A Statewide Partnership of Government, Industry, Academia, and Environmental Organizations

  Joint Forum on Bioenergy Sustainability
and Lifecycle Analysis

Forum Transcripts Now Available


Welcome to the California Biomass Collaborative, a statewide collaboration of government, industry, environmental groups, and educational institutions administered for the state by the University of California, Davis. Sponsored by the California Energy Commission and other agency and industry partners, the Collaborative works to enhance the sustainable management and development of biomass in California for the production of renewable energy, biofuels, and products. A list of the Collaborative's sponsors may be viewed here.

The Collaborative realizes its mission through statewide coordination with government and industry; resource inventory and generation assessment; facility performance reporting and evaluations; technology research, development, demonstration, and deployment; the study of policy issues and implications; developing standards; research management; education and training; and extension and public outreach.

A Preliminary Roadmap for Biomass Development in California has been prepared, and implementation planning is now in progress.



California Biomass Collaborative
Department of Biological & Agricultural Engineering
University of California
One Shields Avenue
Davis, CA 95616

Email: biomass@ucdavis.edu
Phone: 530-752-1421; Fax: 530-752-2640


California Biomass Collaborative, Department of Biological and Agricultural Engineering, University of California, One Shields Ave., Davis, CA 95616-5924
Phone: (530) 752-1421; Fax: (530) 752-2640; Email: biomass@ucdavis.edu
Your feedback is appreciated. Site copyright the Regents of the University of California