Research Currents



About the Department
Research & Publications

Research Currents is published by the Department of Agricultural and Resource Economics at The University of Arizona

Department Head
Dennis C. Cory

Shoshana Mayden

Technical Editor
Nancy Bannister

Information in this report becomes public property upon publication and may be reprinted, provided no commercial endorsement is implied. Please credit authors, photographers, the publication, and The University of Arizona. Any products, services, or organizations mentioned, shown, or indirectly implied in this publication do not imply endorsement by the University.


Cover of Research CurrentsAREC is pleased to bring you the inaugural issue of Research Currents. We have selected topics that we hope will be informative and pertinent to a large cross-section of individuals in the agribusiness, community development, and natural resource communities within Arizona.


Arizona Agriculture
A Look Ahead

Crop Insurance
The Future Cornerstone of U.S. Agricultural Policy?

The Challenge of Setting Crop Insurance Rates

Land Exchange
Managing Rural Development and the Environment

Endangered Species
Who Should Pay for Habitat Takings?

Friend or Foe?
Cross-border Trade in Arizona and Sonora

Rural Tourism
Visitor Surveys Help Communities Plan

Niche Markets for Rural Tourism Development

In Memory of Julie Leones



© 2007 Dept. of Agricultural & Resource Economics, The University of Arizona
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Last updated August 17, 1999
Document located at