Colorado River Basin. The Colorado River Basin is the primary domestic water supply source for 27 million residents in seven states and is a source of irrigation water for more than 3.5 million acres of farmland. Colorado and Utah each will receive nearly $9.6 million and Wyoming will receive $675,000. The states will use this funding from the Environmental Quality Incentives Program to provide technical and financial assistance to eligible producers.

USDA News Release: USDA Provides $19.8 Million to Control Salinity in the Colorado River Basin
Colorado River Basin Salinity Control Activities

NRCS staff handing out publications
NRCS staff helped distribute educational materials to attendees at the National Science Teachers Association Annual Conference held in Atlanta, Georgia.

NRCS Exhibits at National Science Teachers Association Annual Meeting

The NRCS exhibit featured the Lewis and Clark nomadic and a hands-on soil profile activity. Several accompanying handouts, including a CD containing a wealth of information on soils including lesson plans and instructions for using hands-on demonstrations in the classroom were available. Agency publications geared for science teachers were also featured.

The National Science Teachers Association founded in 1944, is the largest organization in the world committed to promoting excellence and innovation in science teaching and learning. Some 18,000 science educators annually attend the national convention.

National Science Teachers Association

NRCS and the American Seed Trade Association Sign MOU

Chief Knight and Dick Crowder signing MOU
Dick Crowder, President and CEO of
the American Seed Trade Association
(Left), and Bruce Knight, NRCS Chief
(Right), sign MOU.

April 2, 2004 -- NRCS Chief Bruce Knight and Dick Crowder, President and CEO of the American Seed Trade Association (ASTA) recently signed a memorandum of understanding (MOU) to promote better exchange of seed technology. The NRCS Plant Materials Program includes a network of 26 plant materials centers that work with commercial seed producers to make sure that high quality seed needed for conservation work is available.

NRCS news release, "USDA Signs Agreement with the American Seed Trade Association" (April 2, 2004)
American Seed Trade Association
NRCS Plant Materials Program
NRCS Plant Materials Centers

USDA Announces $3.5 Million for New Salmon Habitat Restoration Initiative in Five States

Gravel provides needed spawning habitat for salmon. (CA)

Gravel provides needed spawning habitat for salmon. (CA)

March 30, 2004— Agriculture Secretary Ann Veneman announced a $3.5 million new initiative to help restore and conserve salmon habitat in Alaska, California, Maine, Oregon and Washington. The new Salmon Habitat Restoration Initiative is part of the Wildlife Habitat Incentives Program. It will help landowners with projects that restore habitat for Pacific and Atlantic salmon such as providing shade along streams, restoring gravel spawning beds, removing barriers to fish passages and reducing agricultural runoff.

-USDA news release, "USDA Announces $3.5 Million for new Salmon Habitat Restoration Initiative in Five States"(March 30, 2004)
-Wildlife Habitat Incentives Program website

Request for Proposals for Conservation Innovation Grants Due May 28, 2004

Fertilizer application applied directly into irrigation lateral for flood application. (Yuma AZ) March 22, 2004—Agriculture Secretary Ann Veneman released the interim final rule for Conservation Innovation Grants and announced that $15 million will be available to fund selected grant proposals. The interim final rule will be published in the Federal Register soon with a request for public comments. At the same time, NRCS will announce the nationwide grant competition through a request for proposals that also will be published in the Federal Register and on the federal government's eGrant website.

Fertilizer application applied directly into irrigation lateral for flood application. (Yuma AZ)


Request for Proposals Due May 28, 2004

USDA news release, "USDA Releases $15 Million and the Interim Final Rule for Conservation Innovation Grants" (March 22, 2004)

Conservation Innovation Grants Web Site
Federal eGrant Web Site

Delmarva Peninsula to Receive $5 Million for Natural Resources Improvements

Conservationist and farmer in a field.March 17, 2004— Agriculture Secretary Ann Veneman today announced that the U.S. Department of Agriculture has targeted $5 million to Maryland, Delaware and Virginia to help improve natural resources in the Delmarva Peninsula. Maryland will receive nearly $2.9 million for nine Eastern Shore counties; Delaware, $1.7 million for three counties, and Virginia, $435,200 for two counties. USDA will use the Farm and Ranch Lands Protection Program, Wildlife Habitat Incentives Program, and the Wetlands Reserve Program to provide additional financial and technical assistance to landowners in the Delmarva. The Delmarva Peninsula drains into the Chesapeake Bay, the nation's largest and most productive estuary.

News Release
Farm and Ranch Lands Protection Program
Wildlife Habitat Incentives Program
Wetlands Reserve Program

USDA to Provide $84 Million to Protect Farm and Ranch Land

A farm.On March 17, 2004, a Request for Proposals for the Farm and Ranch Lands Protection Program (FRPP) was published in the Federal Register. NRCS will provide $84 million in FY 2004 funds to purchase conservation easements to limit conversion of farm and ranch lands to nonagricultural uses. Proposals will be accepted in the appropriate NRCS state office from interested state, tribal and local governments and nongovernmental organizations through the end of April 2004.

News Release, "USDA to Provide $84 Million to Protect Farm and Ranch Land" (March 16, 2004)

FRPP information and Request for Proposals
FRPP Request for Proposals in the Federal Register (March 17, 2004)

NRCS Salutes Our Nation's Agricultural Producers

Ag Day LogoMarch 14-20, 2004, is National Agriculture Week with National Ag Day on March 20th. This is a time to thank farmers and ranchers for the food, fiber and environmental benefits they provide all year long. It is a time to thank them for reducing erosion, guarding streams and rivers, restoring and establishing fish and wildlife habitat, and improving water and air quality. The Nation's conservation efforts on private land ensure a healthy and productive land that sustains food and fiber production, protects watersheds and natural systems, enhances the environment, and improves urban and rural landscapes. These are a few of the reasons to celebrate agriculture and conservation during National Agriculture Week.

Ag Day Web Site
NRCS State Offices

Jim Greenwood, Mike Fitzpatrick and Mack Gray
Pennsylvania Congressman Jim Greenwood, Bucks County Commissioner Mike Fitzpatrick and USDA's Deputy Under Secretary for Natural Resources and Environment Mack Gray discuss the Neshaminy Watershed Project in front of homeowner Chuck Horn's elevated house in Langhorne, PA.

Protecting Flood-Prone Houses

March 5, 2004—USDA-Natural Resources Conservation Service has provided $2.9 million to fund flood protection measures in the Neshaminy Creek Watershed in Bucks County, PA. USDA's Deputy Under Secretary for Natural Resources and Environment Mack Gray announced the funding at a recent event in front of homeowner Chuck Horn's elevated house in Langhorne, PA. Horn's home was raised 10 feet to protect it from floodwaters. Purchasing or elevating eligible buildings in the floodplain are among non-structural measures USDA-NRCS is using to protect homes and other buildings in the watershed. Other measures include flood proofing of businesses and homes and the implementation of a flood warning system.

NRCS Programs
News Release

New Conservation Planning Software Being Developed

egov logoMarch 3, 2004—NRCS and John Deere Ag Management Solutions announced a partnership to provide conservation planning software tools for producers and technical service providers. "Conservation Plug-In," which will be available late this fall, allows producers and technical service providers to record farm and field data, schedule conservation practices, report completion of practices and attach certification documentation. Electronic assistance for developing conservation plans also will be available with the new software.

News Release: "USDA Supports New Conservation Planning Software" (3/3/04)

USDA logo - USDA News Release News Release: New Electronic Customer Statement (3/3/04)

Customer Statement Information

USDA logo - USDA News Release News Release on USDA e-Gov Initiatives (1/12/04)

NRCS Information Technology Center

Agriculture Secretary Ann M. Veneman held a tele-news conference and webcast on National Agriculture Week and USDA's eGovernment Initiative. USDA's Chief Information Officer Scott Charbo joined Veneman as did USDA Chief Economist Keith Collins.  
Transcript Listen to Audio    

Video News Release - USDA's Chief Information Officer Scott Charbo on the benefits of Customer Statement

Now Available -- National Animal Agriculture Conservation Framework

cattleFeb. 27, 2004—In today's Federal Register, NRCS announces publication of the National Animal Agriculture Conservation Framework, which lays out a blueprint for meeting the environmental stewardship challenges facing animal agriculture over the next 10 to 15 years. The National Framework reflects input from state and basin area frameworks and comments received during the public review period conducted in September 2003. The National Framework is online (see link below) or in hard copy from Angel Figueroa, NRCS Animal Husbandry and Clean Water Programs Division, phone: 301-504-2225 or angel.figueroa@usda.gov.

adobe acrobat Federal Register notice of publication of the National Animal Agriculture Conservation Framework (2/27/04)

acrobat National Animal Agriculture Conservation Framework

Animal Feeding Operations Information

Virginia's First Dam Rehabilitation Project Begins

Congressman Virgil Goode; David Davis, Chairman, Henry County Board of Supervisors; Gerald Willis, Special Assistant to NRCS Chief Bruce Knight; Daphne Jamison, Chairman, Blue Ridge Soil and Water Conservation District, and M. Denise Doetzer, NRCS State Conservationist in Virginia.
Left to Right, Congressman Virgil Goode; David Davis, Chairman, Henry County Board of Supervisors; Gerald Willis, Special Assistant to NRCS Chief Bruce Knight; Daphne Jamison, Chairman, Blue Ridge Soil and Water Conservation District, and M. Denise Doetzer, NRCS State Conservationist in Virginia.

RIDGEWAY, Va., Feb. 25—Officials from Natural Resources Conservation Service and local sponsors of the Marrowbone Creek Watershed Project signed the project plan for NRCS in Virginia's first dam rehabilitation project at a recent ceremony on the creek's banks.

Speakers and other dignitaries who participated included Gerald Willis, Special Assistant to NRCS Chief Bruce Knight; M. Denise Doetzer, State Conservationist, NRCS in Virginia; and Congressman Virgil Goode. Representatives for the project sponsors—Henry County and Blue Ridge Soil and Water Conservation District—also participated.

Construction is expected to begin this spring and end in 2005 for Dam Number 1. The $2.7 million project will provide flood control benefits for residents of Ridgeway, Virginia. NRCS will provide 65 percent of the project's cost through the federal Dam Rehabilitation Program and the local sponsors will cover the remaining 35 percent.

Watershed Rehabilitation Program

Pennsylvania farm. NRCS image.USDA Provides $14 Million for Agricultural Management Assistance

Feb. 23, 2004—Agriculture Secretary Ann Veneman announced that $14 million is available for Agricultural Management Assistance (AMA) for fiscal year 2004. AMA funding will provide cost-share assistance to agricultural producers to address risk management concerns linked to water management, water quality and erosion control issues. AMA is available in 15 states where participation in the Federal Crop Insurance Program is historically low: Connecticut, Delaware, Maine, Maryland, Massachusetts, Nevada, New Hampshire, New Jersey, New York, Pennsylvania, Rhode Island, Utah, Vermont, West Virginia and Wyoming.

USDA USDA news release, "USDA Announces Funding for Agricultural Management Assistance" (2/23/04)

AMA information

NRCS Provides $150 Million for Wildfire Recovery in California

Timber retaining wall

Feb. 18, 2004 -- Agriculture Secretary Ann Veneman announced that $150 million in Emergency Watershed Protection Program (EWP) funding will help southern California wildfire recovery efforts and address the tree mortality emergency in Los Angeles, Riverside, San Diego, San Bernardino and Ventura counties. Rehabilitation efforts will provide sound erosion control measures that are economically and environmentally defensible.
Photo Caption: A timber retaining wall was designed by NRCS to prevent mud and debris flow

USDA News Release "USDA Provides $150 Million for Wildfire Recovery Efforts in California" (2/18/04)

California NRCS Wildfire Recovery Information

Emergency Watershed Protection Program (EWP)

NRCS Supports the National Association of Conservation Districts (NACD) 58th Annual Meeting

USDA Deputy Undersecretary Jim Moseley gives his speech, "Achieving Conservation Goals with Public/Private Sector Collaboration" on Tuesday, February 3rd."Coming Together to Care for Our Natural Resources" is the theme of NACD's Annual Meeting, being held February 1-5, 2004, on Hawaii's Big Island. NACD, an NRCS partner, promotes conservation through nearly 3,000 conservation districts nationwide. On Feb. 3, NRCS Chief Bruce Knight announced the availability of $3 million for conservation projects that benefit coral reefs. He also announced the new pilot Asian and Pacific Islander Scholarship Program and a similar pilot program for students at 1994 Tribal Land Grant Colleges.
Photo Caption: USDA Deputy Undersecretary Jim Moseley gives his speech, "Achieving Conservation Goals with Public/Private Sector Collaboration" on Tuesday, February 3rd.  

Photos: NRCS Chief Bruce Knight's tour of environmental projects on the Big Island
February 3, 2004, Remarks at the NACD Meeting by Bruce I. Knight, Chief, NRCS, "More, Faster, Better: The Path to Resource Driven and Locally Led Conservation -- The 21st Century NRCS"

News Release: USDA Provides $3 Million for Conservation Projects that Benefit Coral Reefs (Feb. 3, 2004)
News Release: USDA Announces New Minority Scholarship Programs (Feb. 3, 2004)

NACD Web Site
Listing of Conservation Districts

Power point NACD and NRCS: A Partnership for Conservation (this Power Point presentation is 17.2 MB)

Under Secretary for Natural Resources for Environment Mark Rey interviewed at Society for Range Management Conference. NRCS image by Ron Francis.$1.5 Billion for NRCS Voluntary Conservation Programs in FY 2004

Jan. 28, 2004- USDA announced the release of nearly $1.5 billion in funding for conservation programs on working lands this fiscal year. The FY 2004 allocations to states include $1.2 billion in financial assistance and $305 million for technical assistance for NRCS Farm Bill programs and other activities. At least $30 million of the technical assistance funds will be used for technical service providers. A table of the funding by conservation program is in the news release.

news release: USDA Announces Release of $1.5 Billion for Voluntary Conservation Programs in FY 2004 (Jan. 28, 2004)

As part of her survival training, Casey Schroeder, an NRCS soil scientist in Alaska, digs out the snow cave where she plans to spend the night. NRCS image.

Measuring Moisture at NRCS' Annual Snow Survey School

Jan. 13, 2004—Snow surveyors, mostly from 12 western states and Alaska, studied snow sampling combined with survival at the West-Wide Snow Survey Training School at Mount Bachelor Village in Oregon Jan. 4-9. Students learned skills such as sampling, avalanche recognition, and outdoor emergency care—and slept overnight in a snow cave they constructed. Students included NRCS employees, cooperators, and representatives from state and other federal agencies. Snow surveyors measure mountain snowpack and forecast seasonal runoff in streams and rivers. NRCS, working with state and other federal agencies, conducts snow surveys in 12 western states and Alaska.


CSP logoUSDA Holds 10 National Listening Sessions on the Conservation Security Program

Jan. 9, 2004—USDA-NRCS is holding 10 national listening sessions on the Conservation Security Program (CSP) to gain feedback on a proposed rule to implement the program. The CSP proposed rule was published in the Federal Register on Jan. 2, 2004; comments are due by March 2, 2004. The listening sessions will be held:

Jan. 13, Tempe, Arizona
Jan. 13, Roanoke, Virginia
Jan. 21, Kerrville, Texas
Jan. 27, Spokane, Washington
Feb. 10, Lansing, Michigan
Feb. 11, Ft. Pierce, Florida
Feb. 11, Des Moines, Iowa
Feb. 11, Augusta, Maine
Feb. 11, Greenwood, Mississippi
Feb. 26, Madison, Wisconsin


This item requires RealPlayer:
Real Player Video News Release: CSP Listening Sessions (2 minutes)

USDA USDA News Release, "USDA to Hold 10 National Public Listening Sessions on the Conservation Security Program" (Jan. 9, 2004)

USDAVeneman Announces Proposed Rule for the Conservation Security Program

CSP Listening Sessions detailed information
Proposed Rule (published in the Federal Register 1/2/04)
CSP Program Information

Adobe Acrobat DocumentProposed Rule (published in the Federal Register 1/2/04)
Adobe Acrobat DocumentSummary of Proposed Rule
Adobe Acrobat DocumentCSP Fact Sheet
Adboe Acrobat DocumentQuestions & Answers

These items require RealPlayer:
RealPlayer MediaWebcast of Agriculture Secretary Ann M. Veneman and other USDA officials hosting a tele-news conference.
RealPlayer MediaWebcast of NRCS Chief Bruce Knight hosting briefing.

Transcript of Secretary Veneman's Tele-News Conference Update on Environmental Issues, announcing CSP

Farm Bill Conservation Programs

montage of tractors, corn and wheatUSDA and DOE Seek Proposals for Joint Biomass Research and Development Projects

USDA's Natural Resources Conservation Service and Department of Energy (DOE) announced the availability of about $22 million to fund biomass research, development and demonstration projects. USDA and DOE will provide financial assistance for project proposals that will convert biomass into biobased products, fuels and energy.

Biomass is defined as organic matter that is available on a renewable or recurring basis.

Registration forms are due January 16, 2004 and a pre-application is due January 30, 2004. Only those that passed the pre-application phase will be asked to submit a full application. Failure to submit a registration form will not affect the eligibility of an application.

The announcement, entitled "Biomass Research and Development," was issued December 24, 2003 by DOE. The specific announcement number is DE-PS36-04GO94002.

Biomass Research and Development Solicitation
USDA Biobased Products and Bioenergy Coordination Council

NRCS Seminars on Environmental Credit Trading—Open to the Public

A wetland.

The NRCS Science and Technology Consortium is sponsoring a series of seminars on Environmental Credit Trading. These open sessions feature discussion on key issues to help identify potential opportunities that may exist for USDA involvement in environmental credit trading. A series of discussion panels provide private entity experiences with credit trading markets. Each forum focuses on one case study and presents lessons learned from experienced practitioners.

  • Feb. 11, 2004, 9:00am-12:00pm, USDA Forest Service, The Yates Building, Second Floor Training Room, 201 14h Street SW (corner of 14th Street and Independence Avenue, next to Holocaust Museum), Washington, D.C.
  • Dec. 16, 2003, 10:30am-11:30am, Room 107A: Winrock International-Carbon Credit Trading
  • Nov. 20, 2003, 10:30am-11:30am, Room 107A: Iowa Farm Bureau Wetlands Banking
  • Oct. 23, 2003, 10:30am-11:30am, Room 108A: Tar Pamlico Nutrient Credit Trading Case Study
  • Oct. 10, 2003, 10:30am-11:30am, Room 107A: Pacific Northwest Direct Seeding Operation-Carbon Credit Trading


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